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About Ogilvy

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  1. I'm intrigued to see how this comes out! Nice idea, peeps
  2. Hi Doom Brains Trust, I'm new to mapping and have ideas for some nostalgic maps - they'll (hopefully) look similar to the originals. Can anyone suggest some texture packs that have a similar style, feel, and look to the textures in doom 1 and 2, but with more to choose from? In other words, I'm after more texture options than stock, but still feeling / looking like stock. Thanks!
  3. Ogilvy

    Gimme inspiration for a doom2 1 level wad!

    I've thought about making something that represents the complete demonic chaos of the abyss. Things like twisted, unfinished buildings, messed up combinations of architecture, lava rivers, tough creatures guarding their hoarded goods (like soul spheres), fighting pits, zombies and imps crammed into small spaces. Might be hard to make it fun and relatively easy to navigate, but I like the concept.