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Final Verdict

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About Final Verdict

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  1. Alright, despite my best efforts I just don't have the time to get on doomworld everyday.


    I'm not sure if anyone has noticed but I have been posting less and less over the last couple of weeks or so. Compared to before where I was quite active because I had more free time.


    The reason for this is that life is a very chaotic at the moment and I simply don't have as much free time as I'd like. It's been effecting my mood and I haven't been anywhere near my usual upbeat self lately.


    Hopefully it won't be for too long. I have to focus on this stuff as things are beginning to spiral out of control. Don't worry it's nothing I cannot fix, but I do need to tend to the garden so to speak. 


    I will return when I have dealt with these irritating and distracting life problems.


    With any luck I'll be away for no more than a few weeks at best. Whenever things get back to normal, or at least some semblance of it. 


    Until then, have fun and keep your chin up.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Final Verdict

      Final Verdict

      Well, that turned out better than expected. I honestly thought I would be gone for at least 6-8 weeks, but I'm back a lot sooner than I expected.


      My posting might be a little sporadic for the next two weeks since I still have a few lose ends to tie up, but at least I have some free time now. 


      Other than that I'll be floating around on Doomworld.


    3. Omniarch


      Welcome back man! It'll be good to have you around again :)

    4. Final Verdict

      Final Verdict

      Thanks Omni. 


      Give me a week or two and I should be a little more active around here. Well, at least I'll be posting more than once or twice a week :)


      I'll see you around on the forums!
