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FourLoko Salad

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Everything posted by FourLoko Salad

  1. FourLoko Salad

    unpopular retro opinions

    Super Smash Bros Goldeneye Killer Instinct Perfect Dark Mario Kart Mario Party Duke Nukem Tony Hawk Pro Skater Quake Diddy Kong Racing Pokemon Stadium Wave Race Battletanx Pretty much any sports game Just to name a few off the top of my head.
  2. FourLoko Salad

    unpopular retro opinions

    In my opinion, Playstation is best for singleplayer experiences, and N64 is best for multiplayer. Of course there's good singleplayer games for N64 (Mario and Zelda) and good multiplayer games for PS1 (Armored Core and CTR), but as much as I love my N64, I definitely got more mileage out of my PS1 (mostly because I don't have any friends who want to play N64 games with me)
  3. FourLoko Salad

    Post Your (Other) Video Game Screenshots Here

    Average Gmod experience.
  4. it sounds like the moment they even think they detect you they scream at the top of their (non existent) lungs
  5. FourLoko Salad


    I think this might lead to a boom in people using silent teleports in their maps more. I love non euclidean geometry, and love exploring worlds that don't follow the same rules as ours. I keep telling myself I need to make a non euclidean game/doom wad once I get good at level design, but I think overall myhouse.wad is the perfect showcase of how to use silent teleports in a game, the same way in how Half-Life was the perfect showcase of how to make a game around an unbroken first person narrative (This comparison might be a bit of a stretch, but I'll stand by it.) It's inspired me to work on maps some more, so I can get the skills needed to make a big project in UDMF, and I hope it does the same for a bunch of other people, and inspires them to use the silent teleport lines in their maps too.
  6. FourLoko Salad

    you feel like you're not a good mapper?

    It gets easier with practice, both making good maps, and not holding your work to other maps. The thing that matters most is having fun.
  7. FourLoko Salad

    What are you listening to?

    The Normal Album, by Will Wood. I've had it on repeat for more than a couple months now. I usually just listen to my likes playlist on Spotify, but like once every week or so I pull it up and listen to it from start to finish.
  8. FourLoko Salad

    How did your first time feel?

    I originally played Doom on the internet, through someone's flash port. I didn't have any family or friends who played Doom, but I had unsupervised access to the Windows XP as a kid. I mostly spent my time on YouTube and Newgrounds, and found a flash port of the shareware version of Doom. I thought it was fun, but didn't know how to strafe, and thought that it was really scary because it didn't have any music, and, well, because I was young. I don't remember beating the flash version, because I couldn't save on web browser, and always closed out the tab when I was done because I was scared that my parents would catch me playing a violent game. I do remember having a bunch of fun playing the game though.
  9. FourLoko Salad

    If doom 2 had more weapons discussion

    I know that there's no real way they could implement it without it feeling like just another chaingun, but I want to play Doom with the SMG from the title screen It's only shown here, and I just think sub machine guns are cool as hell. Personally, I think an SMG would've been a better slot 4 weapon, and the chaingun could be the "super" variant (like the pump action to the super shotgun), that has a higher fire rate. I don't know, maybe there's a mod that does that, or one to replace the chainguns sprites with this SMG. Other than that, I do agree with almost everyone else in the thread that a sniper type weapon would be good, either a rifle that uses bullets or a railgun that uses cells. Shoot through multiple monsters and does a bunch of damage to deal with big crowds and more powerful enemies.
  10. FourLoko Salad

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    I bought groceries.
  11. FourLoko Salad

    Random Image Thread

    The best part about getting high
  12. FourLoko Salad

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    TNT Evilution. Last semester I challenged myself and played through Doom 1 and 2 on my laptop, keyboard only. This semester I was going to try the same with Final Doom, starting with Evilution. I stopped around Map 7, and didn't touch the game for a while, until Civvie11 decided to do his Tiktok & Torment series in April, so I decided to play through as many levels as I could, and try to get to the end around the 30th. So far I'm on Map 26, definitely behind Civvie. Once finals are done, I'll have to spend a day or two grinding at the last few levels of TNT. Oh yeah, I've been playing Ultrakill on and off as well.
  13. FourLoko Salad

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Sentry goin' up
  14. FourLoko Salad

    Random Video Thread

    My roommate made this video in 2018. He hates how much I love it, and I keep playing it just because I think it's so funny.
  15. Sorry for the stupid question, but I'm making a wad with a staircase that goes down. For the staircase to build, the player needs to throw the switch. I was wondering, can I make it so that the player requires a keycard in order to flip the switch? I don't see the option anywhere, and I don't want to just lock the room or the switch behind a door/gate. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  16. FourLoko Salad

    Can you require a key for a switch to be thrown?

    I completely missed the show all box, this helps a bunch. Thank you!
  17. FourLoko Salad

    So has anyone made any Jesus sprites?

    what exactly do you mean? Like Jesus player/enemy models, or textures like the Jesus wall in Quake?
  18. FourLoko Salad

    Can you require a key for a switch to be thrown?

