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Everything posted by Adamantium

  1. Adamantium

    What other FPSs you like outside Doom?

    Duke Nukem 3D and Duke Nukem Forever, huge fan of that series, also a major Valve fan, Half-life, Team Fortress & Counter-Strike are all favorites. Outside of older games and Valve I've been liking Black-Ops 6, only really been playing the zombies though.
  2. Deleted my twitter and I don't think I have ever felt better, good riddance.

    1. Naarok0fkor


      They're such twits on twitter...

  3. If your the 2nd biggest Duke Nukem fan on Doomworld, then who would be the first?

    1. june gloom

      june gloom

      I was thinking Nightfright. He's done an enormous amount of preservation work and is very active on Duke4.

  4. Adamantium

    How do you like Black Ops 6?

    Zombies is pretty cool, that's really the only part I've been playing, but I did play the MP beta and that was pretty good so I'd imagine it must be good on the release game.
  5. Adamantium

    Doom III (Doom II Mod) Release

    Im out of the loop on this part, what is the player design and why are the implications gross?
  6. Imagine if a million years from now this is the only evidence that Humans ever existed.
  7. Purest Evil 3 Level DOOM II mapset with short maps A new enemy : (SS replacer) Former Stealth Trooper Limit removing Tested on : GZDOOM & Crispy DOOM No DM or CO-OP support Download : https://www.mediafire.com/file/sxwqpwx9gzea8ai/PURE.wad/file Screenshots :
  8. when i mean brutal treatment i mean something like "brutal doom" but for other games there's already some examples of such mods like this like brutal half life, brutal quake (which is still in development), Brutal Team Fortress 2 (yes this is real) i was wondering what you guys thought about giving games the brutal treatment and which games deserve one.
  9. I got a DOOMWIKI page but it uses my old username and has very little of my work on it lmao.

  10. Adamantium

    Favorite horror games?

    Since its the spooky month, I though I'd replay my favorite horror game, which is Postal from 1997 Do you have a favorite horror game? explain why its your favorite. Postal is my personal favorite horror game because of its dark story, intense soundtrack and atmosphere.
  11. You've decided to take a trip on a wagon to a nearby town to get some items from the general store, only problem is everyone's gone hostile. First map ive released in a while, a wild west themed wad that uses assets from Fistful of DOOM and Doomer boards project 30 Target compatibility : Limit removing Tested ports : GZDOOM, Crispydoom And Prboom+ NOTE: I heavily advise not playing this with any mods that swap out sprites, there's lots of changed stuff here and it might cause tons of issues Download Link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/zqy2qwbb3p1ka24/ghostrock.zip/file Screenshots :
  12. Saw terrifier 3, amazing movie, the intro was just as shocking as people said it was. If your a fan of gory and gross horror movies, I highly recommend! very fun experience.

  13. Adamantium

    What is Zugnaex?

    God, soon I hope lol, nobody wants to pay for this shit.
  14. This didn't need to be a thread lol, status update material.
  15. I was planning on going to see Joker 2 in theaters but after hearing about how bad it is i got seats for Terrifier 3 instead, Im watching it day 1. So excited to see it!

  16. Invisible pockets built into his armor, standard issue for all UAC marines, You'd know this if you were a REAL DOOM fan!
  17. Adamantium

    What are the spheres anyway?

    Maybe their just healthy snacks that the demons like to bring with them on trips.
  18. Adamantium

    The meaning of you're account name..

    Not the name I originally registered as but Adamantium is the stuff that Wolverines bones are coated in, it makes him a lot tougher. As for why I chose it? because its cool as fuck.
  19. Adamantium

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    Administration center/MAP21.
  20. Adamantium

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    21 Was my favorite TNT map, this is really sad to see man, rest in peace Drake.
  21. Adamantium

    Can you find Doom?

    Homelander fighting Superman. Looks like superman dealt with A-Train, Black Noir and The Deep. Also im pretty sure the ambulance is supposed to be a Johnny Cab from Total Recall.