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About Cilian

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  1. Map32 UV-Max in 2:10 rc2532m210.zip
  2. Map11 UV-Max in 1:58 rc2511m158.zip
  3. Cilian

    Favorite Doom Pyramids?

    I like the pyramid in speed of doom's map32. It's climbable, and you do climb it for combat purposes and progression, it's part of the gameplay. If you rely on it to hide from the chaos below you'll definitely remember it as integral to the map
  4. It's ok Map10 UV-Max in 1:38 rc2510m138.zip (Gave me a reason to re-do the run with more effort put in. You can beat this if you just want to, I'd be curious to see how easily)
  5. Cilian

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia map01 UV-Max + Reality in 2:30 pl01reality230.zip
  6. that must have been a lot more fun than uv maxing
  7. map10 UV-Max in 1:55 roc2510m155.zip
  8. Nice practice to break my habit of posting things that 99% of the time nobody needs
  9. Kinda want to tablefill this wad more but I couldn't remember which maps I enjoy more. While idcleving through the maps to refresh my memory I got to map08 and went "oh yeah that map was neat, let's see what I can do". It is pretty fun Map08 UV-Max in 5:02 roc2508m502.zip
  10. I don't know how to do zeropresses yet so I can't test but, in advance, oh no
  11. Map02 NM100S in 1:00 roc2502s100.zip
  12. First tablefill? Map01 NM100S in 1:53 roc2501s153.zip
  13. I speedran map32 when the wad was still in RC state, but it desyncs now sadly. The time I had was 2:17 if anyone wants to beat it now (I don't, the map has a big issue with enemies just wandering away from you and hiding)
  14. Ultimate doom E1M2 UV-Max in 1:41 e1m2m141.zip
  15. Cilian

    Scythe 2 Demos [-complevel 2]

    Map25 NoMo in 1:12 s225o112.zip