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Everything posted by kalaeth

  1. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    Let's go! MAP 27 - Passage a vide : So.. A hot start is when everyone starts shooting at you as soon as you enter the level. How do you call a level where everyone starts shooting as soon as you shoot the first shot? Whatever you call that, that's what this is. I've died some 6 times, and I can't even leave this first room. Next try, I do it a bit better, from the starting point I clear as much as I can, then slowly kill, kill, kill, move, kill, kill, kill, move and I reach the first soulsphere, switch. Another AV, ofc. Kill him, clear the baron and imps, go to the door kill imps and revs, oh, secret! Megasphere, and now RSK. Oh damn, the AV on top of the lift was hard, clear it all, another secret soulsphere, one more secret to go, and now red door. Eeeevil. Glad I picked the bluesphere, else I'd be dead. Then I die. And again, and again and finally! success. Now.. Switch. Two cybers? Two?! And I'm almost all out of cells. At try four. Fifth. The solution should be around keeping them in the platform and snipe at them. Finally, many tries after, I did it! Yey. I'm missing a secret but I can't find out how to reach it... Oh well. 100, 60, 66 K/I/S, no idea on deaths. 20 minutes and 51 seconds time, a lot of it trying to reach the secret bluesphere. total : 4 hours 27 minutes and 26 seconds. I'll be off the rest of the month (and most of next month too), so I'll play the rest of the levels today but leave my comments of them in the spoilers. I hope that's allowed.
  2. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    let's agonize a bit more, shall we? MAP 26 - Pacte de Noirceur : Again with the chaingun. There's lava, some steps, a pair of nasty chaingunners waiting for you to step into their field of view and some imps, an SSG with a ton of shells, armor... And a wall with a face... Oh damn! That's a lot of monsters. I die to the AV while 'exploring'. Retry. Again, I die to the AV. I believed he was dead, I was wrong. Next try, I go down and find out there's even more AVs? Fourth try I decide to say "f5ck it" and use the BFG to clear the field a bit, then rocket the revs and then up the steps and.. Oh gods, another AV? Ok, dead, clear the ledge, teleport. Shotgunners, imps, revs... Did the mapper forget the AV? Yellow key, imp, HK, baron. Secret Rl, and yeah, no AV yet. Cool. Off to the wall of mancubi and then the yellow door. Not-secret RL, and another wall of mancubi. Berserk, more ammo, blue armor, switch. Hks, fine. Revs, fine. Oh the wall falls. More revs. Way more revs. Barons and an AV somewhere? Dead. Next time I know what is comming so I can clear the wall of revs with a blast or two of BFG and then clear the room with the RL, and there's just 3 more barons. Right? No? More AVs you say? Oh, ok. The bluesphere was totally wasted. Then its a wall of hitscanners and nobles! Oh yeah, and another AV. OFC. A ton of rockets after, up we go and SURPRISE! another AV. Switch, and there's no way anyone could have predicted this, but there's another AV! Also, some cacos and two pain elementals because... Well you know. Kill those, go outside and the revs are up, cacos still roam, a PE was still hiding there to shoot a skull at just the perfect time for me to catch it with a rocket too close to my face. So it's not one but actually two AVs... So now, teleport, pass where the blue bars were, down we go. Kill cacos, switch and.. Yeah, f5ck this. I'm off to lunch. I'll decide if I want to finish the insane amount of AVs all around after. After lunch, somewhere around try what felt like 100 I managed to grab a foothold and from there clear the map, with the help of the BFG. 100% K/I/S, a f5ckton of deaths, 13 minutes and 18 seconds (that took way over 1 hour of actual playtime) totals : 4 hours 6 minutes and 35 seconds.
  3. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    monday, let's tri-map this! MAP 23 - Enceinte Infernale : Chaingun, backpack, door. I waste pretty much every single bullet clearing the imps and a pair of PEs, and then I step outside and die to a rev ball. Second try I die to a skull flying to close to the RL. Third try I'm not even sure what hit me. Fourth try I got stuck on a lift. Fifth I never even leave the start room. Sixth try I managed to kill the AV and revs from inside the room after SSGin imps and PEs. Next I go for the RL but die to the AV that just appears out of nowhere. Another try, another approach, I go to the other side first, pick up the blue armor, then go for the RL. Grab the secret bluesphere, the non-secret secret berseker, switch, down, teleport, plasma and BSK, and die to the AV, eventually. Next try I remember I have the BFG and just spam it a bit to clear up, then blue door, switch, and what's unfair about an AV behind you and a cybercow at the exit? One death to them and next time a bit of parkour gets me the megasphere and the cells and I kill them both dead. And of course it's another AV after the exit door. Done. 100% K/I/S, 8 minutes 36 seconds and about 9 deaths. MAP 24 - Supplice Claustrophobe : Shotgun, chaingun, backpack and a fall. Jump to the mega armor, kill the rev, steps up, SSG, pinkies, switch, outside, switch, switch, plasma, some caged zombies, door, shotgunner, switch, RL, single imp, teleport, then going back, new switch, back, enter the bars, move, caco, megasphere, door. Specter, and then a switch, trio of barons and the RSK, go back, red door, beware the chaingunners, switch one, HK, switch two, pinkie, imp and the exit but! Secret. Oh, non-secret BFG. I'm pretty sure where the secret is but how to reach it? Or better yet, how to open it? I can find no trigger lines... 100% K, 93% I, 0% S. 15 minutes 25 seconds more than half of it trying and failing to figure how to open the secret. MAP 25 - Crise Infernale : oh, another hot start.. There's an AV somewhere, and it's him who gets me. Next try, I kill all I can from the window, before stepping outside, then I find a place with the plasma gun and a spider and use it as a snipping position, from there I clear a bit of the enemies and then advance slowly, until the revs, barons and AVs are dead. After that I go grab the BSK, and the YSK, open the bars, kill the AV but die to the rev. And then three more tries to kill the AVs and barons again, success, kill the AV, go get the secret : chainsaw! Bluesphere! SSG! and that's that! 100% K/I/S,6 minutes 39 seconds and several deaths, some 8 or 9. Total : 3 hours 53 minutes and 16 seconds.
