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About Spenkie

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  1. Alright, let me just clarify that I am completely new to modding doom, but I thought it would be funny if I replaced the sprites of the Cacodemon with the face of some random guy for a shitpost mod. I think I'm supposed to use Inheritance, but it's not exactly working. To clarify, I am using Zscript and I copy-pasted and tweaked this code from this site:https://github.com/ZDoom/gzdoom/blob/master/wadsrc/static/zscript/actors/doom/cacodemon.zs //=========================================================================== // // Cacodemon // //=========================================================================== class MyCacodemon : Cacodemon { Default { Health 400; Radius 31; Height 56; Mass 400; Speed 8; PainChance 128; Monster; +FLOAT +NOGRAVITY SeeSound "caco/sight"; PainSound "caco/pain"; DeathSound "caco/death"; ActiveSound "caco/active"; Obituary "$OB_CACO"; HitObituary "$OB_CACOHIT"; Tag "$FN_CACO"; } States { Spawn: HEAD A 10 A_Look; Loop; See: HEAD A 3 A_Chase; Loop; Missile: HEAD B 5 A_FaceTarget; HEAD C 5 A_FaceTarget; HEAD D 5 BRIGHT A_HeadAttack; Goto See; Pain: HEAD E 3; HEAD E 3 A_Pain; HEAD F 6; Goto See; Death: HEAD G 8; HEAD H 8 A_Scream; HEAD I 8; HEAD J 8; HEAD K 8 A_NoBlocking; HEAD L -1 A_SetFloorClip; Stop; Raise: HEAD L 8 A_UnSetFloorClip; HEAD KJIHG 8; Goto See; } } //=========================================================================== // // Cacodemon plasma ball // //=========================================================================== class MyCacodemon : Cacodemon { Default { Radius 6; Height 8; Speed 10; FastSpeed 20; Damage 5; Projectile; +RANDOMIZE +ZDOOMTRANS RenderStyle "Add"; Alpha 1; SeeSound "caco/attack"; DeathSound "caco/shotx"; } States { Spawn: BAL2 AB 4 BRIGHT; Loop; Death: BAL2 CDE 6 BRIGHT; Stop; } } //=========================================================================== // // Code (must be attached to Actor) // //=========================================================================== extend class Actor { void A_HeadAttack() { let targ = target; if (targ) { if (CheckMeleeRange()) { int damage = random[pr_headattack](1, 6) * 10; A_StartSound (AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON); int newdam = target.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, "Melee"); targ.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self); } else { // launch a missile SpawnMissile (targ, "CacodemonBall"); } } } } I just want to use my custom sprites instead of a regular Cacodemon. I don't want to change anything else but the Cacodemon and I don't understand why it won't work. I'm doing this using SLADE, if that's any help.
  2. Spenkie

    WAD has no texture anymore

    Yeah so I commented out all the ones that had "Actor (...) replaces (...) in /actors/monsters/ and /actors/weapons/ and that's it. Also try to keep the Diabolist in the WAD and check the Error tab, it's really weird. I checked the code for the Agathodemon and it doesn't even look like there's a connection between the two? I just find it weird. At least the WAD is now a bit more "playable", what with the custom monsters/weapons being replaced by other mods like normal. If you can't find a solution then that's fine to me. It's just a bit of an eyesore, but as far as I know the WAD is still playable, so I don't really care either way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Just try it out for yourself and let me know what happened if you can. Edit: Just noticed that you also get an error when you comment out the /actors/keys/, but not when you comment out something else like /actors/AmmoPickups/ or /actors/HealthArmorPowerups/. If you got the time, then I would appreciate it if you checked that out too.
  3. Spenkie

    WAD has no texture anymore

    Let me just state right away that this did work splendidly, so thanks for your help. The textures loaded perfectly and the monsters are back to their old vanilla selfs again. The weapons too are getting correctly converted when I load gameplay mods (or at least, the ones I tested.) But I still have a few kinks I want to work out: 1. Some enemies are loading perfectly, but the zombieman doesn't, weirdly enough? Or at least it doesn't in the first level, but in the bonus maps they are spawned at random. Like I see an exclamation mark at one place where I know a zombieman is supposed to stand and I turn the corner and then there are four in a row just chilling :/. And it isn't even 100% random which will spawn and which won't spawn, I can point to the ones I know won't spawn and which will spawn. I just saw those exlamation marks like you said, but I didn't do anything special with its code that I also didn't do to the rest, which are loading correctly. So that's why I'm a bit puzzled. I think the same also goes for the cyberdemon, but I didn't check every level so it might be okay in other levels, I don't know. 2. I also kept some of the original monsters, but when I try to keep the "Diabolist" (which shares a lot of code with the Arch-Vile I think?) it won't even load. Says that it "tried to define class: DiabolistFire" and things like that, but it also gives me problems with the "Agathodemon" all of a sudden? Like, I try to load 1 custom monster and it starts giving trouble with 2 different monsters?? Yeah, that last part is the weirdest part. 3. Not so much a problem as a question, but if I want to convert the sprites of new monsters back to their vanilla counterparts, do I just go to sprites/monsters and start deleting folders? Again, thanks for the help, I really made some progress and I can't thank you enough.
  4. Spenkie

