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About Adamantium

  • Rank
    Duke Nukem Forever defender

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  1. Invisible pockets built into his armor, standard issue for all UAC marines, You'd know this if you were a REAL DOOM fan!
  2. Adamantium

    What are the spheres anyway?

    Maybe their just healthy snacks that the demons like to bring with them on trips.
  3. Adamantium

    The meaning of you're account name..

    Not the name I originally registered as but Adamantium is the stuff that Wolverines bones are coated in, it makes him a lot tougher. As for why I chose it? because its cool as fuck.
  4. Adamantium

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    Administration center/MAP21.
  5. Adamantium

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    21 Was my favorite TNT map, this is really sad to see man, rest in peace Drake.
  6. Adamantium

    Can you find Doom?

    Homelander fighting Superman. Looks like superman dealt with A-Train, Black Noir and The Deep. Also im pretty sure the ambulance is supposed to be a Johnny Cab from Total Recall.
  7. Playing this wad makes me feel like a chimpanzee gawking at magic tricks, I genuinely don't know how some of this shit is possible in vanilla. Amazing work!
  8. You need to load it in TNT for certain textures to appear correctly, that's why there's so many missing textures in your video, It's not intended to be played in DOOM II at all.
  9. Love me good old TNT mapping.


  10. Anger Management TNT Map After socking his commanding officer (Again) Doomguy is sent to to an anger management program that consists of a demon destroying gauntlet ripe with cheap tricks and hordes of fodder for any skinny magician to waltz right up to and fix up good as new, can he pass the class?. Works in Chocolate DOOM but there is an abundance of visual bugs, limit removing or above is recommended TESTED PORTS : GZDOOM, Chocolate DOOM, Crispy DOOM & SODOOM. Download : https://www.mediafire.com/file/qpwae0gdfxprdoy/angr.wad/file Screenshots :
  11. Welcome to Baron Mountain, enjoy your stay.



  12. Adamantium

    Purest Evil (DOOM II) (Limit removing)

    Alright, sorry for the misunderstanding.