  4. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    new day, new map. MAP 22 - Vaine Tentative : Marble! Not an hot start! A few zombies on a ledge, steps up, switch, some monsters die? Down, door, outside, switch, f5ck, revs, switch again, it opens a door to a HK, let him follow me to the corridor to kill him better, another door, a pair of chaingunners, more doors! A small warehouse, enter door, kill cacos, save, grab the RL, kill both PEs, then fall into the not-slime fountain, cheese the outside fight, jump down, pick up resources, grab the yellow key, back to the yellow door, oh, a secret by shooting, oh nazis. Yellow door, oh no, platforming. Let's try. Done, kill the trap, pick the blue key and go back, blue door, blue sphere, spider and then mancs! Switch, and.. Oh f5ck, really? Dead. Retry, spider, mancs, cyber! Done, switch, barons, chaingunners, exit! 100% K/I/S, 1 death, 9 minutes and 11 seconds. total : 3 hours 22 minutes and 34 seconds.
  5. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    let's go for 21. MAP 21 - Diabolic Patterns : Another hot start and another secret at the start. Up, and now I can pick either the RL or the plasma if I can make the jump. I can't make the jump to the plasma. I then die to a chaingunner after the door. Next try, I jump for the RL and grab it, clear the room, and find out that the RL pillar actually comes down. But not back up again. Ok, switch, then door. Some steps now, grab the YSK, and then die to chaingunners! Next time I die to the caco after taking 2! rev balls to the face. One more try, success, teleport, the other side, door, outside, get a new pair of holes by another chaingunner. And again. Am I playing plutonia? Next try, success! Then RSK, cacos, and then.. Oh look, even the exit is the plutonia exit! Done. 100% K/I/S, 7 minutes 56 seconds and I stopped counting deaths. 3 hours 13 minutes and 23 seconds total.
  6. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    MAP 20 - Charnage : A pair of imps, and a jump down to the water, teleport back up and now another teleport, and immediately I'm met by some rev balls to the face. Switch to the RL to clear the caged one, SSG for the free roaming one and the pinkies. Up ahead, another rev and a fireboy and a fatboy. I end up shooting the wall, somehow, and die. Retry. Again on the next room, I clear it from outside and then more revs pop up while I'm trying to rocket the AV and I die. This third time I managed to kill the AV before stepping into the room, then I trigger the revs, go out, rocket them, next room, chaingun the pop-up manc, two doors. I pick one at random, it's a hedge maze, find one switch, fins the SSG, find the mandatory AV, secret teleport to the plasma gun, secret backpack, YSK marked not YSK needing switch, steps into the YSK, jump down. Yellow door, kill the pinkies and the barons and the cacos, grab everything before picking up the bluesphere blueskull combo. Wall opens, a single AV with some imps.. Not bad.Back, blue door, back, blue door, two barons, exit. But! I'm missing secrets and enemies. One of the secrets has to be the gap... Yup, two switches lift the bridge, cross, grab the blue armor, then.. Ah! Another secret and now only one more to go... AH, it was this one, it judt didn't trigger on the way in, only on the way out. Still two enemies to go.. Somewhere in the maze? Yeah, that was it. And exit. 100% K/I/S, 3 deaths, 11 minutes and 25 seconds. Total : 3 hours 5 minutes and 26 seconds.
  7. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    I did play MAP 16 yesterday, but it seems the forum lost my post... So no MAP 16 stats, but I do remember I died a lot and finished at 100% K/I/S, in about 6 minutes. MAP 17 - Infiltration : Also, apparently I finished MAP !& with only 30-ish health. So let's infiltrate! We start in a small brick room that appears to have had a bit of ceiling failure, and then enter into the tech-base grey room, where two doors lead deeper inside, a old-school shrine with the YSK will be reached somewhere through there. Both doors lead to a outside court with at least 2 AVs, several chaingunners and god knows what else. And I die to an AV while trying to get some rockets. Retry. In the second room there's a switch that opens up and gives us a RL, this time I save before going outside. Wisely, since I've already died thrice after. Fifth try I managed to kill the AV, then grab the not-so-secret backpack and then, switch and die to a skull flying towards me and a rocket. Next try I chaingun the PE first, SSG the rest and down the steps I go, then grab the plasma, up one of the chaingunners balcony, switch one, jump down, stairs down, other switch, grab the YSK, kill the AVs and the PE and the caco, go back, beware the chaingunner trap, then final fight : revs. I die to them, again, and then I manage to kill them all and there's one enemy to go.. I'm guessing it's an AV. So first I grab the cells, press switch one and then switch two.. It's actually a manc, uff. Done. 100% K/I/S, 8 deaths, 9 minutes 52 seconds. MAP 18 - Somwhere in the Slime Ocean: Tiny room, a normal looking slime processing plant yard with a few imps. I kill them and then I die to the SSG trap. Second try I clear the yard and don't go for the SSG yet, and I die to the RL trap. Next try I go for the red key, and die to the unfair as f5ck rev... Next try, the rev won't show up unless you pass the trigger line, so I grab the key and go back, then red bars, red door, then back to trigger the rev fight. Die once, then succeed. Next, the SSG fight, done. Down, pass the pools, door, secret rockets, and instant death. Next try, another death. Next try I press the switch and run back, kill all, go down, and then die and die and die until I finally manage to kill the imps and the HK. 100% K/I/S, 9 deaths, 8 minutes 55 seconds This level had some unfair enemy placement! MAP 19 - Brexin : Hot start, and then entering a water corridor with a megasphere... And I die once, but next time I managed to clear the spiders, then switch to the BFG to clear the AV, then keep wasting all my ammo, after clearing everything, SSG cheese the HKs, grab the yellow key, kill the PEs, enter the yellow door, kill the AV, baron and the rest, secret megasphere, switch and die to the revs. And again, even with the BFG. Then eventually I survive, but then die to the cyber. Next time I save before facing the big cow, and when I fianlly kill him, there's still a wave of hitscanners outside, besides the AV and ressurected baddies inside.. Finally! 100% all, not sure how many deaths but a lot, 12 minutes 50 seconds. Total time 2 hours 54 minutes and 1 second.
