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About MikeyScoots

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  1. Aight here's the scoop. My parents are paying the $ amount of money for a good cable connection every month. I can understand if a couple of days or so that there are too many connections causing people some lag issues. But when this goes on for 2 weeks in a row now and your getting a bad ping in not only Doom3 servers, but also ALL other fps games you know something is up. So I took one of those bandwith tests to find out how bad the connection really is and the result is that if I were to go download a 1.3 mb file it would take me 1 minute and half with a download rate of 13.1 kb's per second. What the fuck can I do cause I'm getting as quote on CS servers "PWNED U N00B" and about ready to break something out of frustration here.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sharessa


      Bloodskull said:

      if I were to go download a 1.3 mb file it would take me 1 minute and half with a download rate of 13.1 kb's per second.

      Pfft, that's what I usualy download at and I have a cable modem. Of course, that's not my fault, its the other end. On a nice, open server I can get 40-50 kb, and I've seen it go up to 90 once or twice.

    3. Use


      Goto the construction yard, pay for your own high speed connection and then see if you still want to bitch. bitch.

    4. DoomDan


      DooMBoy said:

      Boo fucking hoo, I can only dream about having cable right now. Be grateful, you could be stuck with dial up.

