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About Treehouseminis

  • Rank
    Brightness 140

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  1. Wanted to add, if you want something to lower instantly, change the direction to the opposite what you want. So for your example just change down to up. Idk why it works,just an odd thing with the doom engine
  2. Don't make a big triangle unless you're doing slopes.  Cuz this is over 2000 sectors and it crashed udb several times.  I'm gonna redo it so it's a little more managable haha 



  3. Treehouseminis

    Which nodebuilder is best, for what purposes, and why?

    I can't answer much, but everytime I had unknown graphical glitches in my maps, slime trails, wonky collision etc(one time I reached a line limit or something and every new sector I made after that point had no collision, or it looked like you would get sucked into it when close) I switched to, ZDBSP Compressed nodes (udmf) (large maps) Emphasis on large maps cuz they get real wonky if you don't have the right node builder.
  4. Treehouseminis

    Is using SAVES in Doom bad?

    I use saves all the time. I like a challenge and play on UV most of the time but I don't wanna grind for single segment runs. My personal rule is try not to save mid fight but I break this on occasion anyway if it's like my 20th attempt. Play how you want :)
  5. Treehouseminis

    [CP] [DSDA CL2] Super Doom TV - [RC1]

    dang. Ok fixed the tags for the secret. And had to remake the door completely as the sides had lower unpegged checked but it didn't matter for some reason. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oouxtgk2rz7pl94k5gq0c/MAP26smashtvVER4.wad?rlkey=ktwisjkjll6lqanem41msjri1&dl=0
  6. Treehouseminis

    [CP] [DSDA CL2] Super Doom TV - [RC1]

    Fixed all those now. Ive mapped a lot since I made this map and those are all things I check for now lol https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0x4ckiwks6ycmiw0bbhhi/MAP26smashtvVER3.wad?rlkey=zhipo1vxuu0gjnk7di5c2xibf&dl=0
  7. Treehouseminis

    [CP] [DSDA CL2] Super Doom TV - [RC1]

    That happened to me too, but I used doomtools last time I needed to trim a wad down and it worked perfectly.
  8. Treehouseminis

    2023 Cacowards

    I'm still riding the happy train that I got a mention in the newcomer slot. Thank you all for the work you do, this community is the best.
  9. Treehouseminis

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    What a wonderful surprise!
  10. Well I've been making doom maps now for a year.  That's pretty neat.  :) 

  11. Treehouseminis

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Oh yeah. Lots of dummy sectors. That looks great!