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cold soup

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About cold soup

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  1. cold soup

    Vanguard Appreciation

    skillsaw's blockbusters obviously improved on vanguard in a lot of ways but i think what makes it still stand out is that it's less... refined? like in a good way. like, vanguard is much more slaughter-y compared to his later work, and it's less hesitant to overwhelm the player. and as someone who likes slaughter-y stuff it has a specific appeal that, say, ancient aliens doesn't despite the latter being my favorite skillsaw wad and megawad in general. it gets bonus points for being a great entry point into those kinds of maps. the progression from forgotten village to free parking to superstructure felt really natural to me as someone who didn't understand slaughter at all. hell i didn't beat go 2 it or valiant map 31 until i beat vanguard despite beating plutonia and valiant beforehand
  2. I'm trying to use Doom sound effects for a project I'm working on. However, I ran into a few issues. For one, the rip of Doom's sound effects on the Sound Resource is much lower quality than the sounds you hear in-game. I then tried ripping the sounds myself using Slade 3, but converting the files to .wav using the built-in conversion feature results in the same low-quality audio. Is there an upload of Doom's sound effects in their original quality online? I'm looking for either that or a program that can convert from Doom's sound format into a more common format without significantly reducing the quality.
  3. just finished the wad and i am absolutely blown away. this is an artistic achievement, and everyone who worked on this should be proud as all hell
  4. This is the first Doom map I've ever finished after an embarrassing amount of failed attempts. It's a short Boom-compatible map that takes place in some sort of hydraulic techbase. Fairly tough, it's pretty slaughter-y especially in the beginning and overall I'd say it's maybe a smidge harder than your average Plutonia map. Feedback is 100% welcome, especially considering this is my first release. Primarily tested in DSDA-Doom with complevel 9. Screenshots: Download (idgames) Mirror (Google Drive)