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Dr. Zin

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About Dr. Zin

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  1. There's a Discord server for this project? EDIT: Shit, right there in the first post.
  2. I'm pretty sure Dusty already handed off the project to @Matthias, just saw a message he sent me a couple weeks ago asking about progress on MAP13. I've been super busy and put it on the back burner, so there's been no progress since my last post. I should have some time to work on it over this month, but can't promise to have anything done before March at the earliest. If you guys are looking to get this wrapped up soon I'm OK with dropping the slot to someone else.
  3. Dr. Zin

    games that can run on potato PC(s)

    Megamek should run for you and is free, though it can be a bit of jumping off the deep end to learn how to play (it's a full turn based implementation of the rules for the Battletech tabletop wargame).
  4. Also Devious Deviance MAP05. EDIT: Totally slipped my mind, @RED77's MAP01 of the same wad uses different starting keys depending to give a unique progression on each difficulty setting.
  5. "Short Circuit" is also a banger, though in a different style that almost hearkens back to Mark Klem. Shame it was paired with "The Siege II"...
  6. Here's some really rough shots of a couple areas of MAP13.
  7. The project's target is limit removing, we shouldn't have to worry about intercepts overflows. Most of the map looks like garbage in game due to unfinished texturing (lots of HOM), but I'll try to get some pictures up in the next few days.
  8. Got some work done on MAP13 this weekend, but found there was a lot more work that needs to be finished than I thought.
  9. MAP13 is still in progress, should have some time this weekend to finally get some more work done on it. Also, I agree with Kain here, MAP35 should be dropped if nothing is done yet and if 33 and 34 are complete it would be better to move them to one of the empty slots.
  10. Dr. Zin

    What's your opinion on TikTok?

    Eh, not a fan of the site but I think the moral panic is somewhat overblown. A lot of the people talking about how Tiktok is destroying teenage attention spans were mainlining Youtube Poop videos fifteen years ago; teenagers have always had the attention spans of goldfish. The same goes for stupid/dangerous stunts and pranks: has everyone forgotten planking, the cinnamon and marshmallow challenges, or all of the "Jackass" inspired stunt videos of 10+ years ago? Again, the platform is IMO essentially worthless, but to me it seems like Tiktok bashing has served as a very convenient scapegoat to direct scrutiny away from the other social media monopolies. Boomers rant about Tiktok corrupting the children between the conspiracy theories they are fed on Facebook, Gen Xers fire off tweets about how Tiktok destroys attention spans, while millennials are posting on how the site is just a bunch of attention-whoring clickbait to score upvotes on Reddit.
  11. Dr. Zin

    Worst State in the United States

    Isn't POTS the "disease" caused by sitting too much, and the main treatment is just standing up and walking around regularly? Anyway, fun story time: the other week I was googling the names of people I hung around with in high school and found a court document detailing a case involving a guy I haven't talked to in 18 years. To make a long story short, this guy had a friend working at a blockchain/IT company who was able to get my old "buddy" a $40 an hour summer internship there. The internship get extended to the end of the year, but the company ended up laying off 13% of their employees in December and our protagonist's contract was ended a week early, with a $5000 severance. Well, that wasn't good enough for our man, so he claims that his friend and another employee told him he was going to be offered a permanent position. Then he files a federal lawsuit against the company for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act saying he was fired in retribution for his disabilities of: "Sleep disorders, POTS and chronic sinus infections." The company files a motion to have the case dismissed stating that our protagonist was not fired for his "disabilities" (it was a general layoff), that he had never been offered a permanent job and he had never told them of any of his medical conditions. Furthermore, he took several weeks off work towards the end of his contract without telling anyone and still filled out his time sheets as if he was working full time. Our hero does not challenge any of the evidence presented by his former employer, but instead throws his friend under the bus claiming that the dude who got him the gig told him not to tell the HR about his "disabilities." Oh, and he didn't understand that the job he accepted was a term internship, since "he's never had a job before." While a hilarious statement for a dude who was in his early thirties at the time, this is also a blatant lie: he started working right out of high school (around the time I stopped hanging out with him). The judge ending up issuing a summary judgement in favor of the employer and told our protagonist to fuck off in legalese, noting you can't claim discrimination for a disability you told nobody about and that our man had wrong or nonexistent citations of US law in his initial lawsuit. When I knew him our hero was a smooth talking, manipulative and lazy bastard and this is all totally in character for the dude; I guarantee most of his "disabilities" were self diagnosed. Anyway, nobody else probably cares but all this was highly amusing to me.
  12. I'm still working on my map, currently busy with my job but hope to be back on it in August.
  13. Dr. Zin

    Doomworld's Legacy idgames archive down?

    Is anyone still working on getting the kinks worked out of the "beta" DW idgames front end?
  14. Yeah, the first couple decades of the internet spoiled us because organizations were willing to offer cheap or free hosting as a loss leader. Even nominally non-commercial entities are contributing to this, there's a shitload of information that was hosted on university websites that has been deleted due to students graduating, faculty retiring/leaving the institution, or the insidious organizational website redesign and "cleanup." I've seen the latter cause a lot of damage on hobbyist run websites too.