    WAD has no texture anymore

    Alright so basically I only deleted the codes with "Actor replaces: (original thing, like monster or weapon). Saved it, tried to extract it, because Slade turned it into a .zip. I tried it with bot WinRar and 7zip, but I get the same message: The system cannot find the path specified. I'm guessing it's hinting to a bunch of textures in the original wad that don't have a specified folder in Slade, because I have to manually make a "textures" folder to even run the modified mod, but then I get the whole "textures are missing" deal when I start my modified version. Btw, tried to upload the mods, both original and my modified one in my comment, but its too big apparently :/ . So I'll just have to answer everything as detailed as possible if that's alright.
  5. Spenkie

    WAD has no texture anymore

    No, I don't think so. I unzip the edited wad, make a new folder for the textures (for some reason, it can't make it on its own) and then I load the wad, but with no textures present. Also, the textures folder has to be manually made or else I get an error, so I kind of suspect that the problem lies there.
  6. Spenkie

    WAD has no texture anymore

    Whoops my bad. Here is the link for the doom mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/paradise . I also always unzip my wads with winrar and it has never given me any issues, but I guess I can give 7zip a try.
  7. Spenkie

    WAD has no texture anymore

    Hi guys, So basically I'm completely new to Doom modding, but I tried to delete the custom weapons and enemies in the Paradise mod because it wasn't 'compatible' with other weapon mods, like GMOTA or Trailblazer. I also didn't want to keep the customized enemies of Paradise (again, because of GMOTA). So I downloaded Slade and deleted the files where the demons get replaced by their updated variants, but when I start the mod the textures won't load. Winrar says that the "Access is denied" for the texture pack. How fucked am I? Should I just stop trying to make this work? Thanks in advance.
  8. Spenkie

    Official Tutorial Request Thread

    I'd like to know how to name a custom sprite in Slade and then use that name to replace vanilla weapons
  9. Spenkie

    Overwatch Doommod help thread

    I tried to do this via the links you gave me (thanks by the way), but l can't get it to pick up the custom sprite off the ground. l kinda just float through it. Any tips on how to do this?
  10. So recently I downloaded an interesting little Doom mod by the name of OverDoom. If you don't know what this is, there's a video to a full-fledged trailer somewhere on YouTube but basically it's just regular Doom with the weaponpack of different Overwatch characters. It really is a bunch of fun and the spritework is really nice to look at in my opinion, but it feels like it has it's own fair share of problems. Now these aren't really groundbreaking bugs, but it still bothers me just a bit. A few complaints I have are: - You can't get the modded weapons in-game, you literally have to type a command in the console to get all the weapons. When you download the mod (I got mine from ModDB) the description gives you the command to get the weapons. This means the author knew this problem exists, but he/she either didn't care or didn't know how to fix it, which can be quite annoying. - When you pick up weapons in the game, they're still Vanilla, both when you see them on the ground and when you pick them up and use them. So you basically have both the modded weapons and the original ones. Scrolling through them becomes a little tedious after a while because it takes so damn long. - The BFG in this mod is replaced by the Meka, which is pretty awesome, but once you enter it, you can't leave the suit until you either exit the level or die, after which you just get kicked out of it. It also says it's got 200 ammo, but it's actually unlimited. - I've had some instances where when I summon the lootbox via command, it's missing some items, like the ninja stars. Again, it's not like my whole experience is ruined, but I feel that if these problems were fixed, you'd actually have a top-tier mod that's maybe even worthy of a Cacoward or something like that. The only problem is that I have zero experience with modding or anything like that and l don't know where l could learn it either. So my question to you is: Would you like to fix this mod or if you don't feel like it, could you show me how you learned to mod yourself, like maybe a website or something similar? I'd gladly accept either. Sorry if l rambled for too long but thanks in advance.