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Everything posted by Dogmachine

  1. Dogmachine

    Arcade Demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 17; UV-tyson in 3:39 arde17t339.zip
  2. Dogmachine

    Arcade Demos [-complevel 2]

    D2ALL; UV-max in 17:09 (beats the old tablefill from 2014) arded2all-1709.zip
  3. Dogmachine

    Arcade Demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 01; UV-tyson in 0:45 Map 03; UV-fast in 1:23 Map 04; UV-tyson in 0:41 Map 05; UV-fast in 0:46 Map 06; UV-tyson in 0:36 Map 07; UV-fast in 2:36 Map 08; UV-fast in 1:29 arde01t045.zip arde03f123.zip arde04t041.zip arde05f046.zip arde06t036.zip arde07f236.zip arde08f129.zip
  4. Dogmachine

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Here is a demo that breaks the 6 min barrier: TNT; Map 04; UV-respawn in 5:47 ev04r-547.zip
  5. Dogmachine

    Elegy demos [-complevel 2]

    Some pending tysons: Map 01; UV-tyson in 2:01 Map 02; UV-tyson in 6:07 Map 03; UV-tyson in 2:21 Map 05; UV-tyson in 2:58 Map 06; UV-tyson in 7:18 Map 07; UV-tyson in 17:56 el01t201.zip el02t607.zip el03t221.zip el05t258.zip el06t718.zip el07t1756.zip
  6. Dogmachine

    Stickney Installation demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M1; UV-tyson in 0:44 stickneye1m1t044.zip
  7. Dogmachine

    Stickney Installation demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M1; UV-tyson in 0:49 steye1m1t-049.zip
  8. Dogmachine

    Stickney Installation demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M1; UV-tyson in 0:56 steye1m1t056.zip
  9. Dogmachine

    Stickney Installation demos [-complevel 3]

    E4M8; UV-tyson in 13:28 steye4m8t1328.zip
  10. Dogmachine

    Stickney Installation demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M8; UV-tyson in 4:56 steye1m8t456.zip
  11. Dogmachine

    Stickney Installation demos [-complevel 3]

    E1M8; UV-max in 2:27 steye1m8-227.zip
  12. Dogmachine

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP 03: Forest Swords Map 02; UV-tyson in 14:40 dbp0302t1440.zip
  13. Moonlit District Map 04; UV-tyson in 22:08 md04t2208.zip
  14. Moonlit District Map 01; UV-tyson in 14:55 md01t1455.zip
  15. Dogmachine

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    E3M8; UV-speed + reality in 0:55 A demo by PJ Plays Doom may be considered as an inspiration for this: e3m8-reality055.zip
  16. Dogmachine

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP 18: Umbral Platinum Map 03; UV-tyson in 20:53 dbp1803t2053.zip
  17. Dogmachine

    Ultimate Doom demos [-complevel 3]

    E3M2; NoMo 100S in 1:07 e3m2os107.zip
  18. Dogmachine

    B.P.R.D. Wads Demos [-complevel 2 and 9]

    Nuts 2; UV-respawn in 2:32 nuts2r232.zip
  19. Dogmachine

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Wanted a sub 2 min run here: Plutonia; Map 31; NoMo 100S in 1:59 pl31os159.zip
  20. Dogmachine

    Akeldama demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 01; UV-tyson in 13:38 ake01t1338.zip
  21. Dogmachine

    Scythe 2 Demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 10; UV-fast in 9:23 s210f923.zip
  22. Dogmachine

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP 29: Morbid Autumn Map 10; UV-tyson in 23:05 dbp2910t2305.zip
  23. [DBP 07: The Merry Christmassy Doom Project ]-Map 05. An optimized run would be pretty nice to see.
  24. Dogmachine

    Scythe 2 Demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 12; UV-fast in 15:40 s212f1540.zip
  25. Dogmachine

    128 Linedefs, 64 Things demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 31; UV-tyson in 16:14 1l6t31t1614.zip