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About Majin

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    eldritch monster

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  1. Majin

    Favourite Opening Map?

    entryway cause iconic and simpel and easy
  2. hammer

    1. lcurtis


      Hammer is a software made by Valve Software to make maps and mods for source games.

    2. Majin
    very creative and concise.
  3. this ai is unlikely to become widespread unless everyone suddenly has an extra 500 terabytes of space on their computer or have god-like internet speeds to use the AI data. im looking forward to what ai could help people do in the future but this doesn't seem to be relevant, at least for now im more interested in having ai generated images and videos get good. It has improved so much so quickly, im just waiting for the price of these services to go down as the tech improves so I can be the next Quinton Tarantino
  4. doom likes to keep the image of the edgy hardcore game that is hated by everyone who can't handle it but it is safer than ever before. I think doom needs to embrace the religious elements more because it's annoying that it's ambiguously religious in many aspects but refusing to double down on it. Make doom guy canonically christian or whatever, go full on with the imagery with crosses and 666, include bible quotes, make jesus and satan characters. Not that I think it'll be necessarily good but I do believe it would make it hardcore like it was in the 90's.
  5. I was watching a tutorial and their version of Doom Builder had arrows to display things but my one had boxes with images on them I think I need a link to the latest version of DB
  6. i'd like a simplification of the series. the doom reboots have been full of bloat and escalating complexity. i feel like eternal was brain numbing in a bad way. the idea of making the player faster with a lot more movement mechanics made it feel draining because it was necessary just to avoid most enemies in the game. What's the point of dodging the demon's projectiles when i can dash away from it in less than a second? all movement comes down to splerging around the arena with little to no tactics besides creating distance. and god, the weapons are so bloated, alot of them become redundant and it feels so impractical to switch between them. What's the point of the precision bolt if the ballista does the same thing? Or how the sticky bomb launcher is just a grenade with extra steps? all the modifications, weapons and stuff like the flamethrower things feel like it's bogging down the experience. but i doubt anything will change though, in the next game it'll probably have a keybind for a more absurd shit, and gameplay will be using rocket backpacks to jump across arenas in 2 seconds while 30 demons also do the same. i'd also like to see something new instead of the continued flanderization of the original games. "OH MY GOD ITS THE BFG 10000000) OMG ITS SO BIG AND EPIC OH MY GOOOD!!!!!" please add something new and cool, we've seen the same hell, sci fi bases and destroyed cities before, add something original and cool.
  7. Majin

    Claires first map!

    very confusing, i didnt have any weapons or ammo to take out half the enemies
  8. pureref is good at putting down images and textboxes in a canvas
  9. i play on UV most of the time because that's what usually had the most content in it. There were times in maps where playing on UV was an entirely different experience than on anything else. However I decided to play on HMP because I have noticed that the balancing it out of whack for most maps. I was playing Pirate Doom 2 recently on UV and I was very annoyed at how difficult it was because of the lack of ammo for anything on every map, I was scavenging everywhere just a few bullets and finding ways to cheese AI. Tons of quicksaving and quickloading. Difficulty is a tedious and difficult thing to account for when mapping and I understand that most mappers don't put too much thought into it. I think most maps were designed for HMP difficulty, and anything more tends to be an afterthought wit a bunch more enemies cramped into with little consideration for fun. Like wow guys, instead of 5 imps in a closet, it's suddenly 20?! Now I get to have an extra 2 minutes shooting the same thing! Or, just as bad is when they plop down a cyberdemon or mastermind for no fucking reason. There have been so many maps that just added them with nothing to actually make them beatable.
  10. AI has taken over doom. Quake won.