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Doom Guy584725

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About Doom Guy584725

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    Warming Up

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  1. Doom Guy584725

    My First WAD

    I mixed it with brutal doom but it's great.

    Title: shootingrange v1.1
    Game: Doom 2
    Map Format: UDMF
    Source Port: It is compatible for zdoom and for other doom ports it is to test doom weapons and for other wad and pk3
    Starts on: MAP01
    Gameplay Content: Single level. shooting range and any difficulty works.


    An update to the 2022 map, There is an improvement to practice your weapons, it is combatable with all ports of doom.


    Doom Builder




    shootingrange v1.1.zip

  3. Doom Guy584725

    Castle Brainrot

    A video that I was going to upload but I was late but here you go.
  4. Doom Guy584725

    Moroder Mansion

    Thank you, I've been wanting to do this for a long time. If I had a YouTube channel, I'd give my heart and leave you posted in the comments.
  5. Doom Guy584725

    Moroder Mansion

  6. Doom Guy584725

    [MBF21] "Urban Crusade"

    Urban Crusade + POSTAL  RUNNING WITH CHAINSAWS map 1
  7. Doom Guy584725

    base of hell

    Thanks for the advice and I'm going to watch the video god's rule by john romero and see the doom mapping.
  8. Doom Guy584725

    base of hell

    Thanks for playing the map I will improve in the future.
  9. Doom Guy584725

    base of hell

    Thanks for the advice to improve doom wads and it's the second map I've done but good video.
  10. Doom Guy584725

    Hockey stage WAD

    It's debt and the video is a little late but that's not important the important thing you can see the video, it's a dedicated video for the wad, I hope you enjoy it.
  11. Doom Guy584725

    Moroder Mansion

    I tried to search for an m16 with a grenade launcher equipped but I did not find anything on the internet of .wad or .pk3 of doom I only found a version of m16 with a grenade launcher but I found it in the final version of greezo due 2, but thanks for rationing my video you deserve more support in your wad.
  12. Doom Guy584725

    base of hell

    With that I have a doubt about uploading your doom wads in doomworld, actually I'm new to this.