  8. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    secret map day! MAP 15 - Les Comtes de la Crypte : Kill shotgunners, go down, kill the revs, switch, enter one of the side doors, kill skulls and HK, switch, kill pinkies. Lift, kill the AV, go up, grab the yellow key, down, kill imps, down again, yellow door, hall of chaingunners, switch, pinkies, and now.. Two teleports. I pick one at random, kill the rev, kill the other rev, kill the spider, switch, down, another AV. OFC. And then after clearing the level, I die to a crusher looking for the secrets. Next try, I finish it, find both secrets (the plasma and the secret exits) and I enter one of them. 100% K/I/S, 11 minutes 45 seconds, 1 death. MAP 31 - Dextromethorophane 84% : Much yellow, even more grey, and really? HKs and revs for a shotgun?! Switch two : another rev, PE, plasma and the SSG. Switch 3, hole in the ground, ton of imps. Plus shotgunners, specters and a rev. Switch 4 : HKs, imps and a PE that kills me with a skull next to the face while shooting a rocket. Again from switch 2, then 3, and again, chaingun, SSG to finish. This time I enter the PE chamber with the plasma, kill him and the imps and then rocket the HKs. Next room, rocket one manc, SSG the crowd and let them come to me, while I chaingun them.and after their numbers have been mowed down, we move forward. A mixture of rocket and BFG clears the revs and mancs, I press the switch and BFG the barons and HKs, now there's a cyber roaming and I have no more cells... Go up, cells and the blue armor, grab the red key and GTFO, towards the red door. Cyber gets me point blank, but I survive, only to die the next time I open the door : immediate rocket to the face. I had no chance. Second try I managed to lure him out of the door but he still gets me. Third try, again point black shot at opening the door. Fourth, I managed to enter the door and kill him with 3 BFG shots. Not a 2-shot but close enough. Then I die to the spiders. Next try I jump down, almost got fired by the AV but managed to survie and clear the floor before killing the spiders from the windows. Back up, another AV, using a rev as a shield! I managed to plasma him to death, blue switch, lift, megasphere, kill the AV and then die to the cyber. Life number 7, rockets for the fire boy, plasma for the cow. Both dead, 1 enemy to go, 2 secrets to find. Secret one : a bluesphere. I hum evey wall, press every switch again,shoot at all I can and nothing yet.. Ah, RED77's post explained it good enough for me to find it. Now to manage it... Oh, shootable! Good. Finished in 29 minutes and 13 seconds, 100% everything, 7 deaths. MAP 32 - Safe Zone : Why do I feel that name isn't sincere? Uhh, pretty! Now this is a secret level! Switch, kill chaingunners, teleport, fall, switch. Oh damn, that's a lot of AVs. For the record, 2 AVs is already a lot of AVs, and I count 4. Rocket snipe them, one at a time, SSG the final one, switches 1,2, 3, steps, teleport. Again, switch, fall, cyberdemon. Not enough cells to BFG him to death so I end it with the SSG, and then switch 1, switch 2 and three other cybers! Switch one, switch 2, teleport. And now it's 6 SMMS! Cross the room, jump down, exit. No way I'm gonna get 100% kills. One enemy dies, meanwhile. One of the spiders, apparently. Then another. I guess they are being crushed? All spiders dead, the cybers are suffering too, and they too eventually die and I can just exit. 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths! in 5 minutes 11 seconds. Totals : 2 hours 15 minutes and 36 seconds, 25 deaths.
  9. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    Let's 14 this bad boy! MAP 14 - Sarcasmes Malsains : Marble temples, so it seems. SSG for the imp and pinkies, then a non-secret secret blue armor, go back for the secret secret SSG, lift, corridor, red cave, press the switch before falling down or you'll miss the plasma. Then switch, trap, grab the yellow key and leave back to the blood pool. Yellow door, teleport, survive the gauntlet, red key, teleport, red door. Switch, go to the other red door, teleport. A wall opens, another wall falls and another secret with a teleport. Blue key, blur door, BFG, exit door.. End. 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 6 minutes 59 seconds. Totals : 1 hour 29 minutes and 26 seconds, 17 deaths.
  10. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    MAP 13 – Traumateck : Hot start! And me at 19% health? It took me 5 tries to manage to kill the revs and barons, and then I died to the switch that pops an AV. Next attempt I go through the red door and not the bars. I do good, grab the not so secret berserker (it IS better than just triggering the secret at start but..) and then die to the second AV, the one outside. Another try, another approach : go for the backpack, then trigger the AVs, kill 1 with plasma, change position to kill 2 and his rev friend, go grab the berserker to return to 100%, chaingun the final fight and that's that. 100, 97, 100% K/I/S, 7 deaths, 5 minutes 08 seconds. Totals : 1 hour 22 minutes 27 seconds, 17 deaths.
