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About amtmjm1

  • Rank
    New Member
  1. amtmjm1

    i have fixed the stuttering issue

    Thank god this shit is fixed now and I can enjoy doom3 and you guys will be able to. Here is what you need to do double click my computer then right click on the harddrive click properties and then click policies and uncheck enable write to caching on the disk and hit apply and reboot computer. this was the problem let me know if this fixes it and once again you are welcome I can tell you from my experience everything works fine and has been enough said time to play doom L8TER -KRONIK
  2. amtmjm1


    I have a pentium 1.6ghz 1 gb of ram windows xp geforce fx 5200 and a sound blaster live card. Every time a load up the game during the id screen the sound works fine but when I click on new game and it goes to the loading screen when it get off the loading screen and you start to hear the lady voice everything repeats I pressed esc to get to the game and anytime I talk to somebody all it does is constantly repeat. What I have done so far is upgraded to directX 9.0C I've also installed the newest geforce drivers and I was trying to install the new sound blaster live drivers now it will go through the installiation and after that I will have to reboot my computer after it comes up no sound what so ever I've tried to install the patch after I installed the drivers no go. I have to uninstall the drivers and go back to the windows wdm drivers that are automatically put in there because it is windows xp and those drivers are native to xp. I just tried the game on medium and low setting still the same problem I'm lost right now I can't think of anything else to try and why I'm experiencing this problem if anybody has any suggestion please post them thank you
  3. amtmjm1

    serious sound issue please help

    I have a pentium 1.6ghz 1 gb of ram windows xp geforce fx 5200 and a sound blaster live card. Every time a load up the game during the id screen the sound works fine but when I click on new game and it goes to the loading screen when it get off the loading screen and you start to hear the lady voice everything repeats I pressed esc to get to the game and anytime I talk to somebody all it does is constantly repeat. What I have done so far is upgraded to directX 9.0C I've also installed the newest geforce drivers and I was trying to install the new sound blaster live drivers now it will go through the installiation and after that I will have to reboot my computer after it comes up no sound what so ever I've tried to install the patch after I installed the drivers no go. I have to uninstall the drivers and go back to the windows wdm drivers that are automatically put in there because it is windows xp and those drivers are native to xp. I just tried the game on medium and low setting still the same problem I'm lost right now I can't think of anything else to try and why I'm experiencing this problem if anybody has any suggestion please post them thank you The main problem what is happening is the sound constaly repeats it sound like a broken record ps I've done the hard accelration and dropped it down no go I've uninstalled and reinstalled 3 different driver revisions from soundblaster I've install 4 different nvidia drivers no go I've already check the game sorround sound is not enable PLEASE HELP THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE THAT ARE HAVING THE SAME ISSUE IF ANYBODY HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS LET ME KNOW THANX