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About Kute

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  1. Wasn't the pregnancy test Doom particularily egregious as it was just a tiny, unrelated screen shoved into the plastic container of a pregnancy test or something like that?
  2. Yea I think I let him be the first few runs, I appreciated his service. But while it's been like a year since I've done the content, I feel like on newer playthroughs, which would have been the half a dozen hardcore mode attempts, I used him for a kill towards meathook upgrades or whatever the thing you're farming at the time is
  3. Kute

    Why I fear the Cacodemons.

    They are one of the most threatening monsters in the game on your first few playthroughs when you don't have them all memorized, because they fly into arenas halfway through when you're fighting for your life and they do absolutely obscene damage if you don't notice them and they float up and bite you But I like them, their design is iconic and kind of cute, and they are the best meathook bait
  4. Kute

    Was dlc 2 for Doom eternal really that bad?

    I thought the content was fine for the most part. The base of Doom: Eternal is such a damn entertaining game, you throw some new arenas at the players and a couple kewl wordy cinematics and it'll be fine - but what really dragged down people's perception of the DLC is that the whole thing finishes on such a mediocre fight. I can't believe they made it so uninspiring. I don't know if they just completely ran out of time or budget or steam, but they took possibly the most important lore fight in the franchise's history, and spit out a glorified marauder fight.
  5. Probably young men. Who else would they expect to play it? Back then especially. But especially Bart. And especially Lisa.
  6. I'm not much of an FPS player, I played alot of edge deathmatches in like '98, then Quake 3, and then nothing in the world of FPS until I discovered Doom 2 wads in the late 2010's. Doom Eternal is the first "new" FPS I've played since the 90's. My logic was always I'll play with a super twitchy mouse setting and grow into it, but one day I was messing around and put my mouse to the slowest setting, like it felt painfully slow. And to my surprise, I swear I play this game better. And I'm not a total noob or anything. Like I have the gold armors and all that jazz. My Doom Eternal entertainment is every few days busting out a NM master level, it relaxes me. But IDK, I'm probably slower to the first shot like this, but now I never miss. On classic wads, aiming is somewhat easier, so it's less relevant. But on D:E, PB or Ballista are probably about 65% of my shots, so having a steadier hand has made a big difference
  7. I "nerf" myself in alot of ways when I play. I don't use the BFG, unmakyr, or crucible, and I avoid health and armor pick-ups like the plague. I also have to force myself not to use lock-on, because I'm pretty sure the optimum way to kill every single enemy is a lock-on opening into SSG or ballista shot depending on range. I play exclusively through PB, but I think lock-on is probably stronger. This annoys me, because it's definitely easier
  8. I like it. If it was being done by ID software, I'd be pretty tempted, but this is just some UK game company of some sort?
  9. D:E's Ultra-Nightmare took me I think 4-6 tries and on one of the last ones I died on the second phase of the icon of sin. I had probably done that fight like 15 times in a row without issue as practice, and the first time I reached it in UNM the game threw a truly bizarre amount of cacos at me. I never saw it before or since.
  10. I agree, Doom Eternal isn't a stealthshooter. You have to fite the monsters and that can be bothersome.
  11. We had a pentium 75 mhz with 8 MB of ram, it ran Doom beautifully, and Duke Nukem, but I think Blood was starting to give it a hard time and Quake 1 wasn't worth running, if I remember. But in 98 we got a new PC and Quake 3 was the most beautiful game I ever did see until Doom 3. On a sidenote, what was the refresh rate on old monitors and CRT TVs?
  12. It's all fake though. The pregnancy tests etc. can't run anything, people replace the hardware. It's a dumb meme
  13. Kute

    What do you want id to do next after Eternal?

    I realize a forum devoted to early 90's FPS's isn't the place to look for anything but nostalgia, but this is awe-inspiring. It's like worst take after worst take. It's like how can they go from being one of the most well regarded studios on the planet to irrelevant mediocrity again in 3 easy steps kind of bad takes.
  14. Kute

    What do you want id to do next after Eternal?

    The combat in doom eternal made the game special. If they revert it to no-skill standard classic shooter design, I'm not going to play. When you get good at DE to the point where you're blitzing ultra nightmare, no other game can emulate that feeling. I feel bad for the people who weren't able to figure it out. It's not that hard The first DLC is highly regarded. The second DLC had a bad boss fight.
  15. Kute

    Do people actually hate the DLCs?

    Is that supposed to be a good thing? If I want classic doom, I'll play one of the 16,000 great Doom2 wads or Doom knock-offs. Once you get good enough at Doom Eternal to steamroll and essentially take gameplay mechanics as a suggestion, it reaches a zen state that ID should be commended for bringing into existence - classic Doom has nothing on that. No other shooter has anything on it. edit: I have to join in the chorus of disappointment over the Dark Lord fight, and the ending lore. Very underwhelming fight. Visually unattractive, cheesy satan mech suit, boring mechanics, all of it