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Everything posted by HQDefault

  1. This is a thread for posting various screenshots or photographs that can provide inspiration for level themes or specific detailing ideas. For instance, here's a few mood boards I cobbled together from different games while looking for visual inspiration for my maps: Black Mesa: Black Ops 2: That one oil rig map in the Modern Warfare Reboot: Doom 3: Quake 2 Call of the Machine: Unreal Tournament 2004:
  2. (Sorry if this isn't the best place to post this, I'm still not very familiar with this site) So for the mappack that I've been working on a wound up making a few foliage/natural textures out of necessity. I figured they looked half decent, so I might as well upload them. Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dj5suu3ybeth13b/PN_Foliage.zip?dl=0 This pack contains both the original full RGB png versions of the sprites, as well as the versions that have been crunched into Doom's color palette. Here is each of the pngs, paletted versions on the left, fullRGB on the right. Transparent forest texture- FORST_BK: Transparent snowy forest texture- FORST_SN: Snowy stone texture- ROCKSNO: Generic bush- SMITA0 (Stalagmite 1 retextured into a bush): Snowy bush- SMT2A0 (Stalagmite 2 retextured as a snowy variant of the bush): Snowy ground texture- SNOFLAT: Snowy grass ground texture- SNOGRAS (Variant of GRASS2): Generic small tree- TRE1A0 (Gray tree retextured with leaves): Generic pine tree- TRE2A0 (Simply shares a filename with Large Brown Tree): Distant trees on a hill- TREDIST (Helpful for if you're using a 3D skybox): Snowy pine tree- TRSNA0: If you liked my work on these textures, please consider checking out the mappack they were made for:
  3. HQDefault

