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Everything posted by Voidic

  1. Ok so im making a partial conversion with different weapons than vanilla, though like for example: When i kill a sergeant they drop the vanilla shotgun instead of the custom shotgun, how do i fix this?
  2. So, im trying to add an AK47 and add a tag of 15001, But i also have an Autoshoty with a tag of 15000, but when i add the AK, it doesn't appear in the builder, what do i do
  3. Voidic

    How do i add multiple weapons to my PK3

    Agh, never mind.
  4. Voidic

    How do i add multiple weapons to my PK3

    Oh yea and im using lazygamers PK3 tutorials and his PK3 Template
  5. Voidic

    How do i add multiple weapons to my PK3

    Oh yea and the only thing thats on the GUI is the AutoShoty and now i have more weapons and 1 enemy
  6. Voidic

    How do i add multiple weapons to my PK3

    What?... ok, I have no idea what you just said, but, basically I can still use THINGS in the builder, by putting their ID's in the ID searcher AND in game, but in the builder THINGS just don't show up on the builder GUI.
  7. Voidic

    How do i add multiple weapons to my PK3

    Hmmm, well when i did that, it works in the slade map maker, but not in the ultimate doom builder, sure, i can just put in the ID's of the weapons in the ID searcher or whatever its called, but i like convenience. (Not tryna be bratty)
  8. I have been playing doom for a few months now and i have actually getting board because of the lack of new stuff... So yea ;-; Could you lads reccomend me TC's? List of TC's i already have: Golden Souls 2 Batman Doom Onslaught Paranoid PogoStick ProDoomer
  9. Im tryna make player sprites for my new wad: Map Pack Vol 1. And yea thats basicly it.
  10. Wait it aint erasing
  11. Wait i cant open the LMPs using gimp
  12. Huh, ok, but how do i make player-like sprites? and doing all of them is gonna be exhausting ;-;
  13. I already got the placement down and you can pick it up, but you cant swap to it twice, if you swap to another weapon, ya cant use it, also, how do i replace the starting pistol? (The gun im using is the raptor handgun from realm667)
  14. Oh wait i found it on discord
  15. Oh hey, it works! now how do i replace the deafalt pistol with it... Not tryna be rude or controlling or anything
  16. Ok i put it to ACTOR Raptor : Weapon 15006 so where do a put the slot number thing
  17. Also i gave it a slot thing heres the gameinfo thing: gameinfo { weaponslot = 1, "Fist", "Chainsaw" weaponslot = 2, "Raptor" // add other slots here... }
  18. Well heres the DECORATE script: ACTOR Raptor : Weapon { Inventory.PickupSound "misc/w_pkup" Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the Raptor Handgun!" Weapon.AmmoType1 "Clip" Weapon.AmmoGive 12 Weapon.AmmoUse1 2 Weapon.KickBack 350 Decal "BulletChip" States { Spawn: RPTP A -1 Loop Ready: RPTN A 1 A_WeaponReady Loop Deselect: RPTN A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: RPTN A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/raptor") TNT1 A 0 A_GunFlash RPTN B 1 Bright A_FireBullets(2, 3, 2, 8, "RaptorPuff", 1) RPTN CD 1 RPTN A 2 TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/raptor") TNT1 A 0 A_GunFlash RPTN B 1 Bright A_FireBullets(2, 3, 2, 8, "RaptorPuff", 1) RPTN CD 1 RPTN A 12 RPTN A 1 A_ReFire Goto Ready AltFire: RPTM ABC 2 TNT1 A 0 A_CustomPunch(0, 0, 0, "RaptorMPuffDummy",85) RPTM D 1 A_CustomPunch(20, 0, 0, "RaptorMPuff",85) RPTM EFGH 1 TNT1 A 13 TNT1 A 1 A_ReFire Goto Ready Flash: TNT1 A 2 Bright A_Light1 Goto LightDone } } ACTOR RaptorPuff { Mass 5 Scale 0.50 Radius 3 Height 3 +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY -PUFFONACTORS Renderstyle TRANSLUCENT Alpha 0.8 States { Spawn: RPPF AABCDE 1 BRIGHT Stop } } ACTOR RaptorMPuff { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +NOEXTREMEDEATH -PUFFONACTORS RenderStyle Translucent Alpha 0.5 SeeSound "weapons/raptormhit" AttackSound "weapons/raptordeflect" ActiveSound "weapons/raptormelee" States { Spawn: RMPF AB 2 RMPF C 1 Stop } } ACTOR RaptorMPuffDummy { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +NOEXTREMEDEATH +PUFFONACTORS SeeSound "weapons/raptormhit" States { Spawn: TNT1 A 1 Stop } }