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About cypher9275

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  1. Hey @Death Bear, is your discord only available to your mappers/team? or is it like a community thing? if so, i would like to know where i can join. ive been a pretty huge fan of your maps for a while now!
  2. cypher9275

    Project Uber (1.7)

    hey man, it wont let me progress to the next level. it says to press "E", but it wont work. is it bugged or am i just missing something?
  3. cypher9275

    Looking for techbase WADs

    um, i dont think ive played it, but ive heard it was good. perhaps ill have to check it out! thank you
  4. cypher9275

    Looking for techbase WADs

    I've been scanning the internet for about 10 minutes, and have yet to see any good techbase WADs. The one amazing one I found was called Gravitron. One of the best WADs I've ever played. Does anyone have any WADs like it?