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tamara mochaccina

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About tamara mochaccina

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    an actual bunny

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2015 profile views
  1. tamara mochaccina

    Mochaccina's Thy Flesh Consumed MIDI Pack

    Hiii! Hehehe, first off thank you for pointing that out- It gets complicated keeping track of what song is for what map when it's all D_E4MX But more importantly, thank you for the compliments! It really means the most
  2. tamara mochaccina

    Mochaccina's Skulltam - What are you afraid of, marine?

    Awwh, thank you!! It means the most! Your message actually made me realize I hadn't updated the download link... Oop! :>
  3. tamara mochaccina

    Mochaccina's Skulltam - What are you afraid of, marine?

    What are you afraid of, marine? ...Is it strange, niche reimaginings of maps from 1995? That's right! Our first update since release is live, and with it comes a whole, exciting new MAP05, designed by yours truly! In celebration of the recent release of my Thy Flesh Consumed MIDI pack, I thought I'd pick the odd map out of the bunch to reshape into an invasion map. Here comes Afraid?, a whole new experience based on E4M9: Fear! What're you waiting for, Christmas? It's already out- Go play it! And maybe meet a new friend or two.
  4. tamara mochaccina

    Every MIDI I've ever made for use in Doom

    So, amongst these MIDIs for the longest time has sat the "Thy Flesh Consumed MIDI pack." I just felt too lazy to finish it for that longest time. That time is now over! The full MIDI pack is now available as a download on this post, and you can get a version to play with on this other post.
  5. tamara mochaccina

    Mochaccina's Thy Flesh Consumed MIDI Pack

    Title. 9 original MIDIs made by me, because I think that TFC reusing the other songs was boring! And usually unfitting! It comes in two separate versions- A UMAPINFO one, for your modern ports, and one that replaces the original songs, for your less modern ports. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD TFC MIDI Pack.zip
  6. tamara mochaccina

    Mochaccina's Skulltam - What are you afraid of, marine?

    The Reply Where I Will Credit The People Whose Work We Stole The Original Skulltag: Idea and sprites for the powerups @minimedals: MAP03 Jay Reichard (silentzorah): Waltz Of The Demons remix used in MAP03 @baja blast rd.: Spread Rune code lewisk3: Spread Rune code
  7. tamara mochaccina

    Every MIDI I've ever made for use in Doom

    I have just released the first public version of my passion project- SkullTam! You bet your ass it comes with new music, so those are now included in this resource as well.
  8. An Introduction So, one day, a couple of years ago, I was curious as to what the older Doom source ports were like. The original Boom, Chocolate/Crispy Doom, the original ZDoom, and then I decided I wanted to try the predecessor to Zandronum- Skulltag. Skulltag Skulltag has a lot of fun modes! Most of them were meant for multiplayer, and I had no friends, so I just wandered around the maps experiencing a No Players Online-like sense of dread. However, one of them really caught my eye, because it delivered to me something I didn't know I wanted. Skulltag's Invasion mode quickly got me hooked, and I wanted to play more of it. Skulltag hasn't been updated in 12 years. Yeah. So, long-ass story short, I decided that I should take this matter into my own hands. Introducing: Mochaccina's SkullTam! Using ACS and ZScript magic, I have created an emulation of the original Skulltag Invasion mode which runs on modern GZDoom! There's Features. Never played Invasion before? Fret not, for our very crude tutorial will teach you roughly exactly how this new form of Doom functions! Play through 5 maps of marine-busting Invasion action, taking inspiration from classic Doom levels, yet transforming them into a completely new experience! Experience every single Skulltag power-up ported into GZDoom, functioning just as they did then! They haven't all been placed into maps yet, though. Sorry. Yearn for the year of our lord, 2006! Delight your ears with brand new, original MIDIs for the maps designed by yours truly! Enjoy the inexistent compatibility with mods as simple as Smooth Doom! This project will be periodically updated as more content is created for it, so all of the features above are subject to change! Don't feel sad because there's so little- Feel excited because you were here early. LAST UPDATE: 01-09-2024 You can't play it yet. Just kidding. Here's the download link. And here's a video of me talking over a slightly outdated version of it, if you need a preview. YOU NEED ID1-RES.WAD FROM THE RERELEASE FOR ITS TEXTURES! Get cleansing those arenas, marines!
  9. tamara mochaccina

    Every MIDI I've ever made for use in Doom

    i hate adrian's asleep a lot
  10. tamara mochaccina

    Frozen Heart (32 map MBF megawad){Final}

    oh my god!! i'm so excited- this is the first time anyone's used one of my songs independently, thank you so so much!!
  11. tamara mochaccina

    Every MIDI I've ever made for use in Doom

    maybe? it's def not on my laundry list of things to do hehe
  12. tamara mochaccina

    Every MIDI I've ever made for use in Doom

    Sup nerds! Uni has taken up quite a bit of my time, so I haven't been able to make much new music. But new music I have made! One of these was inspired simply because I fucking despise the way Bye Bye American Pie sounds. PATCHNOTES NOT TIED TO ANY PROJECTS Alice in Chains - Them Bones Tamaresque Ideas, A mess of ideas that I put together. Really thrashy, if you're into that sort of thing. DOOM HIGHLIGHTS (An abandoned idea of my own) E1M1 - Remorse, a version of Doom's Gate that has more elements from Metallica's No Remorse E1M3 - Club Halls, a version of Dark Halls that you can hopefully groove to AMALGOOM Bouny, a lighthearted, dreamy version of Sweet Little Dead Bunny and Victory kil em al, my own take on a mashup of Doom's Gate and drunnin I also finished Sandy's Secrets.
  13. tamara mochaccina

    Doom music you'd !@#%* to

    The Healer Stalks. I will not elaborate.
  14. tamara mochaccina

    I will make a song for you.

    that's silly. sure!
  15. tamara mochaccina

    I will make a song for you.

    i like the ideas! but, again, pictures- i need to see where these songs are actually gonna be used! i can't work under the pretense of "maybe possibly" xp