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About TwinBeast

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    Makes a strong impression on her toes, puuh

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  1. Kinda annoyed, have motivation to work on game stuff, but still 3 (or 5) school assignments need to do (one of them is really long and kinda boring too), preferably before next monday (not going to happen). Work practice starts then, but really only need to have them done before the final week of the work practice.


    Just might not be able to start the work practice on next monday, because need to show my criminal record for the teacher to see if there's anything (serious) in it, or if it's an empty record. Just ordered it yesterday (thought I needed to know the exact place I go to, but didn't, it was more vague), and also heard some people telling they've been waiting for their records for a month. Info on the website said it should only take about a week. Uhhuh.


    Maybe need to reorganize my timetable, so that I'd have at least one day in the week for game development. Now just haven't dared to do any, what if I'd lose focus on the school stuff, and it's been going so well now. But don't want to get so annoyed, that I'd quit it to work on games and eventually lose motivation and get even less (than nothing) done.
