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Everything posted by Dogmachine

  1. Dogmachine

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    Map 02; Stroller in 0:30.66 ap02str3066.zip
  2. Dogmachine

    Zone 400 demos [-complevel 2]

    Congrats! This is a huge improvement over the previous run.
  3. Dogmachine

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    Clearfoc NM 100S in 0:27.80 cleans02780.zip
  4. Dogmachine

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    EXECUTER.WAD; UV-tyson in 1:08.66 executert10866.zip
  5. Dogmachine

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    Map 14; Stroller in 0:27.09 ap14str02709.zip
  6. Dogmachine

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    Map 01; Stroller in 0:23.11 ap01str02311.zip
  7. Dogmachine

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    Map 01; Stroller in 0:23.51 ap01str02351.zip
  8. Dogmachine

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    Map 01; Stroller in 0:25.34 ap01str025.zip
  9. Dogmachine

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    Xmas1; Stroller in 0:54.34 xmas1str054.zip
  10. Dogmachine

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    Map 14; Stroller in 0:27.86 ap14str027.zip
  11. If J. Oppenheimer knew nuclear bombs could kill humans, why he created them? Is he stupid?
  12. Dogmachine

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    Map 18; UV-pacifist in 0:26.94 ap18p026.zip
  13. Dogmachine

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    Map 29; UV-speed in 1:00.86 ap29-100.zip
  14. Map 82; NM-speed in 0:04.86 d5da382n004.zip
  15. Map 77; UV-pacifist in 1:54.60 d5da377p154.zip
  16. Dogmachine

    Various "Eternal" Wads demos

    Long Days UV-speed in 2:25 loda-225.zip
  17. Dogmachine

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    TNT; Map 29; NoMo 100S in 1:32 Can be better with cleaner movement, but this will do for now. tnt29os132.zip
  18. Dogmachine

    Scythe 2 Demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 32; NoMo 100S in 0:42.57 s232os042.zip
  19. Map 48; UV-max in 0:47.80 d5da348m047.zip
  20. Dogmachine

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    Map 29; UV-tyson in 29:15 ap29t2915.zip
  21. Dogmachine

    2002ADO demos [-complevel 3]

    E3M5; NoMo in 1:04.91 a3d5o104.zip
  22. Dogmachine

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 18; NoMo in 0:37 ic18o037.zip
  23. Map 40; NM 100S in 0:30.57 "Don't fall, lmao." d5da340ns030.zip
  24. Dogmachine

    Icarus Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP 18; NM 100S in 1:00.09 ic18ns100.zip
  25. Map 29; NM-speed in 0:24.03 d5da329n024.zip