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forgettable pyromaniac

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Everything posted by forgettable pyromaniac

  1. forgettable pyromaniac

    Change where custom things are in the editor.

    I'm making a few custom replacements, notably a Grey Stalagmite that replaces the duplicate corpse in Decorations. Here it is, in Decorations. I wanted to see if its possible to move things around so they're next to eachother (assuming I renamed them "Stalagmite (Brown)" and "Stalagmite (Grey)", for instance) Where I'd want to put it (decorations) IDK if it's like... Hard-coded IDs that put things in specific folders, or how that works, but- UDB, Vanilla No-Limits (Crispy), Dehacked.
  2. forgettable pyromaniac

    Change where custom things are in the editor.

    Yeah, I'm only using DEHACKED. I have never used DecoHack (I don't actually know what that is, as a matter of fact, need to look that up). I could do the configuration thing, though that is a little scary. I am using WhackEd4, though.
  3. forgettable pyromaniac

    Change where custom things are in the editor.

    It'll remain in the decorations tab, but be moved downward.
  4. forgettable pyromaniac

    Is there a better way to add CRT lines to Doomguy?

    The Gist is, I am making a HUD where I have doomguy's face on a CRT. I wanted to know if there was an easier way to algorithmically add on the CRT bars without doing it by hand, and while simultaniously keeping doom's palette, maybe with FFMPEG or something similar? Just to make my life easier, that's all. Thanks :)
  5. forgettable pyromaniac

    Is there a better way to add CRT lines to Doomguy?

    On the right side with the ammo count, it looks right. I think they're a little offset by an odd number on the arms (i didnt realize that, thanks :P) I actually don't know how to do that exactly, especially in slade. Could probably figure it out in Paint.NET, though.
  6. ive been really not in the mood to make levels

    maybe i should try making midi music and see if that gets my jive back for doom

  7. forgettable pyromaniac

    GZDoom & Making games with it.

    Yeah no that's about it, everything important there :D thank you that is also extremely helpful, thanks gez !
  8. forgettable pyromaniac

    GZDoom & Making games with it.

    So, I know GZDoom has been used in a few chunk of games released on steam and has been used for many other wads that do use some regular .wad assets, but I wanted to ask, right from the people who know 10x more about this stuff than me: What's the legality? As in, what am i allowed to do with GZ if I want to make my own game with it? Can I make a game with it and upload it to itch.io just fine? Steam (if I had the money)? I know if I wanted to, I cant use any doom assets, which is a given. But assuming I made everything that would in the .wad myself, what about the engine? Can I edit the exe name and icon? Do people make their own forks and build it that way, or do people only use the regular editors you'd expect (Slade3 and UDB)? And also, as someone who hasn't used GZ since they first started dooming, how customizable is it w/o building from source (i.e., can you make your own settings menu, can you force certain things like antialiasing/resolution scaling or something to keep the game looking kinda crunchy?) Trying to get all the information I need before I even consider doing something like that.
  9. forgettable pyromaniac

    GZDoom & Making games with it.

    I don't know the difference between pk3 and wad, afaik it was just a different way to format the same stuff (with directories instead(?)) Basically, was just asking about the basic like "this is the most important bits if youre planning on getting started with GZ" because I've made exactly one thing for GZ and I barely understood what I was doing, I'm much more familliar with vanilla/limit-removing creation. Proper english for the liscensing rights is always nice :) thank you. And as for assets, yeah - I knew that it would be a lot of effort and time, thats why I wanted to double check with people who knew better.
  10. forgettable pyromaniac

    GZDoom & Making games with it.

    That definetly clears up the engine side of things (just GPL it, afai can tell), but not nessecarily the way to go about it (the questions about GZ in general).
  11. forgettable pyromaniac

    Silencing the Chainsaw, properly.

    Dehacked, WhackEd4, Vanilla editing. So, the chainsaw is hardcoded to play their sounds, that's a given, and what most people (and even the code) say. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2637069 but the wording behind what MTrop said got me interested: "...when the chainsaw is the current weapon and A_WeaponReady is called on state 67." If I change the ready state to something else entirely (swapping the Raise with ready, for example), will that shut up the chainsaw? Muting SAWUP to get rid of the raise sound effect isn't that bad, but having a silent SAWIDL play repeatedly is killiing the slicing through enemies sfx, and I want those to be hearable all the time if possible. Looking through the C(++) code for all this killed my braincells, so I don't quite understand whats going on in that respect.
  12. just binned my last Doom project

    gonna start over with a clean slate and see if that helps

  13. still working on stuff, just slowly
    and doing other things too

    FNF mods and the like
    nobody probably cares but yea

  14. reorganization is important, kids.

