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Everything posted by infurnus1

  1. infurnus1

    Videogame character deathmatch question

    This thread sure is a winner, I tell you what.
  2. infurnus1

    The /newstuff Chronicles #377

    I'm sorry but I just can't take you seriously any more.
  3. infurnus1

    OK, this has got to stop!

    And we're not?
  4. infurnus1

    OK, this has got to stop!

    Is that who I think it is?
  5. infurnus1

    Stronghold v1.0 released

    I wasn't demanding anything other than: Okay- ..wait, what?
  6. infurnus1

    Stronghold v1.0 released

    Well, I was responding to this: I was just asking if you really felt it was subpar, or if it was just a figure of speech. I understand that, and don't have an issue with it. However, I do have an issue with this part of your post: I can live with it. But I am not asserting any sort of superiority or acting like you're my employee. All I said was that you react a bit strongly, harshly at times, to criticism and such. You have also reacted a bit strongly to me, right in that quote for example. I'll rephrase I guess, your stronger comments stir up drama (some of the things Graf mentioned above in passing, for example I guess), and I'm kindly asking you to stop that. I'm not asking you to stop saying anything or communicating, it's just that it does more harm than good to be on the ball about all the criticism. I did read his post, and I agree with his points. I think people are using terms like "lazy" more as an umbrella term for the concern of the alleged 7 year development, I know that nobody sat down and started cranking out maps for 7 years straight with no sleep, food, job, etc. I think some of the recent strong language from the critics is warranted(to them, not to me) for this reason, as well as others, due to the reactions to the early criticism basically being "We'll fix that in the next version", only to get the same basic response upon release of the next version. Repeat until the "final release". Basically, I'm saying that you're only fueling the fire with some of your remarks. That's all.
  7. infurnus1

    Stronghold v1.0 released

    Allow me to clarify: [stuff] Dear Doomworld: I just want to publicly state that the views and opinions expressed in the posts responding to my posts and/or commentaries are solely of the individuals and are not the views of myself, affiliates, or subsidiary groups. Thank you.
  8. infurnus1

    Stronghold v1.0 released

    People criticise lazy copying and pasting because they're jealous of how good the copy/paste mappers are... what? This does not follow. It's okay to simply disagree with criticism, but saying that anyone who criticises over it is just "jealous" is patently false. I'm just talking about your thoughts on the criticism though, not about your commentary on Stronghold itself. I personally didn't find it offputting, but it was noticable to me in the first half hour of playing. And I assume it would be noticable to anyone who had seen the maps for anywhere between 1-7 years, so it's understandable to me why the issue was brought up.
  9. infurnus1

    Stronghold v1.0 released

    So you agree that the map in question was subpar? You must have misunderstood me. Allow me to clarify: You should stop your irrationally strong defense against the criticism. You yourself stated many times that it is "done" and will not change anything, the main issue I raised is the way you reacted to said criticism. Red herring here. You basically just repeated yourself using different words, but this time you included "Simply accept it." I strongly discourage arguments that ammount to "Infurnus can't accept basic logic therefore all other arguments from them are invalid". The thing you request I "accept" does not concern the issues I brought up, I will address it but I won't dignify that sentence with a serious response. Like I said in my other post, Stop saying what basically ammounts to "We just couldn't do A B C because of X Y Z" over and over. I understand what you're saying, but that is not the issue that concerns me. While Stronghold has issues and problems, I know that it's now "done" and you won't or can't do anything about it, and that is fact. Time, money, resources(coding,etc), you name it, I completely understand that. But the thing I'm talking about is your reactions. To clarify: I honestly believe you should stop taking such an overly defensive stance against the criticism. I think the saying goes "doth protest too much, methinks."
  10. infurnus1

    Stronghold v1.0 released

    Did I do that? Where did I refer to you? Directing "Did I do that?" towards me is a loaded question, because you were responding to my post, and my basic understanding was that the comment was addressed towards me. (Actually you only responded to part of my post, thanks for ignoring all the other issues I brought up though.) I didn't give "feedback" because it would have been redudant, everyone else stated all the issues I had found. By the time I actually had something non redundant to post, the ZDoom thread was locked. I'm referring to - Oh please. Have you been ignoring Esselfortium? And don't play the victim card, all I said was that the reason Stronghold is criticised is because of both you and the flaws in Stronghold. You can't just pop in here right after saying how you won't change X Y Z because Stronghold is "finished", then turn around and take a contrary argument and state "Everything is fixed, so again, what is your argument?" and other weasel words. Stop being a sanctimonious pissant and making pusillanimous petty arguments. There are real issues that have been addressed many times. Issues stated in the idgames reviews, and right in this thread. You are blatantly ignoring them and asking every individual who's caught on to this to re-announce a full list of errors/problems each time they bring it up, basically harassing people in an attempt to downplay their concerns, as a red herring argument. Ignoratio elenchi. Another red herring. It does not change the issues with any of the other copied and pasted elements.
  11. infurnus1

    Stronghold v1.0 released

    I never said that. Don't put words in my mouth and baselessly accuse me of being unfair. This is another reason why you are being criticised. You were "open to criticism", but that is no excuse for why you have ignored feedback on RC1 and RC2. You have recieved critique on many issues that needed to be fixed, yet you repeated the same set of excuses each time as to why you couldn't impliment any changes or fixes. You would repeat yourself over and over like a broken record, and ignore the actual issues and concerns that various individuals had raised. Broken record. Did you ever think that the fundimentals were flawed?
  12. infurnus1