  11. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    Ok, new day, new map. MAP 12 - Wrong Address: A cave, leading to a street and outside it's carnage. Lot's of snipers. imps and shotgunners. Some steps gift a SSG and a rev, leading to a chaingunner and a red door. I enter a building and face a HK guarding a lift, up there a chaingunner and a green armor. Next building, zombies and the RL. Out, down some steps, kill a rev and some zombies, grab the yellow key, kill another rev, back up, jump down into the water for health and rockets. Enter the yellow door, up, ledge. Try some 4 times to do the jump, cross it, new jump into another ledge, kill the rev, grab the red key, die to the AV.. Next try I kill him with the plasma, kill the other two revs and exit time. I haven't been at 100% health in a while, but.. 100% K/I/S, 1 death, 8 minutes 26 seconds. Total 1 hour 17 minutes and 18 seconds, 10 deaths.
  12. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    Ok, so nine, ten, eleven, let's go! MAP 09 - Generator of Death : The browns! Shotgun and zombies, a not so hidden backpack, and we good to leave the room. More zombies, a pinkie, a SSG and a chaingunner. This won't stay easy for long. Imps, caged and not. Enter a small computer room to grab the red key, a small zombie ambush and the red door. It's a hitscanner party and my chaingun was invited. Another door, more shotgunners and imps, grab the blue key, kill some more imps and a pinkie, blue door. Shotgunners, imps, and the first big boys, a couple of revs. Rockets, a secret plasma. Things are gonna heat up. First, a few more shotgunners and then a lot of rockets and the RL, a Hell Knight and a blueball next to a switch. Oh, look, it's the baron brothers! Kill them, switch, enter. A square room with corridors. A shotguner in each, a manc in the middle. Grab all rockets, switch, exposing the brain, shoot to kill. I pistol it to death. Because I can. 100, 97, 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 7 minutes 43 seconds. MAP 10 - Culture et Confiture de Mobs : Oh, another nonexistent secret. A library, and a bunch of shutgunners. Two doors. Opening one at random disperses a pinkie and a close combat HK. Press the switch, next door. Then you might want to cheese the AV before pressing the second switch. I did. Next switch, enter the AV chamber and a new switch opens the way to the SSG. Another switch, kill the specters, grab the RL. New switch, exit the room and kill the revs, tons of chaingunners and the exit. I'll leave the level in a bad shape, but alive. 100 % K/I/S, 0 deaths, 3 minutes 40 seconds. MAP 11 - Cendres Humaines : Human ashes? Is it? Talk about a hot start! And me at only 30% life.. This will be tough. Try one : death to specter rocket to the face. Try two : Death to.. Not sure. A imp. If I hadn't had a plasma I'd be dead for the third time. As it was, I survived. Grabbed two measly stimpacks and opened switch one to reveal 4 mancs! No wait, 5. 6. One of them gets me eventually. Try four, from the top. Slightly better at the initial shootout, still down to 30% for the mancubi. This time I actually pressed the other switch. It was chaingunners and spiders. Got rid of them, next switch. Oh. At least 10 mancs. Then imps, barons, and a f5cking AV?! And this was supposed to be done with only a shotgun?! Ok, try number five, from the spiders. Wen't OK until autoaim shoot a rocket at my feet and killed me. Try 6, from the mancs. It wen't pretty good. First time since the start of the level that I've had more than 50% health.Wen't down the steps, plasma on the AV, kill off the barons with the RL, grab the BSK and it's off to the exit door. And death to an AV. 7th attempt : kill the AV and the revs, door, switch, baron, exit! 100% K/I/S, 7 deaths, 3 minutes 49 seconds. total time at 1 hour 8 minutes and 52 seconds and 9 deaths.
  13. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    it's time for MAP 08 - Simple Souterrain : My basic french tells me we are going underground. It's a mostly impish hot start, a jump for a shotgun and then a HK guarding the switch to open the bars. Into the water we go, there's a lift but before some steps. I go up. Pinkie, shotgunners, imps. A broken computer with a bluesphere, a yellow door and a corridor. Specters and then chaingunners. I can either fall down or open the door.. Door first. The SSG, nice. Now a fall down and we are outside. Specter, zombies, caco, lots of imps. Also the yellow key. Switch, grab, into the cave. Rev, low level threats and then at the top, an AV. Having the RL I deal with him calmly enough before entering back to the base, through a yellow door. Another yellow door, but first let's visit that lift, ah, I see. It's for the blue door. Yellow door then. Corridor, with the zombies and specters, door, skull, switch, door, secret blue armor, stairs, 'port. Chaingun them all, grab the blue key, jump down to grab the medikit, down again, lift, blue door. Pinkie, imp, manc, chaingunners and shotgunners and then finally the rev. Grab the key and back to the start, red door. USe the door frame to cheese the final fight, cheese the baron too, since he won't leave the exit room and you can't enter, then it's done : 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 10 minutes 23 seconds. Totals : 2 deaths, 53 minute 37 seconds. As always, I'll be back by monday for the next three levels. Have a nice weekend, doomworld.
  14. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    MAP 07 - Merciless Flow : Let us go with the flow, shall we? Ooohkay. Instant empty secret, a imp, a shotgunner and two zombies, plus a barrel. Aim at the barrel, blow it, pick up the survivors, check the window to clear some, door. Couple of imps, a caco, a trap on grabbing the green armor, damaging water and a free plasma. the teleport is there to telefrag the caco, then it's into the water, kill the next caco and shotgunners, up, door, switch, cross the bars, switch, beware the spiders, cross, grab rockets, lift up, grab the plasma, kill the rev, die to the mancubi. Once more, with felling, from the top. Then plasma the mancs, plasma the imps, and teleport up and it's done. Not much to say. 100% K/I/S, 1 death, 3 minutes 19 seconds. Totals : 2 deaths, 43 minutes 13 seconds.