  15. forgettable pyromaniac

    Y'all ever get burnt out playing Doom?

    I did for a while over here, but making levels and music recently has gotten me back into things, as well as blind-streaming wads on twitch. Not as much as when I first got into the game, but yea :)
  16. forgettable pyromaniac

    my final doom project.

    Decided I'm gonna try to stream creating this live so if you wanna see some live level editing, you can do that and even give your own input. On twitch, same username. You'll know :)
  17. forgettable pyromaniac

    my final doom project.

    So I've been kinda dwindling out from Doom for a while, but I wanted to hop back in cold turkey. Damn, getting back into this workflow is weird. Now while this is my final doom project, I don't want it to be my last thing ever - I just wanna go out with a bang on this mod, and then help out with some smaller things here and there, likely with music or something. It was originally going to be a Breaking Ground II of sorts, but I don't really like how BG turned out in all honestly - I was getting burnt out by the end, and you can tell. So I've been taking this slow, maybe a bit too slow. Been mostly just gathering ideas in a large TXT document over time, and even setting up the DEH, Text lumps and finding some music from VG music that I liked that could fit the theme (I make levels based on the tunes that play in the level - it's weird)... All that, I just haven't had anyone to bounce ideas off of or nothin', so I thought I'd throw up a Doomworld forum post to say hi, and catch back up to speed with this thing. I'm planning on keeping the green theming, though - Even reusing some of the assets that are already made for BG - did anyone even play that garbage heap? Would anyone even recognize the reuse? IDK. I wanted to get some thoughts on things I have written down, mostly in terms of the weapons, since those are the only thing I actually have down that I'm willing to share (besides maybe the first level that I made... Over a year ago, I think - fuck dude, time flies) [and I decided to, images at bottom]. Also, I'm still deciding whether I should do BOOM or DOOM (Limit Removing), I like the latter, but the former allows for more flexibility with VOODOO SCRIPTING WOOOOOOOO I dunno, and that's why I made the thread, I guess. To start a discussion about what I'm actually doing, maybe getting some assistance to get this dang thing that's been haunting me forever completed, stuff like that. Same ol, same ol, I suppose. I think I've shown this off to maybe... One person, but that was forever ago, and I don't even remember who, and I doubt they remember me. HELLO PERSON! That's all, I suppose. Throw thoughts around, and... I guess I go to work on this, now? Crazy concept.
  18. I open this every once in a while, just to stare at the main categories and then close it again.

    I dunno, man. I think I just fell off.

    I'm gonna just unbookmark this website and go do something else for a while.
    If I get the sudden kick to make maps again, I'll hop back in.

    in the meantime, you'll know where to find me.

    have a great night.

  19. i am so tired
    sorry yall been focusing on making a game rather than doom modding. I'll get back to it at some point, but it's basically at the back of my to do list at this point.

    in the meantime, you'll know where to find me.

  20. forgettable pyromaniac

    If you went inside the last doom mod you played how screwed are you

    fucked. The last thing I played was actually vanilla doom... So I'd be ok, I think.
  21. forgettable pyromaniac

    Just for fun: Subtitles for hypothetical pwad sequels

    Mock 3: Mach 3 Cyberdreams 2: "Now with 50% more thigh highs!" BOOMEDIT 2: "It's just MBF."
  22. Okay so, update time.

    I am still messing around with building, just haven't made anything that cool as of late.
    I finally got UDB working on linux (built from source, using mono)
    so I don't need to use eureka anymore.

    So, what should I do exactly? I made two megawads (one by myself, one as a community)...
    Might make a one-map wad just to shake the rust off.

    I dunno, I don't really know anyone here, per-say. Mostly just acquaintances.
    I enjoy talking to stxvile on occasion when they're streaming, but that's about it as of late.

  23. I still dont have a name for the cat oc

  24. forgettable pyromaniac

    What Chocolate is Best Chocolate?

    Regular candy hurts my teeth - It's probably all the sugar. For that reason, if I want chocolate, it has to be dark. Otherwise I risk pain for an hour or so :(