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About st3wp1d

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    New Member
  1. st3wp1d


    IMHO So the answer is that none of you who have replied has the foggiest idea of whether or not a joystick can be installed but you would rather bust his chops for wanting to use a joystick. Now the question was "is a joystick supported in DOOM3 or did Carmick (who is on record as saying via Q3 that joysticks made the game too easy) still being repressive where new technology is concerned? If you don't have an answer that's productive like "yes" you can install a joystick by doing this and adding it to DirectInput then I would suggest that rather than showing your naïveté and spouting off, you let someone who has a real answer and might be able to help him out do so- Hijacking a thread is a FNG thing.