  15. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    Another day, another map! MAP 06 – Processus Logique : We start inside a cube, and out of it, imps, shotgunner, zombie and a HK inside a cage. Then a switch and oh more HKs.. Glad I'm not pistol starting this and I don't have to single-shotty the HKs. Then up, grab the chaingun, secret bluesphere, door. Switch, chaingun them all to death, grab the blue key, kill the small fry and then rocket the cacos a bit. Then, blue door. Chaingun works well here, until you pick up the SSG, finally. Switch, enter the red key room, remove imps and the PE, grab the key, the nearly hidden green armor, and then up to the red door, behind the HK cage. Kill the spiders, switch and now.. I'm one secret and one monster away from the exit... Ah, it's here! Plasma, final HK, exit. 100, 94, 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 6 minutes 59 seconds. Totals : 1 death, 39 minutes and 54 seconds.
  16. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    MAP 05 - Visions : We start in a small room with teleport destinations, and a switch that lowers the wall ahead. A corridor takes me to a small courtyard, some steps up and a door that won't re-open after stepping inside. Another door, opening to a wall and an ambush, then another room and then a lift down and a secret plasma. Door, red key, rev and skulls, back. Kill some cacos, enter the red door, kill all, grab the RL and then die to the AV, after killing him.. 2nd try I get to the exit, but I'm missing a pair of secrets.. There's no way I could find the secret without having seen a video of how to grab it. 100% K/I/S, 1 death, 10 minutes 13 seconds. Totals : 1 death, 32 minutes 55 seconds.
  17. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    ok, let's go for maps 2-4. MAP 02 - Malevolence : Down we go and pinkies, imps, zombies and a shotgunner greet me. Shotgun them to dead, and now.. Door one. Chaingun! Now.. Ahead. Switch, a lift goes up and now.. The other door. Oh, the exit is open. But.. There's another door. Switch, pair of cacos, the red key is open, so grab it, the not so secret armor too, and off to the red door. Ooh. So this switch opens the exit. But it can be pressed from down so you can skip a bit of the level. And now I'm missing some enemies.. I did the level again and again, 5 or 6 enemies didn't show up. Well, 80% K, 100% I / S. 0 deaths, 2 minutes 58 seconds. MAP 03 - Sombre Angoisse : This looks like some kind of sewers, lot's of walls going down, grab a radsuit, jump down, Oh yeah, SSG! Yellow key, yellow door, switch, grab the red key, ooh, secret plasma gun! And backpack. While going back, don't forget to go grab the RL, on the second secret. Then go to the exit, don't forget to kill the dudes on the bottom of the pit, kill the pinkie and that's it! 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 7 minutes 25 seconds. MAP 04 - Entraxe : Wow, hot start! Glad I had some rockets left from map 3. Then it's SSG time! Then grab the blue key, go down, and almost die in an ambush! First save. And now, to go to the blue door.. Ah, it's a jump. And now.. Kill all, switch, switch, and exit! 100$ K/I/S, 0 deaths, 7 minutes 30 seconds. Totals : 0 deaths, 22 minutes and 41 seconds.
  18. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

    well, let's do this then. Somewhat happy that it's a new mapset I don't know, but I did kinda want to play spain again... Maybe next month. This time I'll play HNTR. Cont, saves whenever. MAP 01 - Crash : Oh, nice, a doomcute starwars speeder? I'm guessing this is how we arrived here. Grab bullets and shells from inside it, and let's enter the base. Grabbing the shotgun opens the window shutters, cool. A broken door, and a lift, switch, small room with the blue key (and health). Then another switch, opening the wall to the exit, but first, grab the secret backpack and.. I'm missing one secret? Ah! Found. 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 4 minutes 47 seconds. A small map to start. Monday I'll play the next three maps.
  19. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Uprising

    ok, so let us do this. MAP 29 - Uprising : Darkness and a voice saying something (it appears to be inverted, so I can't say what it says). Then a invisible megasphere and then a no-ammo BFG, the VBFG90000 and then a fireblu portal. And them as far as there can be a strategy, I'd say grab invuns, target as many archies as possible and then run for keys.. 4582 dead demons after, I have 2 keys. And saved for the first time. And then the YSK and it's time for the final 20 enemies. Including a ton of AVS, traitors, cybers and the super cyber! I killed him and ended the level with 99%, 50%, 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths and 14 minutes and 59 seconds. MAP 30 - The End : PRETTY!!! (Since it's a non-map I played it today, hope that's ok) Totals : 99% Kills (12,719 / 12,817), 99% Items (840 / 909), 99% Secrets (63 / 64), 35 deaths, 11 hours, 36 minutes and 46 seconds. It was a nice ride! I'll take tomorrow off to rest before we enter the next megawad and I'll play a bit of Jamal Jones.
