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About Meowgi

  • Rank
    Not Pacifist!

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  1. Can't blame you for skipping 32; Since it is a single-fight map, it asks a lot of the player, and I don't think you are missing much by not completing it. Can't blame you at all for skipping 33. (Please for the love of God, play 34 though, it is probably my favorite map in the wad)
  2. I, too, playtested each episode while Sepia was being worked on (it released by episode), and also felt taken aback by the abstraction that Episode 3 introduced, so I can empathize with you there. The fights get tougher (and not strictly from a combat perspective, there are a lot of platforming fights in E3 iirc), the atmosphere of E1 and 2 sort of vanishes and as you said, you are thrown into this very abstract cubism episode. I eventually flipped my opinion and began to appreciate what Petya was cooking when I played Episode 4, as I do think it ties the wad together and "tells a story without telling a story" so to speak. I second what Raven said: If you are struggling on UV, dropping down to HMP may be the play, or even HNTR just so you can cruise through and get the full experience without the difficulty.
  3. Meowgi

    [MBF21] With Love For Phoenyx (RC1)

    Beautiful work by everyone involved. I am glad Phoenyx enjoyed this and hope others will too!
  4. Meowgi

    Sleepwalking [MBF21] - RC2

    Can't wait to see the writeup for this one at the end of the year. Incredible work, as always!
  5. Meowgi

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    All the person I was replying to did was repost the same message (It was originally only the first sentence before it was edited). I figured if they are just going to repeat themselves, I would do the same. Are they getting a warning too?
  6. Meowgi

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Sorry, I should have been consistent in using quotes around the word blackmail. Kraf's post came off to me as some kind of veiled shot at your character with no real evidence. Goober's, like you said, is about himself, and the wrath he is going to unleash when he's ready to. The difference is behind the intent. Nothing about Kraf's post implies it is information he is going to share, it just seemed like fueling you two's petty feud. Gooberman's post literally is telling the reader to change their mind, or he is gonna drop a "truth bomb" that is "not gonna be a good look for you".
  7. Meowgi

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Sorry, I should have been consistent in using quotes around the word blackmail. Kraf's post came off to me as some kind of veiled shot at your character with no real evidence. Goober's, like you said, is about himself, and the wrath he is going to unleash when he's ready to. The difference is behind the intent. Nothing about Kraf's post implies it is information he is going to share, it just seemed like fueling you two's petty feud. Gooberman's post literally is telling the reader to change their mind, or he is gonna drop a "truth bomb" that is "not gonna be a good look for you".
  8. Meowgi

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    I'm really curious what the excuse is for ignoring this if one of the reasons for issuing a ban was "blackmail". Kraf's post was in poor taste, I agree, but there's a bit of a logic leap (imo) to call it blackmail. This on the other hand, is a literal threat to release information and is much more clearly blackmail. It's a bit stunning to me anyone was banned in this thread, especially for a whole year; It was an understandably heated topic, and many people were showing their asses. But if Kraf and Kinsie are banned for their behavior, I can think of probably 5 or 6 other people who probably deserve it as well.
  9. Meowgi

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Congrats on the release!
  10. Meowgi

    MeWo Demos [-complevel 21]

    MAP06 Pacifist in 0:30.86 - mewo06p030.zip // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ9B4YjTn00
  11. tbf every person on earth is the wrong person for this wad
  12. Meowgi

    Mappers and mod grips

    Hey, idk if you're still looking for maps like this, but we made some:
  13. Welcome to Revhallway.wad! Maps must contain Revenants. Maps must contain a hallway. That's it.
  14. Incredible concept, and excellent execution! I really appreciate the video to accompany the wad as well. Happy birthday 4shock!