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About CtrlAltDestroy

  • Rank
    Green Marine
  1. CtrlAltDestroy


    someone told me to put this in multiplayer sorry I am a bit new to this web site.
  2. CtrlAltDestroy


    Could someone explain to me how you host a server in zdaemon?
  3. CtrlAltDestroy

    Recording demos with Zdoom

    Thank you. I've never used this method, I've always used Doom95. But yea, I've got my batch files all lined up now. :-) Now, does zDoom have any special features for Demos? Such as restarting the demo each time you die, or do you have to keep restarting the program just like the retail versions? I've noticed that, when I record a demo and I die and try again, it's all shown in the demo. If there's no option to restart the demo in-game, is there any way to seperate your lives from a single demo?
  4. CtrlAltDestroy

    Recording demos with Zdoom

    I've looked everywhere, and I cannot find an option for this. Could someone please explain to me how to record demos?
  5. I appreciate all the comments, especially those that weren't blatent flames. The thing with the blatent flames is, they're not specific enough. The "textures all over the place" was completely intentional. The original storyline was that you're trapped in a nightmare and you see various memories all over the place. But I did try to give each room its' own seperate theme. But what are these texture misalignments you speak of? I thought I got them all out. What do you want me to do, align the floor and the ceiling?? Or are you talking about the way the bricks in the wall get cut off by the ceiling? If so, that happens all the time in real life so you can't whine about that. "I wasn't too keen on the whole "run around like an idiot until you find the random hidden line you have to walk across in order to open the next trap... or randomly teleport player somewhere else". I think I only did that once. "Try harder next time. " I certainly will.
  6. You mean you can't beat it?! 2 of my friends beat the whole thing, and I never told them anything!
  7. Ah, that's the first puzzle. You have to figure out how to start the level. Try shooting something.
  8. you mean you can't download it? I don't even have a homepage. I just uploaded the file. Well, I tried to open a freewebs account, but I got a Too Many Clients error. I don't really understand much of this hosting stuff, I just want a place to put the file. (EDIT) Oh, I see what you mean. I must create an index. I'll do that right away.
  9. This is my first semi-huge wad. I got the idea for it one day when me and a friend were talking about traps, how none of them we've seen were really that scary, and how most of them are just a bunch of doors that open with monsters behind them. So I made this wad. It's full of (I hope) truly unique traps which don't rely on the SHEER NUMBER of monsters, but are based on the Terrain of the level. The name "Candles on the Ceiling" comes from a glitch that happens at the very beginning of the level. It kind of surprised me, so I left it in there :-> I spent at least 30 hours on this thing, so please try it out and comment. Also tell me if you find any bugs. Good luck, and remember "if a trap looks too cheesy, it probably isn't!" http://www.geocities.com/ctrlaltdestroyx/FILEBANK.html (EDIT) Now the file is available.
  10. CtrlAltDestroy

    What the heck is a Save Buffer Overrun?

    I guess I'll make two versions of the map: One that's savable on the retail Doom engines, and a 'full version' that's complete with all the dead bodies and extra monsters. I'll pack them together in the same wad. As of now, the full version has about 700 sectors and about 1300 things. I think I'm going to stop there actually. I'm just running out of creativity. And my game crashes even if you try to save it at the very beginning. Thanks for all the information!
  11. CtrlAltDestroy


    I'm in need of a utility that can extract MUS entries from a wad into MID files, and back again. I tried MUS2MID a long time ago, but the mid files are unplayable unless they're first opened with a MIDI editing program. Anything easier?
  12. CtrlAltDestroy

    Favourite Map Music?

    Doom II: Map 7 (D_SHAWN I think it is), Map 20 (D_MESSAG), Map 30 (D_OPENIN) Doom I: e1m3, e1m6, e1m9, e2m1, e2m8, and e3m8 Additional Question: What's your least favorite Doom music? Anything that just grinds your nerves every time you hear it? e1m8 from Doom I is my least favorite
  13. CtrlAltDestroy

    What the heck is a Save Buffer Overrun?

    Thanks a lot. I'll just go crazy with the Things then. Although I cannot save, I'm the only one in the world who doesn't need to, and I trust anyone else who plays my wad to use some other port that doesn't have this error.
  14. CtrlAltDestroy

    Good lord, we have at least finished doom 2 right?

    I'm going to see if I can play a 0% secrets game. Many useful items are found in secret areas, but what if you're an idiot and you can't find any of them? Would the game cease to be possible?
  15. CtrlAltDestroy

    What the heck is a Save Buffer Overrun?

    I'm working on a level, it's pretty huge. I'm using Doom95 for testing it. I'm sure I haven't hit any limits. But one time I tried to save after adding a few rooms, and it gave me "I_Error says: Savegame Buffer Overrun" My guess is that this has to do with Things. I know that the Doom engine can handle a freaking lot of things, but I didn't know that there was a limit for how many can be saved. Will I have to go delete some of the unnecessary monsters and dead bodies? Or does this not happen in Zdoom and other ports? I have exactly 900 things in my level, so what's the limit anyway?