  20. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Uprising

    MAP 28 - Olympus Mons: Oh, after Armageddon we reach mount Olympus. Let's go kill Zeus! We've reached here on a highspeed train that looks like a submarine, there's a backpack and some ammo, a few zombies and a imp. Switch. Door opens, enter the base. Three lifts. I pick one at random, and find that all three lead to the same place. Here a switch lowers walls around another switch back up. This one opens the bars that lead to a lava cave, where a switch lowers the lift, and atop of it a secret blue armor. Up, another lift and it's back to the base. Inside there's fights at every step, mostly small fry but a few mancs and cacos are also around. Pick up the SSG and switch, big fight! And now I need the yellow key that I don't have. Cross another lava stream for another switch that does something, not sure what though. So, we go outside again and then die. Back to the reentry to the base. Open the gate, go up, go down, find the rocket launcher, finally.. I can't imagine playing this level on a pistol start.. After a small fight, a backtrack for health. Then, outside, kill tons of imps and others, another switch.. Oh damn, revs, knights, a manc and a couple mini-cybers. All this just to find another switch. And AVs. Two. I die to them. Next try, another death. Next try, BFG on their faces, done. Back to the base, and now.. Hum. A no return sign. But I can't actually return that much so.. Let's jump and see. Even with the megasphere I barely survived! Switch one, switch two, stairs, switch three, and a key! Blue door, kill imps and revs and knights, and then switches 1 to 4. Pass, and then die a bit after. Again, from the blue door. A while after there's a switch on the side of a mountain, that you can shoot for access to a berserker, all this entering and exiting the base, eventually a green armor and a blusphere tell you this particular switch will have a nasty effect. Chaingunners to one side, imps to the other and a caco. Or two. Finally, the plasma gun, and then outside complete with mancs, spiders, revs and an AV. A blue armor for your troubles, a lift and another yellow door. The lift gives you a lot of rockets and cells, plus a switch, to lower the yellow key. Cyber cacos, revs, knights, darkimps. And then the yellow key and the yellow door. Two switches, one for a small lift up to cells and health the other to a blue sphere we had seen before. Then at the end of all the lava, a megasphere with supplies and a teleport. A wave of revs and imps, mostly, besides the AV and the knights, and now we can take that yellow door from before. Lot's of stuff to fight outside, and I ended up falling down to a previous area of the level. Go back to where I was, a fake switch that forces me to a short lava run and then a cave. And here comes the final fight. Megasphere, bluespheres - two, ammo and a BFG. The first wave is triggered by BFG proximity, clear that and enter the building, then jump down, switch for the red key, back inside, red door and oh damn. Mega, invun, ammo. This wasn't too bad. A cyber, a AV and a few imps of both color variety. A couple of jumps through the map and this is the exit. I'm missing one secret and two enemies, but I can't go back.. Two revs inside a bluesphere secret it would appear. Oh well. 98, 95, 66% K/I/S, 4 deaths, 57 minutes and 54 seconds. totals : 99% Kills, 99% Items, 98% Secrets, 35 deaths, 10 hours 68 minutes and 16 seconds. I'll vote for spain too and I'll add a vote for a mapset I haven't played as well: +++ Doom 2 In Spain Only +++ 3 Heures d'Agonie 2 (had a brief glimpse at tomorrow's map.. This will be fun.)
  21. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Uprising

    let's go for a few more maps! MAP 25 - Bloodvine : Blood. Blood everywhere. I've been outside, fought an AV, pressed a switch, found some stairs, more switches, eventually reach the YSK, jump down, switch, and now the yellow doors, fight up to the RSK, red door, off to the BSK, down, and now.. a jump down? And now.. This is the exit? Ok, it let's me go back to find the secrets. Secret one, secret two, exit. 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths,22 minutes and 30 seconds. MAP 26 - Shrine of Adam : We are back at the void! It starts simple, zombies and then imps. By the time the pinkies get to you, there's mancs shooting from behind them. There's a secret blue armor in one of the imp balconies. Revenants and dark imps have joined the mix, there's lava floors to cross, two spiders guarding a bluesphere, a lava star with a chaingun on top, an AV and his knight friend on a balcony, leading to the RSK. A drone fest shows up, and then it's a fight down the corridors, windowed revenants, zombies, knight and mancs roaming about, cacos flying around, a massive star with 4 mini-cybers, and they don't kill, I do it myself, the good old rocket to the face style. Second try one of them gets a rocket of theirs to my face. Third time it's the chainguns. Fourth time I managed to kill them. Then up, pick a side, and somehow end up back to the start. Picked up the RL and a secret bluesphere on the way back, found the plasma gun, followed a stream of lava up, all the way to a pair of switches and then died in the ambush the final switch threw at me. This time I went back to where I was, found a weird exit switch that opens a wall, right back to the star, and eventually outside where a bluesphere bluearmor and lot's of ammo waits. It's the BSK fight. But with the BFG it was doable. One more key to go. Outside impfest, YSK, spider+chaingunner trap, switch, teleport, and now.. I'm 2 secrets and about 30 demons to go. I know where one of the secrets is..Ok, got the BFG. And found the secret berserk, now. Jum into the final fight.. and that's it. Switch, lift up, slowwwlyy, and.. Exit. 100,89,100% K/I/S, 4 deaths, 38 minutes and 04 seconds. MAP 27 - Armaggedon : By the time I got a second to breath there were over 300 dead monsters, I'd gobbled up some 6/7 invun spheres and found both the red and the blue key. Yellow to go. Ah, outside. more BFG, more rockets, more invun, done. Now the secret... Ah, here. Done, exit. 100, 79, 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 16 minutes and 01 seconds. totals : 99% Kills, 100% Secrets, 31 deaths, 10 hours and 22 seconds. Almost there! [edited to remove vote to the next post, to "merge" them]
  22. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Uprising

