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About ArchLiver

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    It's ArchLiver!!111

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  1. Ultra Death Cancelled...

    Now I bet nobody gave a shit about it, but I want to make it known. Ultra Death was an insanely big idea of mine, It was in the works since Monster Mania. within July - August I polished up the maps extremely, they were still in the works these were "Beta Maps". I realized that people really don't care about some amateur mapper making a map set. People always had problem with my maps, I knew I would get better and Ultra Death was my attempt of making something big. Overtime I realized I got insanely burnt out of mapping, it happens. I have way more problems to deal with then waste my time ruining my love for DOOM by just mapping all day.  Wasn't helping that I was throwing out teasers here and there just being annoying and clogging peoples notifications. Half of them didn't even make sense.

    Overtime the Beta Maps and Sprites will be uploaded to Doomworld as a Goodbye to Doomworld. Rip and Tear until it is done. Goodbye, for now :)

    1. Misty


      How do you know that people don't care about your levels? I'm pretty sure some still want see what you cooked, even if you think that these levels aren't that good. Amateurs, new blood is what keeps community alive and thriving. Don't be discouraged for lack of attention, people rarely look at status update streams. Just keep going if you feel like it and take some breaks. Mapping isn't job, it's supposed to be fun activity you do at your free time. 

    2. ArchLiver


      The main reason is that i was burnt out, i've always been one to like a small crowd, its just probably ~300 hours of mapping does something where you don't enjoy it, the thrill of finding something new to do has ran empty, so when i meant goodbye for now, i meant i'm taking a really long break from doom.

    3. Misty


      That is fine. Take care of yourself o/

  2. 6 Months of Ideas, and 6 months to go, this has been one of my greatest ideas, ever...

  3. ????????????/????

  4. ArchLiver

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    So far I love this port! I just came back to DOOM after a burnout and this is a treat! The online Multiplayer makes things way easier, and combining everything together with a new episode is insane and useful! I love it!
  5. Your in for a ride.

  6. Coming soon.

  7. 01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01110000 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01100010 01101001 01101110 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01100101 01010010 01010100 01000011 01010111 01100100 01101000 01101101

  8. Taking a long break from DoomWorld.

  9. 4 of 9 completed of a project....

  10. ArchLiver

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Right now I'm working on a Thy Flesh Consumed themed WAD, 4 out of 9 Maps done.
  11. ArchLiver

    Alright WAD [WIP]

    don't be harsh on yourself dude, we all start our mapping journey somewhere, its better then my first WAD that's for sure, keep mapping dude.
  12. ArchLiver

    How Does Doomguy Do This?

    Never realized that he took them off, like I noticed it but dude, I've never realized how weird it is, my guess is that Doomguy takes off his gloves really quickly obviously, but I don't know to be honest, probably just a mistake they made while making DOOM and didn't notice.
  13. Well, I did get a little carried away on MyHouse, silly me!
