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About edypagaza

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  1. edypagaza

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    new mod in progress
  2. edypagaza

    Doom Shinobi Release!

    I just uploaded the mod adding cool features like Executions or Glory kills and wall-jumping, also fixed some bugs and balanced the game a bit. To execute the glory kill, press "Use" (the open door button)
  3. hey big smoke, I liked your mod I just added laps in the first map... I don't know if you want this to be implemented but it's a cool feature!
  4. edypagaza

    Doom Shinobi Release!

    Izuna Drop WIP
  5. Hey Walter, sup
    I've been playing this mappack with my mod Doom Shinobi and I had an issue with MAP03, I think it is yours, the game crashes so I opened the maps with UDB and fixed the maps deleting the other player spawners and some stimpacks stacked like 280 times in MAP03, so I asking you a request if I can upload a patch of this map to be playable with my mod. 


    1. Walter confetti

      Walter confetti

      Oh, you mean Japanese valentines? Asked already the other people in Doomer Boards Thread to remove it ...

    2. edypagaza


      Don't worry man, I just created a map03 in a different wad inside my mod, leave the original project as is.

  6. edypagaza

    Doom Shinobi Release!

    https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-shinobi/downloads/doom-shinobi-initial-release Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/edypagaza Facebook http://www.facebook.com/edy.pagaza.gaming Twitter http://www.twitter.com/edypagaza1 Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/edypagaza http://www.patreon.com/edypagaza
  7. Hey sup!
    I've been playing this mappack with my mod Doom Shinobi and I had an issue with MAP03 and MAP08,
    the game crashes so, I opened the maps with UDB and fixed the maps deleting the other players spawners and some stimpacks stacked like 280 times in MAP03, so I asking you a request if I can upload a patch of these maps to be playable with my mod.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pistoolkip


      The problem with map08 was probably that the only viable player start was set to hard only. This will be fixed in the new version.

    3. edypagaza


      Who is the project lead?

    4. Pistoolkip


      Joe-Ilya. He's not on DW

  8. edypagaza

    Cacowards 2021 Mentionation Thread

    i dominate my mod Doom Fighters https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-fighters
  9. edypagaza

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Doom Fighters, a third person brawler mod https://youtu.be/jWiJztMAzxo
  10. edypagaza


  11. edypagaza

    [WIP] Doom: Eternal Slayer (v04 RELEASE)!!!!

    i uploaded the newest and final alpha version, so the next release will be beta with alot of new content, this will take like a pair of months so dont expect an update in this time, maybe hotfixes. so enjoy!
  12. edypagaza

    [WIP] Doom: Eternal Slayer (v04 RELEASE)!!!!

    mod update! with alot of new content, balances and fixes!
  13. edypagaza

    [WIP] Doom: Eternal Slayer (v04 RELEASE)!!!!

    its already out the first version released https://www.mediafire.com/file/nmf4jnqgl9ojg7i/doom-eternal-slayer.v02a.zip/file
  14. edypagaza

    [WIP] Doom: Eternal Slayer (v04 RELEASE)!!!!

    omg thanks, i was looking for this mod <3
  15. edypagaza

    [WIP] Doom: Eternal Slayer (v04 RELEASE)!!!!

    Putting he in middle blocks alot of visibility, was intended to be like there but its fits better to the left.