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Dr Dust

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About Dr Dust

  • Rank
    Worst DOOM player ever

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  1. https://g.co/doodle/zwu7vpy click on google logo to play BTW tell me if its good or crap lol
  2. Dr Dust

    Crispy Doom Fluidsynth question

    redundant reply
  3. OS: Windows 10 Source Port: Crispy Doom Why does putting down music volume while using fluidsynth put down SFX volume? I tried using OPL and that fixed it but I am just asking why music volume = master volume
  4. Dr Dust

    Can you load vanilla* saves into PRBoom+?

    Took a while to find it.
  5. Dr Dust

    Can you load vanilla* saves into PRBoom+?

    that is helpful information danke
  6. I have a save on Vanilla DOOM and it worked perfectly on Crispy DOOM but I can't seem to load saves into PRBoom+. Can't find any internet help either. Also, I saved on some random place and the save didn't have its own file, are saves internal on PRBoom+?