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About ChaseC7527

  • Rank
    Dog Rider

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4654 profile views
  1. ChaseC7527

    The meaning of you're account name..

    its my name
  2. ChaseC7527

    how would you rate your mental health?

    wet and wild
  3. ChaseC7527

    What are you listening to?

    god damnit he's done it again. i gotta say al is probably the most likeable person on earth unhateable.
  4. ChaseC7527

    What are you listening to?

    Quintessential Zappa. The creme de la creme.
  5. my take; who gives a shit
  6. ChaseC7527

    What are you listening to?

  7. image.png.b0648c09aba4d19df8e2220787cd2f1f.pngwehn the

    the um



    your um



  8. ChaseC7527

    Post a picture of yourself!

    are you not the guy from fight club?
  9. ChaseC7527

    Post a picture of yourself!

    honestly bro-bro the only down thing about your appearance is a lack of smile :), and eye contact with your phone camera, it makes pictures 10x better. You don't look bad at all dawg, you only look as bad as you feel you do. it's all in attitude. One thing if you are looking to improve is that hairstyle does not suit your face shape, maybe try something a bit on the shorter side.
  10. ChaseC7527

    Random Image Thread

    I can't be the only one who thought of this:
  11. ChaseC7527

    Share Your Sprites!

    i miss this design :(