    one more day, one more map. MAP 24 - Mars City : Uhh, underground martian city? Nice. Oh, the zombies are back! Oh, it's not underground. I'm outside now, giving the old shotgun a bit of use, but it's a short trip outside before entering again a different building. Whoever decided that red walls in a planet with red sky and red all around was a good idea should be fired. I found the shotgun and another small outside area opens, clear everything and move to the next outside area, where I get to chose between stairs and a lift.. I use the stairs first. Oh, big fleshy lift, and the first big enemy : a knight. In that same area a secret SSG and bluesphere. Back, side, cacos, lift stairs, zombies and chaingunners (they are too fat to be called zombies), down again, revs, switch, more revs! Outside, lift, the biggest outside so far. A manc, and then after a walk around the block takes me to the lift I ignored a bit back. I clear the area and keep moving around. I eventually find a lift that almost kills me because I miss some 10 SSG shots on a revenant while he hits me 3 times and what for? A single blue armor. This forces me to retrace my steps a while to grab health, and this makes me realize I had missed a part next to the brain lift. Also, that I hadn't yet saved. Ok, back to the path. Then it's time to pick up a rad suit and jump into the lava. Clear the revs and the AV, switch. Grab the plasma, go back, back inside, secret bluesphere, keep moving. Another big area and I'm almost dead, and this was the worst time to find the rocket launcher. Still,I somehow survived, now the yellow key, then another hard cross and then the end but I don't have the keys.. Kinda lost. Ah, found some alive enemies. Oh, more revs. And a huge lift. And then I die. Back to the lift, oh a megasphere! Nice. Oh, no more rockets or cells. Not nice. Some rockets in the knight's balcony, this will come handy for the AV.. Av down, switch, back to the water fountain.. Oh, a nearly hidden teleport and a secret sector? Nice. Grab the key, grab the rockets and survive the carnage! And now, for the blue key.. Ah,over here. Kill the mini-cyber, kill the AV and.. Off to the exit, I think. Three keys, three switches, room 1, switch, kill as much as possible, up, kill the rest, repeat, repeat, and now with 17 demons to go there's an exit sign. As expected, the teleport brings me into teh middle of the room that has been climbing the building with me. Switch and it's cacos for a start, and.. It's the actual exit. So I missed a few.. Yeah, I missed an entire building. And this is why you save before entering the exit. Reload, go kill those 9, back to the exit and the final caco swarm and done! 100% K/I/S, 1 death, 52 minutes and 25 seconds! totals : 99% Kills, 100% Secrets, 27 deaths, 8 hours, 47 minutes and 50 seconds.
  23. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Uprising

    Ok, let's digitalize some carnage! MAP 23 - Digital Demons: Backpack, plasma gun and cells before we even start... Blue armor and bluesphere to put you at 200/200 and then a switch.. Damn! Immediate cyber in a small room with damaging floor! Plus two revs. Switch, two cacobots and some imps. Moving into one door there's revs, lots, imps, manc and a spider. I end up dying to a manc. Retry. This time I'll know what's coming. And playing continuous means I have the BFG for the damned cyber. This time I take the other door with it's much more manageable singe rev and drones. Then I start "calling" the revs to come at me from the corridor, so I can rocket punch them. Grabbing the rockets means dealing with 3 more cacobots, then it's slow advancement until we reach the other door, kill the spider, go down the steps, kill the other spider and the dark imps, pres the switch, use the plasma to clear the room, switch. A few dark imps, a blue sphere, another switch. And a cyber. BFG, switch. Lift, pick up the yellow key, plasma the spider and then rocket the rest. Careful with the second ambush, knights, pinkies and cacobots. Rockets will still be the weapon of choice if you can gain enough space. There's a side room with a bit of ammo and a 2 knight+rev ambush. Move on, killing dark imps, don't forget the small corridor for the bluesphere and more ammo, and then it's outside where the skies are red. Going back in there's another huge knight ambush and I end up dying to one I missed while thinking I had it cleared and was focusing on the mancs. And it's back to the cyber.. And cyber done, lift, spiders, mini side ambush and then I triggered the big one before clearing the first and ended up dead again. Finally managed to clear both the small and the big ambush, back to outside, back inside, and this part is done. Now, on to the yellow door. Outside! But a megasphere is given to help out. jump down and.. Oh lots of mancs. And a cyber. And a lot of other things. Like, all of them, but zombies. I managed to run to the end and from there I'll try and clear it. The cyber didn't come after me, so it's a slow retreat and then BFG to his face. Done. Now, the imp switch, teleport and ah, damn. Had I known and I would have left the cow alive. Well, no use crying over spilled cyberdemon guts. Kill it all! And then enter the new path. Not a terrible ambush, despite the snipe-AV, mostly because he wasn't paying attention so I managed to clear the ground floor before worrying about him. At end, another switch, more bars gone. Revs, pinkies and a mini-cyber. Now.. there's not many more enemies to go, but there's a secret invun, 2 megaspheres, a non-secret invun and a BFG on my path... As expected, a trio of cybers. Switch, run for the invunerability, corner one of them and BFG him then deal with the other 2 and now switch, pick up the red key, open the big door.. A swarm of cacobots made trivial by BFG + secret invun. Then into the spiders room, kill them, grab the blue key and fight 4 mini-cybers on one go and.. That's that. All done. Pick up a healthpack and move to the exit! 100% K/I/S, 4 deaths, 24 minutes and 24 seconds. Totals : 26 deaths, 99.83% kills, 100% secrets, 7 hours 55 minutes and 24 seconds
  24. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Uprising

