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About Pakman2600

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  1. Dude, you have to stop spamming the threads. This is for your own good. posting one-word responses can get you banned. Also, I recommend posting something related to DOOM, since most if not all of your stuff is in the Everything else thread, which is fine, but it does seem a bit spammy. I'm not saying this to hurt your feelings or anything, just take it from me that posting things like that can lead to temporary suspensions, and if you keep it up, a ban. 

  2. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

  3. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    huh, look a kart from the videogame mario kart
  4. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    u have saladix or something¿
  5. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    *thinking* so the sky now is red, not too normal
  6. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    doki doki
  7. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

  8. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    so, this is the pizza also i have this shotgun (i think?) that i found on the trash can
  9. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    idk, i have the pizza and my name is Pac-man lol
  10. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    idk, they say me one call the pisa man
  11. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    i have the pizza *start talk in spanish*
  12. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    *still punching a door*
  13. Pakman2600

    The Backyard

    *punch a door*
  14. barney


    1. wallabra


      gta russian overdino

    2. Pakman2600


