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Status Updates posted by Synami

  1. TITLEPIC.png.ee53da9836bcb6ef7ef9f82d71e39fec.png



    November, probably

  2. Hey everyone!


    If there are any of my works uploaded to the new official DOOM port, please know they are not uploaded by me and will not be uploaded by me in the future, due to concerns of impersonation and general quality control. Thank you for understanding!

  3. Hi everyone! Three things:

    1. I've updated my about me! Made it much more concise and added a couple extra links.

    2. I may make an easier, short mapset sometime soon - think something à la Charcoal by MFG38 in terms of combat and brevity.

    3. CTD will be on idgames soon! :^)

  4. Hey, quick update!

    Lineal Distancing is really close to being in a release candidate state. Currently, I'm waiting for a MIDI for one of the maps, since the original one designated is too large for vanilla DOOM to handle. Hopefully it'll be out in either a few hours or, at most, a couple days.


    Also, I'm aware I haven't been as active as I used to. I apologise for practically going AWOL, but college work is starting to become a non-issue in terms of taking up my time, so I'll be a lot more free for the next two months or so! =)

  5. BIRTHDAY ME!!! BIRTHDAY NOW!!! I'm 17 now!!!

    Planning to release a wad in celebration like, a couple of hours from now. Be prepared!! c:

  6. Hi! Two small updates.

    - SYSP should be on /idgames pretty soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

    - I'm planning on being more active in regards to mapping, but I'll probably stick with solo projects as there aren't many community projects which I find interesting. Hell, I might do my own sometime, as I have a somewhat interesting idea regarding line density. You might see that if I'm bored enough, so probably soon. c:

  7. Four days in, current pace is 7/33 maps completed. I feel really good about this, it's honestly helped with my confidence in DOOM mapping as a whole (and hell, streaming too)! Still need to figure out how to archive streams properly, but asides from that it's honest to god smooth sailing.


    Sneak peek of MAP07 also attached, made in around 70 minutes.


  8. Happy to announce I'm participating in NaNoWADMo this year! Here's a sneak peek, planning on releasing a full vanilla megawad :)


  9. I might need a small-scale vanilla project to occupy me for a little bit. Haven't broken the 3 maps barrier for any public project at the moment, but I don't want to exactly rush myself either. I'll probably have a soft limit for lines in mind to not burn myself out, not sure.


    I guess we'll see where I go with this! Date is when it's done. :')

  10. You know what? I haven't been active here in a while. I'll try and get into the swing of mapping again, hope it works out without me getting into another period of being completely unmotivated - even if that's harder than it sounds.
