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About Spectacles

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  1. Spectacles

    What's your general play style in Doom?

    It's been a while since I've played Doom, but I generally tend to take things a bit on the slower side. Usually surveying rooms before jumping straight into battle, and checking out any suspicious areas that could lead to secrets. And when I do fight I tend to circle strafe a whole lot, usually not noticing my surroundings until I'm deep into a pit. That aside, I tend yto just play pretty casually, no first try 100% completions or the sorts.
  2. Spectacles

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    A trans girl looking for the last Silver Star in Super Mario Galaxy.
  3. Spectacles

    Golden Souls progress breaking.

    So, I was playing The Golden Souls remastered for the first time a few days ago, and my game bugged out in the worst possible way. I found the first level's secret exit on the first try, and wasn't able to beat the secret stage's Cyberdemon after dying and losing my shotgun. So I leave the secret level through the entrance painting, and since taking the secret exit meant I didn't collect the Golden Soul or any of the coins; I went through the level a second time to do just that. So when I do that, I go back to the secret level from the overworld, and die while losing my shotgun again. So I leave the secret level, however, when I went back the level 1 door seals were sealed again! I had lost the Golden Soul I got from level 1! And I hadn't been saving during this entire thing, so now I'm gonna have to play it a third time. Moral of this story, make sure to regularly save your game in case something like that happens. Has anyone encountered an issue like this when playing the WAD? I'm pretty sure I set up everything I needed to with GZDoom, and I have no idea what could've caused this sequence blunder. Other than that the WAD has been pretty fun so far! Would definitely recommend for any big Super Mario fans.
  4. Spectacles

    What WAD are you playing now?

    Yesterday I just finished YourOpinionsAreWRONG's The Thing You Can't Defeat, on a VC stream to a bunch of friends who only had a vague idea that I changed something about Knee Deep In The Dead. Their reactions were very entertaining, and the overall ambience of the WAD actually got my skin to crawl a few times. After that, I started playing The Golden Souls Remastered as well, I ended up finding that secret level 1 exit during my first playthrough, but lost my shotgun before fighting the Cyberdemon in the secret stage. So since it didn't save my golden coins for some reason, I had to redo the entirety of level 1, and then go back to the secret to try to fight the Cyberdemon again. I died, lost the shotgun, and when I came out my Golden Soul from the first level was gone. ...So yeah bit of a rough start there, I called it a night. I'm unsure if I set up something wrong with GZDoom or just encountered some bug. I will return to try again sometime soon though, I had a lot of fun with what I've played so far.
  5. Oh wow, first post here!

    I should probably say something profound to start off my incredible Doomworld journey... but I got nothin' at all...


    1. Drywtler


      Nice drawing

    2. Spectacles


      Thank you! I used to doodle a lot of stuff in MS Paint.

