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Everything posted by pellevin

  1. pellevin

    Questions about this forum

    most excellent signature, Slayer..
  2. pellevin

    Lüt, I have to ask...

    is this for real?
  3. pellevin

    I love the army

    ...why is that?
  4. pellevin

    Fun and games

  5. pellevin


  6. pellevin


    amen. although, doesn't matter one way or the other.
  7. pellevin

    Pain elementals piss me off.

    hence your name, geekmarine? =)
  8. pellevin

    speedmapping idea

    as previously stated, many of the speedmapping submissions are totally excellent. to credit the obvious talent of their makers, as well as increase quality & quantity of entries, how about choosing a winner each session, that all eventually go into a Winner MegaWad after 10 or so events? it would hardly require any more work at all for Linguica and his peers, as all speedwads are played anyway. since no price'll be involved, their opinion is undisputed law. and easy enough to announce winners from the sessions already held. hell, we could even decide winners by voting, thus NO work required apart from eventually compiling the damn thing. and perhaps add a sentence or two to the speedhack page. no matter how arduous that might be, surely the birth of such a megawad must be worth it?
  9. pellevin

    hey were are the most doomers from?

    i'm from Sweden.. we are quite a few DOOMers where i live. not much talent in playing nor editing - we probably don't even qualify for the title - but a great joy in the game.
  10. pellevin

    Congratulations, Mr. Smith, it's a poll.

    that's been proven over and over again: a highschool.
  11. pellevin

    speedmapping idea

    come to think of it, you're probably right.
  12. pellevin

    What the hell is....

    in a comic strip i read recently, a failed spell caused hell to be filled with boiling snot. perhaps Linguica read it too? =)
  13. pellevin

    my doom work

    if i want to rest my eyes on some DOOM scenery, i play the game.
  14. pellevin

    who wins in a fight.....

    perhaps this is a feature with the new board, too - not only does the latest-replied-to thread go to the top, but all posts go through a sensibilityfilter, letting through only flames & stupid ramplings (yes, like this post).
  15. pellevin

    Heretic & Doom related

    wah, these DW flames always crack me up... thanx, Diluted! hadn't laughed like that in a long time. =)
  16. pellevin

    Mixing Heretic and DooM

    erm... no, there are 8 * 8 = 64 possibilities. ;)
  17. pellevin

    no way ! it's doom-related !

    i guess it makes me sad, but i found that one very amusing. =)
  18. pellevin

    editing other games?

    well... i've made campains for C-DOGS. does that count? =P
  19. pellevin

    doom vs. quake vs. heretic

    like pming & archvile said - Heretic absolutely rules, especially the middle levels of the first episode. they truly are beauty wadified. but scariest? it's a bit too cozy... ...and DOOM, which IS the best game of the 3, is too frantic. it simply isn't possible to get scared every other second. altho there are of course creepier passages. so my vote falls on Quake, too. the castle levels of the 4th episode in particular, i felt genuine fear in there. ah, that wonderful dark castle level where torches throw shades all over, the one with the ogre in a cage, what's that one called?
  20. pellevin

    The most offtopic you'e ever seen

    that's the one!! *lol* with the corny wheel and all.. some good idea & LOTS of working hours, still pretty much completely crap. yet, somehow, insanely addictive. =)
  21. pellevin

    Stupid Doom Poll, Episode 134582459B

    how about a poll to decide on the dumbest poll? this one gets my vote. altho that Angelina Jolie bit sounded all oki.
  22. pellevin


    *lol* now THAT'S stupid. =)
  23. pellevin

    my ultimate doom/gameing room is done!

    heh... i have only a Master System... altho there must be lots of points for one of those, right? =) Wonderboy III must still be one of the best games made..
  24. pellevin

    a big city wad

    the Suburbs. ;)
  25. pellevin

    The most offtopic you'e ever seen

    gawd, please, not here... racing sux. so pointless. especially F1, as it's even less of a sport. although i can see how one could learn to appreciate the circus. tho i did actually enjoy that racing TC for Q1.. what was that called?