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Naked Snake

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About Naked Snake

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    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. I love getting packages in the mail :

    -A high-polish brass Zippo with an armored case. Sexy lighter, looks gold. I didn't know it, but apparently the insert (the actual lighter, the proper name is the insert) is brass too, I thought it was regular nickle-coated steel.

    -Two magazines for my 995 9mm carbine. Along with the factory magazine, that means I can have 30 rounds ready to go. When I get at least two more mags, I'll be at the sweet spot for now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grazza


      Then for God's sake don't start watching the Discovery Channel.

    3. Sharessa


      I think the coolest thing I ever saw manufactured was hard candy discs. They take big chunks of candy material then put them together in this big loaf like 2' across made of strips of this candy stuff that's arranged so it shows a picture (like a strawberry or face or something). Then they just stretch and stretch and stretch it until it's really long and 1" across and they cut it into little bits of candy and harden it, and each had the picture there cause it went all the way through.

    4. Richo Rosai

      Richo Rosai

      Bucket said:

      Goddamnit-- whenever I see a video montage of things being manufactured, I sit entranced through the whole thing. Thanks for nothing, Sesame Street.

      Seeing the conveyor belts and hearing the background music makes me think of Monkey Ball, which I imagine is something like a 'Nam flashback. Now I can't sleep tonight.

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