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About yunogasai666

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    New Member

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  1. yunogasai666

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Anime Gumball
  2. yunogasai666

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Apparently a lot of people hate E2M2's crate maze; i cannot for the life of me figure out why.
  3. yunogasai666

    What demon annoys you the most?

    Still getting the hang of that, but would still rather punch two hell knights
  4. yunogasai666

    What demon annoys you the most?

    Barons are just a slog. putting 2 or 3 hell knights in place of a baron makes it as or more difficult than one baron and way more engaging, and feels a lot more rewarding. It's genuinely the only demon i cannot stand, as even the most annoying of other enemies serve a function that isn't just meat shield.
  5. Doom 1: Favorite: E2M2, cause i love me berserking imps and crate mazes Least Favorite: E3M5, don't think i need to explain why Doom 2: Favorite: Map 10, open ended maps are a thing of beauty Least Favorite: Map 9, mostly for the pointless rooms with the elevators TNT: Favorite: Map 13, cause on a fundamentals level it's absolutely genius (sequence break at the beginning and computer map right at the end to encourage multiple playthroughs) Least Favorite: Map 25, just cause you can just skip map 22 Plutonia: Haven't finished it yet, but thus far my favorite map is 4, and i haven't found a level i dislike yet Edit: wow, i revitalized this post...