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Pay no mind to the gigantic pile of viscera stashed in this cave.
  4. I mean the wolfenstein SS guys already fill kind of an interesting niche in the roster, being more dangerous than shotgunners but less dangerous than chaingunners at closer ranges, but also being pathetic wimps at mid to long range. I feel like you could easily replace them with a SMG or Auto Shotgun zombie and it'd work fine.
  5. This is definitely on the right track, but the issue is that the way it cuts from "atmospheric" to "intense" makes it impossible for me to separate the two cleanly. For reference, the track that I'm probably going to pull the "action" half from is this cover by Matias Lehtoranta (who also did the Dark Halls remix): Like, this is probably the only instance of a remix that allows for a really clean separation between the two halves. And I would have used it for both, but for as much as I love this piece the atmospheric portions in this just wouldn't really fit the vibe of Spectacle Creep (or at least not for Phobos Anomaly).
  6. [BUILD 9C] Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bqqadwprhz9fatfwz4loj/spectacle-creep-build9C.zip?rlkey=1ohqf7ur3gg3szfrthieh7vsf&st=u3pw4y3g&dl=0 The basic conceit of this remake is that I'm going for a sort of "Architectural re-imagining" of classic Doom levels, with a more detailed version of the vanilla aesthetic. I'm taking a lot of inspiration from how Black Mesa added additional scripting and environmental details to the classic Half-Life maps. Now featuring: Hell to Pay difficulty! Adds more enemies and has stricter resource management. Hopefully will make the episode 1 enemies not quite so easy. Revised Nightmare difficulty! Replaces respawning monsters with making them deal twice the damage. Optional Gameplay mod! New weapons sprites and some light combat rebalancing. *** Compatibility & Rules: -Can currently only confirm this works with GZDoom in hardware rendering -CROUCHING - 100% ALLOWED -JUMPING - ABSOLUTELY NOT -FREELOOK- RECOMMENDED BY NOT REQUIRED -CROSSHAIR IS RECOMMENDED FOR ADDON MOD Compatibility warning: -There's some weird graphical heckery when rendering in software mode (although it is still playable) -There are multiple textures and lighting effects that go off-palette, and thus some areas might look bizarre when rendering with Doom's original color palette. -Custom HD texture packs will create visual inconsistencies with Spectacle Creep's texture set and can cause unexpected graphical issues -You may experience frame drops if you have a very low-end computer *** Currently completed maps: E1M1 E1M2 E1M3 E1M4 E1M5 E1M6 E1M7 E1M9 Custom textures are: -IDTex pack (what I assume is a collection of beta textures, I dunno, I just know it wasn't very organized and I had to remove a bunch of stuff because they overwrote a bunch of useful textures) -Cage's pack -DrDoctor's texture pack -A few textures from TheHambourgeois, StalkerBlade, and DoomDude -Various texture assets from 32in24 -A few modified Quake 3 and Half-Life textures -Legacy of Rust's textures -Some stuff I made myself Custom music: -The Doom 3 Intro theme -"At Doom's Gate" cover done by Nemistade -"The Imp's Song" cover done by Ransu, Ashley Carr (RIP), Sonic Clang, and TiberiumSoul -"Dark Halls" cover done by Matias Lehtoranta -"Suspense" cover done by Andrey Avkhimovich -"Demons on the Prey" cover done by ProxyMIDI -Some music from Shane's HD Doom Music pack is being used as placeholders. -Intermission music is the Quake 3 victory theme -Menu Music is Aubrey Hodge's Doom 64/PSX Theme (20th Anniversary Edition) -Brief stinger from Deus Ex: Invisible War For best atmosphere: -Make sure decals are enabled! -Bloom is recommended Screenshots: Gameplay Teaser: *** MUSICAL TALENT WANTED! How YOU can contribute to Spectacle Creep! I'm currently searching for any musicians willing to contribute remixes to Spectacle Creep! I'm mostly looking for music that leans more into making the original Doom music feel atmospheric while also being willing to add a bit more of a melody to some of the more repetitive tracks. The tone I'm going for is somewhere in between Doom 1 and Doom 3, so keep that in mind. I recommend looking at the E1M3 and E1M5 remixes I've already included for reference, as well as the soundtrack for the 3DO port. While I definitely think there's room in Spectacle Creep for fast and aggressive electric guitars, I'd like for the music to have a bit more going on than that. Bear in mind that I sadly can't pay you, so this is just if you want to be a part of the project and help make Spectacle Creep as good as it can be. Here are the open slots where I need remixes: -E1M4 -E1M6 -E1M8 "Atmospheric Half" -E1M8 "Action Half" -E1M9 This slot is open, but not necessarily needed: -Intermission - I'm currently using the Quake 3 victory music. While I'm okay with leaving it like that, If you want to create a remix of the intermission theme for this WAD or even something more original, I'd be happy to use it. These slots are taken and being worked on: ~~~ These slots are complete: -E1M1 -E1M2 -E1M3 -E1M5 -E1M7 If you're interested in contributing music to the project, please feel free to send me a DM through Doomworld or post something in the thread. Also if you have already made some music that you feel would fit the project, feel free to show me what you have and I will consider including it in a future version.
  7. Wanted to share some of my plans for E1M8 and how they relate to my ongoing search for cool remixes. Without spoiling too much, I can say Phobos Anomaly is easily going to be the most diverged from the source material, and is going to have quite a bit more going on before you can activate the portal to Deimos. So what I wanted to do was split the track "Sign of Evil" into two parts, an "Atmospheric Half" and an "Action Half", where a more aggressive and guitar-heavy version kicks up when you start activating things (and not just when you fight the barons because realistically you'd only hear it for, like... 20 seconds). But I really need the community's help for this because trying to do this only with existing remixes/covers on the internet is pretty rough. Despite the sheer abundance of E1M8 remixes, there's not really a track that is a good fit for both halves, nor are there many tracks that can only serve as one or the other, especially not on the action side. So right now what I'm having to do is pick something that's "good enough" on the atmospheric side, and try my best to cut up a different remix to fit in the action side. Anyway, if you're into this idea and have the spare time to help make some music for the mod, I'd be super appreciative.
  8. Build 9C is ready: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bqqadwprhz9fatfwz4loj/spectacle-creep-build9C.zip?rlkey=1ohqf7ur3gg3szfrthieh7vsf&st=u3pw4y3g&dl=0 For starters, I fixed the elevators now. Previously none of the sectors on them were linked and also had an awkward set of booleans to determine if you could press the buttons or not, and they could easily be broken if someone stood on them wrong. Well not anymore, I have a much better set of checks in place that also makes for a much neater bit of code. Secondly, I finally went and made a 3D model for the rocket launcher, so it now has a pre-rendered set of animations to fit with the rest of the arsenal.
  9. So I have a toggle-based elevator setup so that multiple sectors rise and fall together at the same time. I've since realized that if the player or a monster is standing on the edge, it can block, one, but not all, of the sectors from moving. Is there a way of setting up the ACS so that if one sector is blocked, ALL of the sectors are blocked? Thank you. EDIT: Once again, I find myself consulting the forum because I think to myself "there's no way I'll find the solution on my own" before immediately finding the solution on my own. It's the linked sectors: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Sector_SetLink
  10. UUUGGGHHHH I HAVE TO GO AND FIX THAT NOW. I have no idea what's going on there but I'm going to try and replicate it and see what the hell is going on.
  11. New update: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w2mi55bvtyb681b3fy16f/Spectacle-Creep-Build-9B.zip?rlkey=u31uozi9zo80kcktu54jjvmst&st=6dzfkhv0&dl=0 Added in that snazzy new conversation sequence at the start of E1M3, complete with subtitles and the ability to skip the whole thing by leaving early. Also fixed an issue with the floor damaging you where it shouldn't in E1M7, and further improved some of the detailing in E1M3 to get it back up to par with the other maps.
  12. I wanted to briefly showcase the scene I did for the start of E1M3: Currently both of the guys are voiced by me. If you have any experience voice acting and wouldn't mind reading these lines yourself, I'd really appreciate that. Because I'd prefer not to be stuck with my own crummy voice acting.
  13. Smaller update: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yc4szo44g1lj7r7npqgq7/spectacle-creep-build9A.zip?rlkey=cknmk8ow5ep6a9azw8567g9z7&st=x923gfa0&dl=0 I hadn't updated the splash screen for E1M9 and it wound up contradicting the re-write I did for the other intermission screens, so I had to go in and fix that. Also fixed a small error with the timing on the elevator in E1M3, and did some minor detail improvements on E1M7.
  14. UPDAAAATE! Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e9ckxl6u8v8aeya81aky2/spectacle-creep-build9.zip?rlkey=w0gvhs2twplou24yfappqovas&st=dtztb9u7&dl=0 E1M7 Computer Station is done and ready. I feel like I was a little rusty when it came to the smaller details, but in terms of level theming this is probably my most creative remake so far. I also went in and re-made and re-wrote each of the intermission screens, to be more focused on Doomguy's journey rather than just a bunch of lore tidbits. Sadly I haven't gotten the scripted sequence thing done, but I also have a lot of stuff planned for the final Episode 1 release so honestly it can wait. The current plan is to have Episode 1 finished by the end of the year. I need to make a list of all the stuff I want to have done for the final release, because like I said, I have quite a few things planned that I think will really tie the whole package together.
  15. I've come with some good news. E1M7 is getting pretty close to being done. The main layout is just about finished, I just want to polish up a few more things and add some more details here & there, and then it'll be time to add in the monsters and items and such. This one feels like it's taken quite a bit longer for me to finish compared to the previous maps, I guess partially because I'm still getting back into the swing of things after that long hiatus, and also because of how big and interconnected this map is in general. As is tradition, here's a layout comparison between the two maps- This map will also be getting the "introductory area" treatment once I've wrapped up the main layout and enemy placement. I also want to experiment with that Half-Life style scripted sequence idea I had before releasing the next update. I wrote a script for a short scene at the beginning of E1M3, we'll see if I can get it to work.
  16. HQDefault