    Stronghold v1.0 released

    I've developed a bit of a love/hate relationship with Stronghold. I like it for the aspects of it that are good, yet dislike the (blatant, to some) flaws that bring down the experience. I'm not going to say what exactly the problems I have with it are as this post would just be reudundant. Instead I'm going to address a more recent issue that I've seen cropping up. Some of (read: a lot of) the criticism and critique on Stronghold is, believe it or not, actually legitimate. The reason that it seems to be strongly worded, is because of the general attitude of Tormentor, as seen in this post for example: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=531583#p531583 Absolutely not, that's why we had 2 releasde candidates before the final release. There was enough time to pick up all the problems and bugs, but don't expect everything to be changed. We had a team of about 15 people incl. beta testers and that was actually the first opinion that counted. It's still "our" project, not a community effort. People have to live with some decisions, even though we always have been open for criticism. Tormentor then goes on to say: So, within the same post, he contradicts himself about why the changes/fixes aren't made, and basically says "You're free to make Stronghold DIY Edition". What. Shortly after Tormentor's post in the ZDoom thread, the thread ended up getting locked. I think it would be wise for Torm to concede here. There are people who don't like Stronghold, and not just because of the lack of effort put into an alleged "7 years of work" project, the copy/paste hallways, the linear and repetitive mediocre gameplay. They don't want to hate the latest big thing and be "hip" and "in". They also don't like it because of the attitude in response to the actual criticism and critique.
  13. infurnus1

    Razer Onza

    I dunno about this Onza thing. The Cyborg gamepad is probably the fanciest controller I'll ever buy. You can swap the d-pad and left analog stick on it. I wouldn't want to buy anything fancier just to get reprogrammable buttons, I'd get a better game that lets me change the button layout, since it's the 21st century and all. It's also $35 instead of $50. Just look for the newer Cyborg gamepad model, the one with the XBox home button and stuff, as there's a PC only one that goes for around $22.
  14. I think this is good practice for the OP, and a lot of the critique and advice given is pretty good so far. If I may make a few suggestions myself, you should use the stair builder tool to help build stairs to some areas that are higher/lower more than using it for other things. You can use it for non stair things, but as others have said, it's more of a crutch and doesn't really help detial the map, or improve your skills for that matter. Your rooms also don't seem to have a real purpose, as right now they're more or less a bunch of boxes connected together incoherently. Also, when making a Boom Compatible map, don't rely too much on mods like the ones I see in your screenshots to light up maps. Whenever anyone who doesn't have those mods plays your maps, they just see the sector lighting normally. In terms of "detail", I'd suggest taking a look at the Mapping Tips and Tricks thread
  15. People like Sigvatr would have a feild day with you, but I think you're acting more like a troll here. Learn to take criticism.
  16. infurnus1

    Elitism & Purism

    In the post you're referring to he said: What about the review seemed to be contrary to this?
  17. infurnus1

    32in24 10: Final version on page 5!

    Maybe this one could be used instead?
  18. infurnus1

    Next Project

    On my PC I get 15-40 fps average playing with the software renderer, it's a little more stable with cl_capfps 1, but there are some slowdowns in certain places when looking in a certain direction. I've gotten more playable framerates in GZDoom at the moment, more stable with cl_capfps turned on but it's more playable even with it off.
  19. infurnus1

    Next Project

    Exactly this.
  20. infurnus1

    Next Project

    Note that the specific things Dominic talked about did not exist. Sigvatr's giant post is very similar to what he talked about, and is the only thing I've seen so far that matches, mostly in terms of how much text there was. I was mostly commenting on the absurdity of it actually existing. (I found the Dominic White post on SomethingAwful, just in case you were wondering.) My stance, I just don't see what the big deal is about, in terms of the devil's advocate point of view, at least. Someone made a wad filled with tons of detail that slows down on some people's computers. Tormentor for example does that a lot, but I didn't see anything like this going on in the Torment&Torture and still don't in the Stronghold threads. This just feels like an argument, made just for the sake of arguing. My two cents.
  21. infurnus1

    Next Project

    You have got to be kidding me. TL;DR version: Yeah it seemed to be putting emphasis on being an insult.
  22. infurnus1

    32in24 10: Final version on page 5!

    I think the transparent fireblu was more of the problem, my fps dropped quite low when looking at it and I have a dual core cpu for instance. The visibility of enemies behind it was so low it could have done without the transparency effect, I suppose. The map size is also more suited for duels or at most 4 players or so, not really 4-8 ffa. Nobody said your map was a disaster or anything.
  23. infurnus1

    32in24 10: Final version on page 5!

    <Revenant1> damn it someone make a really quick midi of "dog police" so it can go on the title screen along with the mspaint of shaiko'tan http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9403129/Doom/projects/32-10_dm2ttl.mid
  24. infurnus1

    Is it etiquette...

    In the end, you're still using someone else's work.
  25. infurnus1

    DeePsea 12.15 and R3Dedit 1.6.37

    Can we get this stupid pirate crap off the front page? Thanks.