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About mmjp08

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    Green Marine

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  1. mmjp08

    NoSp2 Demos [-complevel 9]

    A pack of maps 1 through 32 uv max. Thank you for the set, NoReason. nosp2maxes.zip
  2. mmjp08

    Jaded [MBF21] (idgames)

    the order they spawn in is determined. It'll be slightly ccw from the last one
  3. mmjp08

    Jaded [MBF21] (idgames)

    Demos and yt playlist include map01 max, map02 max, map03 max and map03 NM100s. jaded.zip.zip
  4. mmjp08

    Jaded [MBF21] (idgames)

    staying close to the revs is pretty consistent
  5. mmjp08

    Jaded [MBF21] (idgames)

    I could see that making the secret fights way harder to balance and could invalidate demos
  6. mmjp08

    Jaded [MBF21] (idgames)

    Finished a run with saves and loads. Interesting to have no* BFG in a level this large. The FW inspiration is most obvious in the secret fights I think. *I still have a couple secrets left to find but doubt there's a bfg
  7. Played the first 4 maps uvmax so far with no bugs. some unique dehacked and puzzles. though the shootable switch secret in map04's large pyramid room might not work or I'm just dumb idk.
  8. Maybe I'm being intellectually outpaced, but can I get a hint for this secret? Based on what I can tell in the editor, none of the switches effects actually differ beyond the 3 triplets but nothing seems to happen when I press them edit: -- got it. no clue how that works in editor but...I figured it out
  9. ok figured it out. It's just that revs have sparks instead of blood sprites. my bad
  10. I was referencing this area(particularly when shooting towards the right from this position), but this occurs fairly often in other maps as well. I'm on dsda 0.25 CL 9
  11. there are a few sections in map 1 and 2 where hitscan "snags" on the air, especially near the well looking thing
  12. Loved the map: plays so differently uv-speed vs uv-max. Mysterious atmosphere for the secrets and some creative fights, particularly the imps at the start and the last two encounters(the pain elemental and cliffside escape)
  13. mmjp08

    Flotsam demos [complevel 9]

    weird map fl04m1201.zip
  14. mmjp08

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    with commentary https://youtu.be/Jq2H8x6vjRk Without commentary(the video dump on dsda) sobosm1438.zip
  15. mmjp08

    Abandon [final]

    I thought the first one was intended: if you don't deal with him when you're downstairs, he becomes problematic later on. Since there is backtracking right before the final fight(where the caged viles are there is a switch that opens up after the pinky horde), you can circle back and finish off those enemies in the starting areas