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About DoomBoi

  • Rank
    doom nukem combat evolved: alyx

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  1. nvm, forgot to add in the lump markers start and end
  2. I'm trying to code in this tree, right, and when I open up the map, it keeps looking for a TRE3A when I have a TRE3A0. And it thinks I'm missing resources. Am I missing something here? ACTOR LimboTree 100 { Game Doom Radius 16 Height 56 ProjectilePassHeight -16 +SOLID States { Spawn: TRE3 A -1 Stop } } I'm still super new to DooM coding so it's totally possible I missed something, haha.
  3. DoomBoi


    Yeah, you’re right. I was more-so entertaining the thought than trying to fear monger and I’m sorry if that came across like that. I was mainly speaking from my experience in unlucky circumstances in communities where a shitty YouTuber made me and many others lose interest in a game, such as Metal Gear Rising or Devil May Cry, because this YouTuber’s fandom made so many elements of those two games uninteresting. That doesn’t mean I’m right and you’re wrong, no, I’m trying to say I speak from a different perspective is all :)
  4. DoomBoi

    Anyone willing to recommend some DooM WADs?

    Haha, I don't see why not. I enjoy playing WADs made by smaller doom mappers.
  5. DoomBoi

    Anyone willing to recommend some DooM WADs?

    Ooh, this WAD looks fun. Looks a little slaughtermappy. Sure, why not
  6. DoomBoi

    Anyone willing to recommend some DooM WADs?

    LOL I played this WAD, it's fuckin funny. I love the 40 barrel super shotgun it's so absurd
  7. DoomBoi

    Anyone willing to recommend some DooM WADs?

    This pirate DooM thing also looks awesome. Gotta try it for sure!
  8. DoomBoi

    Anyone willing to recommend some DooM WADs?

    Awesome, thank you for the help. I just tried looking myself as well, but I found the same. Will also be sure to check out Demonfear, after looking into it, it seems to be a big part of the DooM mapping community so I'm sure it'll be an interesting experience :)
  9. DoomBoi

    Anyone willing to recommend some DooM WADs?

    Quick question about both EPIC wads. Do they both go off of the DOOM II Iwad and are they alright with freelook and/or other mods such as SmoothDoom? I understand that I CAN use freelook but I'd prefer to play the way the wad creator intended which could be no freelook
  10. DoomBoi

    Anyone willing to recommend some DooM WADs?

    Haha, that's a hell of a plot twist
  11. DoomBoi

    Anyone willing to recommend some DooM WADs?

    Thanks, guys. I know I wasn't very specific in my request but I'm thankful to see you guys delivered. I'll be sure to give these a try :)
  12. I'm still new to DOOMWORLD (been around since 2019 but very, very, verrrry inactive) and my selection of WADs have been running dry. Need something to spice things up. Would love recommendations, please! :)
  13. DoomBoi


    Give it a try, man. It's awesome, and has more to it than you may see at its surface value. THere's a journal that comes with it that essentially is a how-to on the game, and you even get special messages for trying to use IDDQD, Noclip, IDKFA, IDMUS, and other stuff. It reminded me a ton of Hideo Kojima's P.T., a game which was very specific like a puzzle. Without spoils, it's great. Appreciate WADs like this, my friend. They're not one in a dozen, that's for sure. :)
  14. DoomBoi


    I 1000% believe it will, dude. My only problem with the existence OF this WAD is, like someone above has said, is that it could become something much more obscure and accidentally fall into the pit of being used as clickbait by kids content creators. It has the elements that these creators desire from horror to appropriate it and desensitize it for kids. Liminal spaces. Blood. Funny easter eggs. Kids play area. Jumpscares. Shifting world. Funny looking monsters. And if these creators begin with MyHouse, they could keep going onto the rest of the classic DooM community. List goes on. I could be overthinking it, though, and I totally do hope I am overthinking it. Last thing I wanna see of this amazing WAD is for it to be muddled with by kids content creators hoping to make a stack from YouTube.
  15. DoomBoi

    How Bad Is The Doom Subreddit?

    Terrible. It's a cesspool of dislikable memes and one of their rules is no low effort posts when that's all of their posts.