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About Craneo

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  1. Craneo

    My Archvile

    may as well say I made a model for this monster that @katherinecode recently rigged, I'd animate it myself but tbh I uh blej xd quick edit: here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s1ywvZBL6EUp2BitrPryJDVzP4hdP4NF/view?usp=sharing
  2. Craneo

    is there sfw Hdoom

    H-Doom but they are clothed and there is no sex (still no blood either, just a funky animey nonviolent shooter thingy), that would be pretty cool tbh.
  3. judging by the bi-monthly release schelude they kinda have rn it could easily be a Christmas one schmexual christmas???
  4. Title kinda says it all, I'd love to have some of the instruments of the Just T4 Fixed soundfont but other instruments seem to sound poorly atleast on my end, so it would be nice to be able to mix it with some of the instruments from Shadow 1.0 I think... I REALLY like some of the guitars, the drums and the vocal chorus from JustT4Fixed but other instruments sound odd like that drumish bump(?) (du du dudu du du dudu du BUMP) in Running from Evil sounding like a clap?? with this soundfont best example I can give to compare is the HR2 soundtrack, namely MAP12 and MAP15 (I know SOME soundfonts are prone to butchering MAP12's music but this was just too much, meanwhile MAP15 sounds like pure bliss, almost cover-like imho...)
  5. Craneo

    Share Your Sprites!

    pentagram-shaped evil eye
  6. Craneo

    Share Your Sprites!

    that would fit well into a Duke Nukem 3D TC I think, perhaps some kind of special, archvile-tier alien, idk lol
  7. Craneo

    What happened to the old E1M1 and MAP29 theme?

    current E1M1 feels too cheery for me tbh... it sounds happy and imho would probably fit more on a platformer or even a Freechex type FPS.
  8. Craneo

    [MegaWAD] Fore/vr/ Alone

    Next time invite me smh (actually I don't really have a waifu I think)
  9. OBLIGE isn't even AI why was it mentioned, proc-gen is more akin to Minecraft's world generation, and also I've contributed handmade prefabs to the Oblige Addon (now Obsidian) so I can tell you there is actual human imput in the mapping
  10. Craneo

    Project MSX: PowerWalk Edition

    960x540 (lowest 16:9)
  11. Craneo

    Project MSX: PowerWalk Edition

    got hit by an enemy and got this error (not counting the weird duped 4s floating around) it also happens when you pick up a sphere powerup
  12. Craneo

    The Monster Mash: Mod Ready Monsters

    that's a nice skeleton, kinda wish it had more DoomRaven-like dimensions and proportions (as well as resolution) tho (bigger head, thicker limbs too maybe) something like this (nevermind the colors, kinda was thinking of the Castlevania skeleton lol)
  13. Craneo

    Cramunhão, a Sigil Tribute

    playing the first map so far, one problem I've noticed is the music doesn't really seem to loop properly, it fades out then starts again