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Status Updates posted by Xaser

  1. CSS. Short for "Can't Stand this Shit". Alternatively, "Coding Stuff with Satan."


    [And I'm doing it on purpose.]

    1. AD_79


      Code in Satan's Service

    2. Dragonfly


      @Xaser - Can I help at all? I'm reasonably proficient in CSS (It's my job after all!)

      If you're having struggles, drop me a PM, I'd be more than happy to help! :)

    3. Xaser


      @Dragonfly Thanks for the offer! I may need a helping hand in the future for some stuff (no guarantees/promises/etc), so perhaps o:


      [The goofy truth is I've secretly got a handle on things -- Web development has rather serendipitously become my day job as well, hence my not-actually-begrudging-but-jokingly-so service on said front. :P ]

  2. I sure hope nobody actually reads my blog posts. 'Cause that would suck. :(

    Be sure and laugh though. Fifty billion times.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Scuba Steve

      Scuba Steve

      AndrewB said:

      Xaser, I wasted last weekend playing your WAD. I would greatly appreciate it if you would create something as creative as what I played over the past few days.

      No need to thank me, I just modified your post to sound less pretentious!

    3. AndrewB


      But you changed the meaning in the sense that you diminished the key areas of emphasis.

    4. Scuba Steve
  3. Heh. There's something different about this post. The first person to guess what it is wins a cookie!

    1. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      sig. Where's my cookie?

    2. Gokuma


      Nothing different from what I've always done.

  4. I love having polls in blogs now I can make spam polls.

  5. Yep, as of today (October 19, 2003), I am now 15 years old. Yipee! Well, I'm a little over excited, I guess, but hey, it's only one more year before I can get my driver's license! Anyway, where's my cake?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Job
    3. Grazza


      It's nice to see that no one has shown sufficiently poor taste to link to http://www.doomworld.com/gbd2/misc/cake2.gif.

    4. Xaser


      Grazza said:

      It's nice to see that no one has shown sufficiently poor taste to link to http://www.doomworld.com/gbd2/misc/cake2.gif.

      Heh. I wouldn't eat that cake to save my life.

  6. Hmm, just realised that in the Zdoom forums, I now have over 250 posts. I wish that the postcount would be ported over to these forums, so I can get a custom avatar. Oh, well. Like that's ever gonna happen.

    1. beezee88


      why can't you have, like, a total world post count?
      exponentials required maybe...

    2. Ultraviolet


      Oh shut up. You have a custom title and avatar on the ZDoom forums already. It's not really all that special. I was at about 500 posts before I even bothered to HAVE an avatar AT ALL on these forums.

    3. The Ultimate DooMer
    1. Zell


      omg i actually fell for it. XD

    2. beezee88


      heh, it got kind of addictive until I realised I opened 50 copies of iexplore.exe. I GOTTA start using Opera again...

    3. The Ultimate DooMer
  7. I tried to go to the Zdoom website to check the forums, but instead of typing www.zdoom.org, I accidentally typed in www/zdpp,/pr[.

    Heh. Just thought it was funny.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ultraviolet


      Bloodshedder said:

      <day-o p.annf ,.cpe co ,d.b frg ajjce.byannf o,cyjd yr Ekrpat mre. abe oyapy yflcbi a ,drn. xgbjd ru oyguu abe erb-y p.anc;. cyv C odrgne p.annf hgoy ygpb ydco t.fxrape odrpyjgy ruuv

      I tried transposing my hands in various positions to try and translate that, but to no avail.

    3. Bloodshedder


      Cy-o jago.e xf o,cyjdcbi yr yd. ekrpat nafrgy cb PYF go.pv Cy-o p.annf 'gcy. oypabi.v C tbr, nam.by jab ucigp. cy rgy cb dco d.aev D.-o erb. cy rb CPJ x.urp.v

    4. AndrewB


      Do I detect Dvoraker undertones?

  8. What am I doing? I spend all of my time on the computer, except for eat/sleep/bathroom, and lately, the only thing i've done is mess around on these forums. Don't I have a life? I can do almost anything I want, yet I always come back here. Ever since I got doom, it has completely taken over my life. I can think of nothing else. I seriously need to pull myself together and GET A LIFE!!!

    Oh, well. I'm off to the Zdoom Forums! :)

    1. Chopkinsca


      The doom has you..

      oops, I mean matrix, and your addiction is a glitch.

      Yeah, lucky that I remember my matrix nonsense.

  9. What the hell is a blog? I've never heard of the word before.

    1. Grazza


      I believe it is short for weblog. Just a place to post stuff about what you're doing, plans, idle thoughts, pieces of writing, etc.

    2. Xaser


      Grazza said:

      I believe it is short for weblog. Just a place to post stuff about what you're doing, plans, idle thoughts, pieces of writing, etc.

      Yes, but since they all show up in this forum, everyone else will be able to read them. Well, i guess that's the point, then.

    3. Lüt