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Here's a screenshot that I think is a little... cooler.
  17. HQDefault

    Automap - How often do you use it

    I remember it was basically almost never when I first started playing. But over time I've learned to check the map if I, say, pick up a keycard and don't remember where the associated door is, or just don't know what passage I haven't gone down yet. (Although I honestly don't remember if the base game color coded the locked doors on the map or if that's just a source port thing) That being said, I do prefer to be able to get through a level without having to go back and check the map.
  18. HQDefault

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    WIP of my E1M7 remake
  19. HQDefault

    LEGACY OF RUST - overall thoughts?

    I've been playing through it on Ultra Violence and I've been mostly enjoying it. A lot of the maps are right on the razor's edge of difficulty that I still enjoy. I have not been able to finish Soul Silo, though. I didn't go to the secret level and therefore didn't have the calamity blade, and when walking into that Arch-Vile room, I didn't have a backpack or any spare rockets. And with those three elements combined, that effectively made the Arch-Vile room impossible at my skill level. I can only kill a maximum of two with the flamethrower before the invulnerability runs out, and there's still another six to go with barely any cover. And it's really hard to motivate myself to finish the rest of the expansion knowing that even if I do get past that room... from there on out it's basically slaughter map territory. And while it's not impossible for me to like slaughter maps, it's still pretty rare.
  20. I'm back with version 8. Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bgg8l9ifzpba19j36c9gc/spectacle-creep-build8.zip?rlkey=9fq1k0p6anh032wwoh323oygl&st=55cbw2uh&dl=0 I was going to wait until E1M7 was ready to release the next update, but I figured since it's been such a long time I might as well. This version adds opening segments to most of the levels, except E1M5 and E1M9. E1M5 already had an extended outdoor secret that you caught a glimpse of at the beginning, and E1M9 works better when you're dropped directly into the action. If I do move onto the later episodes, these probably won't appear as often just because I think Phobos is helped the most by the scene setting. Also has a few refinements to the addon mod, such as some new frames for the status bar face as well as some new pickup sounds.
  21. Okay, so I have an issue where monsters are being alerted in this "numbered maze" segment from outside the building, no matter how many sound-blocking lines I add. There is an interactive sector portal that allows me to have a rooftop area above this, so I have to imagine that the problem has something to do with how I've implemented the sector portal. Even though none of the portal sectors touch any of this area, and none of the geometry should even intersect at any point. I don't know what could possibly be carrying the sound into there and waking the monsters up. Can someone give me a list of things to look for? 'Cause this is driving me crazy.
  22. I fixed it. I had multiple sets of portals where parallel realities would overlap each other, and I think the sound propagation system just got super confused by this. Changing it into a one-way portal seems to have fixed it.
  23. HQDefault

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    WIP of a bit of Phobos exploration. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to get the lighting to be a bit less flat.
  24. HQDefault

    Post your Doom textures!

    Went through and modified some of the city textures that were bundled with Legacy of Rust to have the same window texture as in Cage's Texture Pack. (In other words: Not just solid black)
  25. HQDefault

    Random Image Thread
