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About Hyacsho

  • Rank
    Doom Enjoyer

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  1. I for one, am excited! This feels like a fresh approach to a new idea, and I'm all for it.
  2. Hyacsho

    Hobbyist Mappers and Megawads

    I dont personally. I recently played a wad called Hell's Archies, and it was AMAZING!! Single map wads, can be very rewarding, but I suppose there's some credit to the sunk cost in a megwad, that makes it ... I don't know, more impressive?
  3. Hyacsho

    Hobbyist Mappers and Megawads

    I do love these terms, won't lie. Something to consider when promoting one's work I agree :D
  4. Time to play one of my favourite WADs: CLANDESTINE CASTLE CRASHING!!
    Hope you'll enjoy the banter, gameplay, nonsense! HUZAAHHH!!! 



  5. It is time! 
    Going to be trying out Ad Mortem: 


  6. Hyacsho

    Hobbyist Mappers and Megawads

    As do I!
  7. I decided to talk about The Bruiser Brothers from the original Doom Knee-deep in the Dead: 


  8. Hyacsho

    Hobbyist Mappers and Megawads

    I recently discussed Path to Hades with MrMeanor, I'd love to check this one out too. It's great to see the collaborative approach to Megawads, as a standard in Doom; that creates community, and I love that.
  9. Hyacsho

    Hobbyist Mappers and Megawads

    Well now this looks interesting!
  10. Hyacsho

    Hobbyist Mappers and Megawads

    I'm not going to lie, love that promo bit, going to stalk your work now haha Thanks for your commentary here, I've found, a similar impulse to look to make my own casual and creative single maps, over a "megawad" project, like you said, mostly due to time and in my case energy. I love the idea of casual single map wads, that are fun and creative in execution. I recently played a metroidvania inspired wad called: Hell's Archies and while at first was frustrated, loved what the creator was trying to do. Like that map, I spent a lot of time thinking, and really had a good time.
  11. Hyacsho

    Hobbyist Mappers and Megawads

    I'm going to check Dark Matter out! Yeah, suppose that goes for me too. I participated in RAMP once, and loved the limited commitment about it. Was great to still work on a single map, and push it out as a piece in the universe. Maybe it's a nice workout for noobs like me, or people that don't have a lot of time for megawads, also like me haha
  12. Hello dear Doom friends, I've been playing a lot more, single maps of late, and really enjoying them. I was reminded of the amazing RAMP project too, where we basically enjoy a collection of single maps into a massive mega mega wad. Then I thought, what is your point of view on mappers as hobbyists, do you think single map creators is the norm, or, does everyone work toward a larger Megawad? Are you such a hobbyist? Like me I think; I like making single map projects more I suppose. If you do have single map experiences, share them here with me; I'd love to check them out! :D Take care, rip & tear!