    let's get it on with, shall we? MAP 20 - Heroism, part 2. Starting at 428 kills in 26 minutes with 5 deaths. So, I'm at the yellow door, opening it reveals 2 chaingunners that die and a nearly dead manc that goes down to a single rocket. Up some steps, then down to the side, there's imps, knights, shotgunners, and a free bluesphere on the path to the next yellow door at the top. Chaingunners and then zombies of the shotgun and the plasma type. A pillared AV shows himself to be showered with rockets, some side flamethrowing zombies, rockets and a switch. A pair of implosions! Then, outside. Kill some more spiders and jump down into a chaingunner trap that nearly kills me.Grab some health and then save because two mega and one invunerability sphere tell me that a big fight is coming. And arrive it did. Ended up picking up the invun because of an AV jump and then cleared the fight with BFG. Oh, ofc there are more revs. Dark imps and mancs on the other side, but this leads back inside so I'll try the rev side first. Oh, nice, a blue armor. And now, inside. Spider, a few zombies, take a lift to press a switch, oh good, more revs. And tons of zombies. And a few cacos. Oh and a manc. Clear the fight, go press another switch. No ambush this time, but the path is now open up the steps, and we are at visual distance of the red key. There's an outside section that I explore first. Flame and plasma zombies and a switch. Press, a bunch of teleporting chainfuckers, back inside, pick the red key and.. Nothing happens? Good. Pick the megasphere, door, save, switch. Ok, not too terrible a fight, one more switch, lowering a single AV and another switch. This will likely open the way to the big fight awaiting me outside. Nice of them to warn there is no return after the lift down.. Maybe I should go hunt for secrets? Ok, found the secret invencibility on one of the previous arenas, now to the last fight! Also found a bug. In the room with the 2 yellow bars and 2 yellow doors there's a lift texture that should take you out of the water bellow but doesn't work. Since the water is non-damaging, it's a soft lock. I used fly to get out of there. Fully armed, armored and healthy I go for the final fight. Switch lowers a BFG, and then lift down. Invun and jump into the slaughter! Ok, 2 to go and a secret. It's a easily spoted one but, how to reach it? Ah ah! You need and invun to get to the invun. Still 2 enemies to go, they seem to have decided not to teleport? Yeah, two mini-cybers.. Oh well. 99, 100, 100 % K/I/S, 5 deaths, 59 minutes and 46 seconds. MAP 21 - Voidwalk : It's a dark sky that greets me as I step into another demon infested area. Satanic grey walls, gray water and blue torches. Imps are everywhere and down bellow the void is all there is. Climbing a tower gets me a revenant and two knights guarding a SSG, going back I take a sidestep to grab a backpack and the secret blue armor, and then I fall into the void and die. Second try, after the switch a quick run gets me the RSK, which I can now use to refuel on rockets and press another switch, then use said rockets to kill the knights and dark imps that pop up protecting the BSK.The keys gives me access to another tower, from that another path, a secret bluesphere, another tower, another walk and a teleport. Megasphere, YSK. And done. Jump down, teleport, blue door, yellow door, exit. 100% K/I/S, 1 death, 7 mins 45 seconds. MAP 22 - Welcoming : I believe I might be in hell. Clear the clearing, pun intended, press the switch, enter the doors. A sign tells em I'm in mars, the UAC base. It's filled to the brim with demons, and eventually two AVs and two cybercacos got the best of me. Retry. Second run I go for the top when entering the base, press the switch to lower the SSG and a traitor shows up! Then back inside I press a switch to bring a lift down, step into it, up. Another switch, two cybercacos the red key and then an AV. Up some more steps, a secret wall leading to a bluesphere, a bit of outside fun and a circular room with a central spider and a switch. Then a non-secret blue armor, a switch and a non-secret blue sphere and I'm outside the big room I died on before. Save, pick the yellow key and let's go! Clear the room, switch, clear the alcoves, switch. BFG the AVs, rocket the cybercacos and then blue door away. Kill the last 4 chaingunners and off to the exit! 100% K/I/S, 1 death, 11 minutes 49 seconds. Totals : 7 hours 31 minutes and 00 seconds. Almost 100% kills (doom launcher tells me I've missed 10 enemies out of 5674 I've encountered in Uprising), 100% secrets and a total of 22 deaths, not counting secret levels.
  25. kalaeth

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Uprising

    oh, today is the 21st, so it's map 20 and 21. Monday does that to math. MAP 20 - Heroism : So we exit into the snow, a lot of zombies and an almost hidden cache of imps with a manc. I decide to go that way first, but since there isn't anything there I just take the stairs and entry on the left instead. More zombies, a blue door, a lift locked by some bars, a chaos knight and imps and then a switch to raise said bars. Lift up, a chaos knight and some troopers, and then as soon as you pick up the RL, a swarm of revs, cacos, cyber cacos and dark imps. It might not be a bad idea to retreat back outside and let the cacos come to clear their number in a less rocket-to-the-face-friendly-environment. After clearing it up a bit, cross over, go down, clear the spiders (and everything else), press the bluesphere offering switch, remove the revs (and pinkies), go grab the back pack, then go press another switch, there will be a caco-rev swarm, and a new path will be there for the taking, back into the building, check the map and realize there's a bazillion enemies in this map. Again. And the die to a rev ball. From the last of the revs. Restart from the 2nd switch, back inside, kill the revs, and we are behind from where we started, and a lift. Take the lift and it's chaingunners, CKs and a mini-cyber. Kill them, go down the stairs, kill the next wave of revs, go down, up some steps, switch. And it's an AV! And more revs? And Chaingunners? Dead once, dead twice, remember I have the BFG, clear it. Restock on rockets, health and then blue door. Another blue door, switch, and the next zone. Enter the new building, there's an outside zone without much to do and then steps up, steps up and a bluesphere, and a ton of everything. First try ends with my death but also the knowledge there is an invunerability there. Second try I grab the invun and BFG my way top the switch, lowering a cyber, clear the fight, refuel on ammo, grab the YK and then another invun, clear the smaller second wave and then back out. And then die after the yellow door. Retry up to the door and then stop here for today 'cause I have no more time. 428 kills in 26 minutes is the partial total for the day. Deaths : IIIII