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Everything posted by Schism487

  1. Schism487

    Do's and Don't's when making your first WAD

    Controversial here, and already more or less said, but: Publish a map Get some feed back on that "trash" map you were thinking about throwing away. When you learn from your mistakes, and make legendary 32-map megawads later on, nobody is going to care that you uploaded a 6-square room map years ago. Popping your cherry and getting a map out there will relieve a lot of anxiety you might have, and will allow other Doomers to find things you're doing wrong you might not have even realized.
  2. Schism487

    Monster you find the hardest/easiest to use effectively?

    Hardest (outside of boss-type enemies, they're a pain to implement in new and effective ways for everyone) would have to be the Mancubus. It's so hard to find places where they'd fit thematically, and where a Revenant or HK wouldn't accomplish the same task. I never seem to be able to find a place for the Mancubi. Easiest would be Imps. I stuff them everywhere. No need to worry about their dropped ammo being retrievable, they don't present that much of a threat, and they fit in with any theme.
  3. Schism487

    So how would you pick up a Soul Sphere IRL?

    Touch it, probably place my hand over it. I wonder what long-term effects things like Soulspheres would have. Immune to cancer? Never have to eat?