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Everything posted by Steve88

  1. So I made one of those speed map things, Map Name: Fortress of Hate Author: Steve88 Music: Rogue Prophets By Jimmy Sky: CSKY015 From SkyTexturesPack.wad, not sure the author :( Port Designed For/ Tested: GZDOOM, though it will play in limit removing but without music and the new sky. Multiplayer: Coop Start Difficulties: implemented, may need balancing. Jumping & crouching: disabled Dev Time: 8 hrs, may have overshot it like 10-15 mins to deal with some bugs so that the map can be completed Gimmicks attempted: Re-Imagination of E4M2 "Perfect Hatred" , Puzzle element, exit visible from start, Ode to Fireblue Author Comments: Its very heavily inspired by perfect hatred, it basically copies the progression and has a some very similar areas, but its definitely a unique in its own ways. It might have balance issues, i have not had enough time to play test it enough. DOWNLOAD HERE File Includes Texture Pack needed UPDATED VERSION GET IT HERE==>FortressOfHateV1.2.zip Original Submission kept for posterity ==> FortressOfHateV1.0.zip OLD VERSION!!! HAS BUGS! As always Feedback is Appreciated
  2. @Clippy @DynamiteKaitorn sounds like some minor bug fixes go for it, just edit the original post, and add the updated version like you guys are planning. Again tho leave a copy of the originals submission as well if you can.
  3. @Soulless & @Austinado Did a play through of your maps :) I enjoyed them both thoroughly. I am going to spoiler the comments and video in case anyone wants an unbiased playthrough
  4. @TravyB its fine, do it how you would normally as far as adding music with D_RUNNIN, and i will copy it over to the compilation wad. If you are concerned, you can make a backup copy of the map file before editing in slade3, its a good idea to do that regardless because like you said its easy to mess stuff up.
  5. @Austinado you can make that change about the bars speed that is not a problem. The only changes i would be concerned with would be someone adding more areas or making a large architectural change. I would think bars not moving fast enough is a bug, so feel free to make a bug fix like that. Its all good :) @DynamiteKaitorn you can get free, relatively easy to use software to record your computer screen. I just downloaded it and have been figuring it out on the fly, even with out a mic you can record and add it on you tube or you can make demos old school style. You would still need a mic for audio commentary, the game sounds will record though even if you don't have a mic. https://obsproject.com/ <== Free open source recording soft @Kizoky I am fine with Zscript stuff, but I'll be honest, i am relatively inexperienced with compilation of wads using zscript, the only thing i sort of know is mapinfo. If you are willing to help teach me or compile it for the project I am totally fine with it. I've seen it before in other speed maps, one of the judges on this altered some archviles in a speed map in a cheeky and entertaining way that made it a blast. So again if you can help me with compiling it i am all for it!
  6. @Austinado no worries man we are pretty relaxed here😎 @TravyB would you do me a favor and add the link to the updated map to your original map posting as well.
  7. @Austinado yeah that's no problem, I OK with people fixing little things like texture miss alignments, minor balance changes, or fixing other bugs, just edit your post and link the latest version, it would be good to have a version number with the file if you make changes. Try to avoid doing anything significant though.
  8. @DynamiteKaitorn & @TravyB Did a play through of your maps :) they are on the same video: The first one is of PanDYNAmonium and Barrels of Whoop Ass starts at 10:50
  9. @Austinado haha do not worry, we will not stress if you went over a little bit. I'll give it a play through later today if I have time :) Glad to see you participate.
  10. @Austinado Yes, you must do at minimum one gimmick, but i would encourage everyone to do more than one. Personally, i am working on a map that uses the exit visible from start + id level re-imagined, I also might add in some fireblu flair as well.
  11. @Austinado You should definitely make one! I am sure a lot of us would be excited to see what you cook up :)
  12. @Clippy Playthrough of Your map :), i played through it 3 times before i got it recorded correctly XD Obviously this has a few spoilers, so don't watch it if you want the surprises.
  13. @TravyB Is there a download link for your map? I seem to have trouble locating it :P
  14. @Horus You can do some other gimmicks.... or you could use all that barrel experience to make the ULTIMATE BARELLPOLALOOZA! :P
  15. Steve88

    MAYhem: 2020 Edition - On Idgames!

    I'll see if I can crank out a map in time
  16. Did another UV play through of Bejogomi's map "the world behind your chair" It opens with a far off shot of what looks like some giant space flower. I found myself immediately drawn to it like a bee searching for sweet sweet nectar. The level was difficult mostly in the way that its small platforms did not offer much in the way of movement. Ammo is not a problem assuming you find the weapons before making the climb to the exit. The music was odd, but oddly calming. In a way it helped me make it through all frustrating falls, i had to quick save a lot on this one else i would lose my sanity from falling so often. Good Stuff!
  17. Ok Did a UV play test of Dabu's map Prickled! - I acutally played through this twice... the first play throught didn't get recorded correctly. Thoughts... What am unsettling place to be, the layout and texture choices on this map are grotesque and unnerving, it feels like nails on a chalkboard in wad format. I mean that in the best possible way because I love how strange and trippy this level is! Navigating this perplexing level was difficult not only due to the surreal and irregular nature of the design, but also due to the need frugally use every morsel of ammunition available, this is especially true at the start. The ammo you need is there, but there is almost no extra. The player has to carefully consider what weapon they are using and be sure it is the right weapon the for the encounter. The tight corridors make rocket use deadly in many cases, however the shells/bullet/cell ammo are in short supply forcing the player to use rockets whenever it is reasonable. The traps in this map are just as unsettling the rest of it, great use of surprise in the orange/yellow elevator trap, and the seeming endless imp onslaught. That one was really unexpected after going through that room once already. The music was very fitting as well for this level, it was also little off in all the right ways. Saving often was critical for me to complete this level, it would have been impossible for me otherwise. I did not see any major errors, other that the one zombie man that gets stuck on a wall. no missing or misaligned textures from what i can see, but with such strange textures i am not sure i would have even noticed. Great map Dobu! Play-Through below
  18. Post to let everyone know a compiled version of the wad is up in the original post, if you notice any errors please let me know :)
  19. @yakfak@dobu gabu maru Is there a listing of current mapper/slot/map name yet? I looked through the post a bit to see if i could find it but didn't see it, i am pretty blind though.... Also, i loaded map02 up with the alpha version and the resources+alpha version seem to be a lot of missing textures, i checked map03 and it seemed to be fine.
  20. @Clippy Here's a Play through, fun map with 90s aesthetics. Thanks for Sharing bud!
  21. @Clippy check it out this afternoon guy, maybe do a video if I have time.
  22. @ViolentBeetle I am sorry VB :( I recorded it earlier this week, but i forgot to upload it XD Had a lot of fun playing through it.
  23. I'm having difficulty downloading the resource pack :/ It tried the first map on the list to test it and everything looks like a bizzare mess of vanilla textures :? so i am assuming i need the resource pack to have display normally. When i click the link it just takes me to a random site with nothing to download.