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About Karnasis

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    Not built for these streets.

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  1. Karnasis

    Protocol: Disposable

    Oh... Well, isn't this embarrassing, huh. My bad, chief. Great! Fantastic! Love your work! I wish my first interaction with you, wasn't accusing you to being an imposter that steals credit, but other than that, it's nice to see you here. 👍
  2. Karnasis

    Protocol: Disposable

    TLDR: I thought OP was stealing credit. Turns out to be the actual mod author under a different username.
  3. Karnasis

    Good Sprite Editor for Windows

    If you can't pay for Aseprite, there is a great open-source alternative called Libresprite, which is very close to Aseprite, to a point that any documentation of Aseprite will help you out with Libre.
  4. Karnasis

    System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition (Nightdive)

    It is highly possible this was announced a long time ago and I did not see it, only to find this page after bumbling around GOG. But still, I am excited for it.
  5. I found this on Nightdive's page on GOG. https://www.gog.com/en/game/system_shock_2_enhanced_edition SYSTEM SHOCK HYPE.
  6. You have no idea how sad I was when I planned this to be the title, only to find out that there's already a megawad called that.
  7. "Stuck between a box and hard place... ... yeah that how that saying goes." Behold! You find yourself in a maze of storage boxes, filled with hellbeasts and vermin. How did you get here? Why is there so many crates and boxes everywhere? Nobody knows and nobody cares! The only thing that matters is carnage and bloodshed! Get your UAC mandated chainsaw, and your trusty boom-stick, because... ...It's time for a storage depletion! This is a project I've been wanting to make for a while now, and now that I have recently been given some free-time over the month, I might as well start drawing some linedefs. I don't have an exact deadline, or an idea for how many levels I am going to make, but this is just something I want to work on from time to time for fun, so don't expect anything to big or amazing. Also, this is the first time posting about a project in Doomworld, so wish me luck... or at least wish me focus... ...yeah actually focus sounds much better, wish me focus please. This project was inspired by: UAC Storage Surplus. Format: MBF21 Testing Sourceport: Nugget Doom, DSDA-Doom Textures: OTEX MIDI: ??? Download: Currently unavailable. please excuse any bad grammar, I am making this post in the middle of midnight dead tired, thaaaank you.
  8. Karnasis

    How would you describe your mapping philosophy?

    Focus on making it look good, worry about the gameplay flow for the next 5 hours straight, delete half of the map and try again. That cycle repeats itself until I say: "Fuck it, I am done."
  9. Karnasis

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    Yeah, that's completely fine.
  10. Karnasis

    Wisdom Tooth

    I think I had it removed a long time ago. And I think you should follow Kinsie advice here.
  11. Karnasis

    Wisdom Tooth

    I guess this does count as "Everything Else" so fine. I hope everything ends well with your wisdom tooth or something 👍
  12. Karnasis

    Wisdom Tooth

    Well, I mean, yeah. But isn't it better to ask this in a more fitting forum instead? It's says "Everything Else", but it's still expect to be in the same medium as Doom, like talking about video-games and music or something.
  13. Karnasis

    Wisdom Tooth

    When you have a problem, isn't it common sense to ask your elders?
  14. Karnasis

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    A QoL cosmetic suggestion: An option that adds a map name print to the screen whenever you start a level. Similar to this image (sorry for the bad quality):
  15. I guess I could had learned this immediately by just reading the wiki. Still, thanks for answering my question. : )