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Posts posted by Melonpizza

  1. 10 hours ago, No-Man Baugh said:

    Oh man, even after reading your initial post I just now proccesed that you were asking about sprite editing and not just that GZDoom's screen sizes were buggy. My bad

    If you want an easy solution; you can adjust the sprite offset in Slade

    But if i do that, the sprites in the normal hud would also be adjusted. or do you mean something else?

  2. 9 minutes ago, No-Man Baugh said:

    OK, I did assume you were working with GZDoom's fullscreen hud or althud.

    It could be a resolution thing, either your monitor's native resolution or GZDoom's in-game resolution, can you send a screenshot showing what you're dealing with? I haven't ever had this problem with GZDoom's fullscreen hud


    Here You Go.

  3. 31 minutes ago, No-Man Baugh said:

    You've given very little information on what you're dealing with. namely:


    1) What sourceport are you using?

    2) What's "Minimal hud"?


    1) GZDoom

    2) When you set "Screen Size" to 11 or above (in the Scaling Options), you get a hud with less information, but you can see more.

    Hope this helps, and Sorry for the lack of Information.

  4. On 11/7/2023 at 3:33 AM, kalensar said:

    This one is actually really easy!! I'll write out an example for you to kind of get the idea from.


    Actor ExplodingIMpBall : Doomimpball Replaces Doomimpball
         BAL1 AB 12 // 
         MISL BC 2
         MISL D 2 A_Explode


    So this is an code only exploding impball that should work right out of the box. It inherits all the Imp Ball stats, and changes the state animation only. So basically on the Spawn State I took out the LOOP command and just the action fall through to the Death state which happens after 24 tics of travel time. If the Ball doesnt hit a wall then it will just explode in mid air.

    This Would fix most issues, but the Projectile is active for 24 tics, which is too short for the Projectlie, but if it would be higher, the projectile would take too long to switch to it's death state. So this wouldn't work all that well. Any Other idea? it's okay if not.

  5. On 8/28/2023 at 12:15 AM, SMG_Man said:

    Off the top of my head, I have two ideas.


    Quick and dirty way: In the weapon's Ready state, it will remove the inventory item every so many ticks. If you swap to another weapon, you can put something in the Lower state to remove a set amount of the item (or clear it entirely).


    More thorough way: Ignore modifying the Lower state above, and instead in every weapon's Ready state, apply the same item removal code that the new weapon has, so that way if the player switches to the Shotgun for example, the cooldown for the other weapon reduces at the same expected rate.

    The Quick and dirty was my temporary solution lol


    But thanks! how didn't i think of that!

  6. Hello : )


    When i wanted to give an weapon of mine a sound when it hits, it wouldn't, it was just silent. I have no clue why it isn't working.


    Here Some Reference Material, so you can help me better (stars to not spoil anything):


    Chair/hit1 CHAIRHIT1
    Chair/hit2 CHAIRHIT2
    Chair/hit3 CHAIRHIT3


    **** F 6 a_custompunch(50,True,cpf_pullin,"MeleeBulletPuff",45,False,0,"ArmorBonus","*****/hit1","************/miss")

    Thanks For Helping/Trying to help : )

  7. On 1/14/2023 at 9:11 PM, Edward850 said:

    You require a port that supports this concept, such as Strife: Veteran Edition.

    GZDoom does not have this if that is your real question, mods fake this by spawning actors with flat angled models, but this has a lot of limitations in it's presentation such as overhanging as it's not actually part of the decal system.

    first, sorry for the waiting time



    My Literal Reaction to this Information




  8. My Goodness!, Graf Zahl himself answering my question!




    I used GZDoom version g4.9.0


    The troublemaker, in the "Decorate" File located at root:

    (Censored to not make any leaks)

    #include "Decorate/things/name.txt"

    "name.txt" is a generic decorate weapon


    The important (i think) bit of that file:

    Actor * : "*" replaces * 7865
    scale *
    Weapon.SelectionOrder *
    weapon.ammouse *
    weapon.ammogive *
    weapon.ammotype *
    inventory.pickupmessage "*"
    weapon.slotnumber *

    Thanks for helping Graf Zahl!, im very honored.

  9. Hello


    When starting up GZDoom with my custom weapons, this message appears. i cannot find the reason why


    i've checked if the spelling is incorrect, but it is not


    - the code worked beforehand

    - i changed the code to be not in a single lump, but instead in several lumps in folders, referenced by a single lump via #include


    thanks for helping, or trying to : )

  10. 6 hours ago, Ralphis said:


    Respectfully, I still don't understand what you're asking. Can you explain what you mean by "preload"?

    Upon starting the game, i want the game to Display sprites (in my case), but also not. So that the lag dosn't accure Mid-Game, but rather at the Start


    Some textures i have in my mod are really high res, but still reasonable if you have high monitor resolutions

  11. 22 hours ago, SMG_Man said:

    It depends on the map format you're using.


    Doom in Hexen format - you need to use line special 121, "Set Line Identification".


    Doom in UDMF - Tags are a normal line property here, just like how you can give sectors tags.

    In the same field as tags, of somewhere diffrent?

