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Everything posted by Lectrix

  1. Yeah i know, but i'm looking forward to the archvile as a whole, how it acts and looks. It was my most hatred enemy, so i'm looking forward to it. Sorry if i confused some of ya. ;D
  2. I really wanna see what they have done with the archvile, he was my all time evil nemesis. Plus the cyberdemon and spider mastermind would be great also. Not too fussed what the weapons are like, i prefer the cast rather than the equipment.
  3. Yeah ID can adapt the story anyway they like, the portal can go to pluto for all i care. ;D Its ID's game and story so i'm not gonna be bothered what they make up, aslong as i get to fight the doom cast and do some shadow shooting i'll be more than satisfied.
  4. Lectrix

    New screen and article

    Well get an TV card and play it in black and white, that will solve your problem, lol. :D Doom 3 doesnt look too colourful, im sure the colour balance is fine. Look at the original doom, that had loads of colours and i don't hear anyone complaining that the originals were too colourful, i mean the caco was bright red with a blight blue mouth and with a bright green eye.
  5. Lectrix

    Doom3 Levels

    Yeah you gotta love those shadows, i hope doom 3 maps arn't going to be to restricted when it comes to wide open area's. I'd personally like to see some actual mars levels that take place outside, not just inside. But its a shame you won't get mass open monster battles like in doom 2.
  6. Lectrix

    Doom3 Levels

    Plus there will be loads of replayability if people manage to throw together remakes of the doom 1 & 2 wads, even final doom. So if that happens i'll be on it for months.
  7. Lectrix

    DOOM 3 is "really close" says Carmack

    It was virtua fighter wasnt it lol.
  8. Lectrix

    DOOM 3 is "really close" says Carmack

    Who you kidding m8 LOL. But yes i agree Quake 2 is the ultimate in classic games. If they do more than up the graphics and sound, and add greater features and possibly a doom3 like story, i'm sure it will be a good remake. A bit like that Resident Evil remake they made for the gamecube.
  9. Lectrix

    DOOM 3 is "really close" says Carmack

    Only wolf3d, doom and quake were revolutionary, if you can call it that. The rest are just good games of the same concepts. I mean Doom 3 isn't exactly gonna be revolutionary, even though its quite close with that graphics engine (Love those shadows). Now if ID were the first to make a VR fps that worked really well, now THAT would be counted as revolutionary imo, but whom i kidding. ;D
  10. Lectrix

    DOOM 3 is "really close" says Carmack

    Maybe Quake 2 remix will be a retelling also? i hope so, i loved quake 2, it was the best in the series imo. It would be great to have the story telling, style and overall look of doom 3 in the quake world. I'm personally looking forward to it. Lectrix gets out his railgun.
  11. Lectrix

    New screen and article

    LOL, with a name like Skeletor, im not surprised you like boney faced monsters. :D I'm not quite sure what you lot mean by "looking cartoony" i mean the revenant isn't cel rendered is he lol (jk). Oh wait ID has a new shot of the revenant LOL looky-here
  12. Lectrix

    When demons attack part ³!

    Yeah in the alpha, they do supossedly attack each other, but not very well as the imp fireballs doesn't go straight anymore. Plus the zombies should be too stupid to know the enemie has hit them, and just fall over lol. Also i hope the cyberdemon still mashes the enemies to pieces, if he's not on his own in doom 3.
  13. Lectrix

    The Secret Levels In Doom 3

    I can't believe there aint a single screeny for Quake 4! i mean its supposed to be out in Autumn aint it? I hope that has an engaging single player like doom's supposed to, i really enjoyed Quake 2 compared with the other 2, it really did reming me of doom in some ways.
  14. Lectrix

    Will Doom3 suck because it's an id game!?

    Yeah im even looking forward to half life 2, it actually looks good this time round for me. The first one bored me to tears, but still... DOOM is my highest priority.
  15. Lectrix

    New screen and article

    But i don't think it is a skeleton demon anymore, coz you can see the translucent muscles around the legs and arms, so it may be an enhanced marine like demon, but i don't know... i didnt design the thing. But the revenant is still a class enemie, boney or not. Ask for the half life enemies, i agree with the AndrewB man. I think they are worse than the doom ones, they just don't have the same, scary monster/alien apperance, for me anyway.
  16. Lectrix

    New screen and article

    So true LOL. I like the over kill on detail, makes me think that the artist is doing a better job than i hoped. Plus it makes corridors/rooms stand out rather than being continously the same (but thats just my opinion).
  17. Lectrix

    New screen and article

    Oh yeah the hell knight is lacking soo much personality, i mean atleast hes not a complete copy of the baron now (well i hope not). And the reventant, that things almost spot on perfect imo. I think some of us are just expecting way too much out of the character designs and the general look of the game, just be glad ID are doing it in the first place.
  18. Lectrix

    New screen and article

    You lot are easily dissappointed arnt you. ;D I think it looks good, really shows off the revenant, one of the more annoying enemies imo. Hope its rockets still home in... i hated that!
  19. Lectrix

    The D3 Rant Thread!

    I have to agree with Scabbed Angel on this one, the imps kick ass i love the way they pounce and crawl all over the walls/ceiling rather than just walk at you (scary walking monster, now thats the hell knight).
  20. Lectrix

    could be better music

    yeah i know that, Im referring to the music in general. But your right Fredrick, Trent aint doing it InfraRed!.
  21. Lectrix

    could be better music

    Yeah, but i always turn the music off in FPS, no matter how good it is. I prefer to listen to the sounds, especially in a game like doom, more atmosphere if there is no music. Unless the doom guy's helmet has a fitted MP3 player, i'm sure he'd rather have that on than worry about his face being ripped off. :D
  22. Lectrix

    new screenshot?

    Nice find Zoost... the xbox version models dont look as good, but it still looks the part. Love the flashlight on that imp.
  23. Lectrix

    The D3 Rant Thread!

    Won't ask...
  24. Lectrix

    The D3 Rant Thread!

    Not if it was restricted to 2 players surely, i doubt doom 3 maps will fit 4 players but 2 should be no problem.
  25. Lectrix

    DOOM3 on Xbox to have co-op

    A bit like what they did with Quake 2 u mean...(even though the coding was horrible, it did the job). I don't see why ID is insistent to not put it in, while the X-box version is having it exclusive, you'd think the PC version would be the one will special features. >:( Can ID not see that the PC gamers would embrace the idea of Coop, not just deathmatch!.