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About DankMetal

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  1. DankMetal

    Drake O’Brien Ovational Megawad

    I'll like to try something for this!
  2. DankMetal

    Has ID made E1M5 impossible?

    > Asks something in a forum > Gets answer > Leaves 7 minutes after joining, more or less satisfied. Honestly that's the most based thing op could've made ngl.
  3. DankMetal

    Has ID made E1M5 impossible?

    This thred is so funni It makes me go "hee"
  4. I've been waiting for a project like this for quite some time, i hope this project gets somewhere unlike the previous attempts! I want to take map 13, please.
  5. Here's map 24, Spiritual Torture, a combination of E3M4: House of Pain from Doom 1 and MAP28: The Spirit World from Doom 2. It's a bit longer than my previous map, and more harder too. Spiritual Torture link screenshots: I also updated Map 14, with difficulty settings and the missing door (lmao how did i missed that) McGee Wannabe 2 link
  6. I mean, you can still make it outside of the project, there's nothing stopping you >:3
  7. Lol, i forgot to share this. Cyberdemon's on the prey Also, and i swear this is the last one, can i take Hiding The Secrets?
  8. Hell yeah! Sign me up too (if it ever comes out) Looking at the maps again and comparong them to doom 2, i think it was a bit of an hyperbole, sorry about that. Oh, that's actually a good point. Although i was saying it more as a joke.
  9. I'm on map 13 right now, and i've had a lot of fun so far! My only gripe with it is that sometimes it's just too good to be credited as "inspired by Sandy". One thing i should say is that epispde 1 gets really good from map 7 and onwards (ironically, this is the point where Sandy's maps take over the episode in doom 2). Here are some comments on the maps i played, i haven't finished map 13 so that one can wait: Overall, this has been such a fun mapset, i know i'm repeating myself, but really, i've been having such a good time. It's even inspiring me to do something similar, who knows if i end up doing it. I'll keep posting once i finish episode 2.
  10. Hell yeah! I've been looking for something like this for a long time. I'll check it out, but i can already tell this is gonna be a cool experience. He has a Twitter account and you can also contact him via Gmail, which you can find in his YouTube channel, he actually answers his fans frequently.
  11. I'm thinking on doing another one, can i take Demons on The Prey?
  12. Here's Map 26, it should work on GzDoom now thanks to some boom actions and conveyor belts. Outside of that, i fixed some other errors like monsters not teleporting after taking the yellow key, and other minor fixes. I also added a custom midi, "Submit The Flesh", made by me (originally made for another map, but it kinda fits this one). Download link Edit: i noticed that i didn't fix a softlock in the first room, where there's a hidden switch that lowers the platform where the SSG is. I don't think i'm gonna fox it tho, it's a very minor detail and it's very easy to avoid (just... don't press the switch if the platform hasn't been raised)
  13. Here's Sign of Evl: Malicious Petition
  14. I would like to claim "Sign of Evil"
  15. DankMetal

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Some screenshots of my Second Mix map (A mix of Doom E3M4 and Doom 2 Map 28)