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Naked Snake

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About Naked Snake

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    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Heh, last night a cop was here. Two people were on parole here, one he found laying upstairs after we insisted nobody else was in the house. Neither got in trouble, no tickets were issued. The sink was full of beer, my brother failed the pen test. He's underage. Cop pat us all down after he found a grinder but DIDN'T TAKE THE GRINDER. Pretty stressful, but damn.

    Well, at least nothing happened. He was pretty chill. He even gave my brother cooking advice and said if we had a PS3, he might consider sticking around and playing some with us. Heh.

    EDIT : heh, when he was looking around, he saw the shotgun in my closet and was like "whoa, there's a gun in here." My cousin goes "yeah, the kid owns guns, what can I say?" The cop holds it and smiles, he's like "hmm. cool" and put it back.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. doom2day


      I second that motion

    3. Linguica


      skadoomer said:

      My boss and two of my co-workers are all on parole.

      OK now I pose the question to you

    4. skadoomer


      I work as a Tattoo artist. While i have obtained my college degree, the people around me (talented as they are) can't seem to keep their personal life from resorting to fighting, drinking and finding hookers.