    I'm in UDMF format and working in Slade 3. Where I can find the editing window? I can't find a key option in the properties tab and edit mode (hitting E on the line) doesn't have a lock or key option visible.
  19. FourLoko Salad

    what resolution do you play doom on

    I almost always play 320x200, even on modern source ports.
  20. HAUNTED HELIPAD is my first single player Doom 2 map published to the public. It's a single vanilla compatible map, and is available to download now! Download from Mega.nz here! Features: One Brand New Level! Three new midi files! Doom 64 weapon sound effects! It's been a year since hell has invaded earth. You were picked up and shot to another planet to escape, and for humanity to rebuild on the surrounded planets and their moons. As a former UAC marine, your job is to fight back against these ugly freaks and keep humanity safe. You just heard that one of the transportation bases on your planet has just been overwhelmed by a demonic presence. Just another Tuesday for you. One of the scientists rushes down to the maintenance room to open the only slipgate on site for you. He opens it, before opening a door to escape. You hear screams over the radio, before everything cuts out. Too bad, I liked Jerry. Rest in piece buddy. Pistol gripped firmly in your hand and walkman blasting your mixtape, you walk through the slipgate, being teleported to the helipad, ready to kick possessed asses, cause insane amounts of property damage, and get the hell out of there, for the good of humanity. This is a vanilla map, Doom 2 format, no freelook, jumping, crouching, or anything like that. (you still can if you really want, I can't enforce how you play it). Tested with Chocolate Doom, GZDoom, and Zandronum. Thanks for checking out my map!
  21. FourLoko Salad

    Doom 1 or 2?

    Both are near and dear to my heart, but I just finished a playthrough of both games last month on my school laptop (both Chocolate Doom, keyboard only, UV). I've heard people joke that the best levels of Doom are usually near the start of the game, with the levels starting to drag on after the halfway point, but holy shit Doom 2 really goes on for too long for my taste. Especially having to play Monster Condo and getting ghost barons spawning because I didn't kill the arch-vile in time, or getting lost in The Spirit World and running in circles for a half an hour before realizing that I have to shoot an unmarked texture in order to leave. It might be because I played both games back to back, but after that point I was REALLY eager to just rush through and beat the game. Doom 1: Perfect for singleplayer and co-op Doom 2: Perfect for modding and deathmatch
  22. FourLoko Salad

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Yesterday I learned that the best strategy for dealing with Pain Elementals is NOT to take cover and shoot from afar, but just to run directly into them and fill with lead. Every time I would play through Doom 2, I would stand away from the Pain Elemental, because whenever it sees me, it tries to spawn a lost soul, so hiding from its line of sight and then trying to hit it through the lost souls and destroy it before the room is clogged with flaming skulls. I recently found a wad that I was trying to make at the start of the year, and wanted to publish something from it, so I took my best map from it and then converted it to vanilla doom format. So in this map, you go through a narrow hallway to get to a small room with a red key, and then have to run back. I had a monster closet inside, and figured "I'll just put one Pain Elemental in here, that way you can either run like hell to get out, or try to fight against it to get the berserk pack and backpack behind it in the monster closet. I assembled everything, ran it in Chocolate Doom, and it seemed like a good encounter, so I saved it and shipped it. I wasn't expecting so many people to play my wad just after 24 hours, let alone make videos playing through the levels. I was eager to watch every one of them, but I realized in every video, people just ran straight up to the Pain Elemental and shot at it until it exploded, the closet it was in was also small enough to make basically all of the lost souls that spawn from it after words just explode automatically. I booted up my own level to try this, and sure enough, if you just keep pressing your face against a pain elemental and don't stop holding down the fire button on your shotgun, they die with little to no effort.
  23. FourLoko Salad

    Haunted Helipad (First Singleplayer Vanilla Doom Map)

    Thank you all for downloading! I wasn't expecting so many playthroughs in such a short time I've reviewed all of your suggestions and made some changes to the map to make an objectively better experience. You can download version 1.1 right here. I wasn't aware that I could keep the door tracks unpegged to keep them stationary when the doors move. I went through and edited the door tracks, as well as blocking monsters from the desk and unsecretifying all of the closets. Thank you for pointing these out, and the compliments. I'm glad you had a fun time! Apologies! I didn't know that midis would trigger the YouTube copyright bots, that's my bad. In the newest version, I've added the soundtrack as a separate wad file, so that in the future, players can choose to have the copywritten music or D2's original midis. As for the mapping server, I'm not that active on discord, but my direct messages should be open if you want to send the invite, and I'll be glad to check it out! Once again, thank you all for playing!
  24. FourLoko Salad

    How do I make better weapon sprites?

    This kicks ass, thanks!
  25. FourLoko Salad

    How do I make better weapon sprites?

    TL:DR, I basically just want to know how to make good looking muzzle flashes when converting images to doom graphics. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you! Still reading? Okay cool. So basically I'm interested in making my own weapons for doom wads. Right now I'm just making replacements for currently existing weapons in the game, mostly just taking prop weapons and taking pictures of them before editing the colors and scale and throwing them into the game. There's still a lot of rough edges and there's corrections that can be made, but I think it looks fine for now. I'm more concerned about the muzzle flashes. There's no way for me to recreate a muzzle flash for a sprite, and I'm not the best at drawing, so I resorted to using a free image from the internet and editing it for a muzzle flash. However, converting it to doom graphics makes the colors harsher, and removes the half transparent pixels. I've adjusted the color to the muzzle flash for my smg sprite, but it still looks a bit weird in my opinion. Spoiler: Before and after images when converting my muzzle flash sprite I think it looks okay when converted, but are there any techniques you guys use when making weapon sprites or muzzle flashes? Any advice helps, thanks!